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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Yeah, Inferno was a good one. My mum just got through two episodes and she liked all the names Sally was calling Patrick (donkey and tripod) and cracked up when he walks past and says he hasn't got the best balance
  2. Oh that sounds cool, but it's a bit more grown up. The toys you could build were always fun. I'm sure if I have any old ones lying around somewhere. Damn, I was expecting they'd at least show the end result! Haha, a lego house would be awesome! Yeah, I would probably rather just have SS and Dead Cuts like we did, but being the first to experience that would have been pretty cool. The pro-shot should be sweet!
  3. Oh dear, poor gal Oh sweet. I thought I'd just stay in there instead of having to try get back in, my friend just wanted to stay put as well. I was thinking about that too, whether or not they'd do BDO again in the usual pattern since they have already reached headline status. Maybe we'll get two full gig tours instead? That is one good shopping spree I'm just being a greedy. I have all my other posters but I haven't even put them back up on the walls yet Speaking of garlic, has anyone else noticed that the garlic this season hasn't got much flavour to, the fresh and jar stuff? Even the garlic bread we had at a restraunt the other night didn't have much to it Oh dear. What toy did you get?
  4. Argh, one post not big enough. Haha, that bass is very quirky Yay pops! And the piano That is pretty good thanks! If the quality is better than on youtube, you (as well as everyone else who has good vids ) should upload them on a site like muselive.com or musebootlegs if they are really big. Yesterday I ended up going to a video/rental rental store that is closing down in Glen Eden. They were so cheap! We ended up getting quite a few tv series. Got the four series of Coupling ($35), season 1 Trochwood ($15), old Doctor Who for 5 bucks each and my parents got other old series like Get Smart, Are You Being Served and The Jetsons
  5. Just after 3. Yourself? You're lucky you're tall and stick out above everyone else! That was me Haha, those are awesome! Watched the C4 interview too and yay finally some confirmation Matt needs his banana's Ooh! I have been wanting the OoS poster for ages! I think there may be a fight over this one Cheers fo that! I hope that without the vocals on Redemption it will help me with the piano part Woah It is awesome to be able to hear all the different parts!
  6. Yeah that's a pain. Oh well, hopefully the two extra classes have been or will provide future use. My day has been alright thanks. Just the usual Tuesday of visiting my gran and grocery shopping then had a couple ice cream orders to make Yourself?
  7. I don't think the moshpits are quite as bad at their own gigs. A lot more people get pulled out at BDO, which is one of the reasons I moved because I couldn't see while people were being lifted out A few guys fell over while I was moving back, luckily I kept my balance but that may be where I got the bruises on my ankle. I think I can just see the back of my head, pointed out by an arrow too In the photo below I was behind the blonde chick who looks like she is in pain That's a bummer about them not telling you. Do you think you could have fit that in your schedule to complete if you had known anyway? Aww
  8. That's awesome you got to meet them! Glad they put on a good show, but it ticks me off again that they clashed with Kasabian. Ah well, nevermind. Kasabian were awesome too +1! I went about 8 and 1/2 hours til I went to the toilet at Deshlers And I was drinking. Wasn't really worth it in the end (apart from seeing Muse up close for a few minutes), but meh, had to try to get to the barrier.
  9. Thanks for letting us know, just caught the end - Matt wanting to be a hemp farmer, that's a new one But why did they have to put it on now? They should have a programme like usual with all the interviews and BDO coverage
  10. Glad it wasn't just me then He was wandering around quite a bit while Lilly was being set up too. Nice vids! I agree Haha, yeah the first thing I really looked at when they came out was his clothes But woah. How could they replace NB with FG?
  11. I woke up early on Saturday too and I couldn't even get back to sleep. So ended up on here and singing to music all day Chris was awesome on the harmonica And I agree with the others, The Mars Volta just kept on going and all sounded so similar and as you seid, blended together. I had listened to some on myspace but didn't really recognise anything. And yes, I got that setlist It was just given to me as walking through the D Me too! My arms were geting so tired I had to alternate them I need to start lifting weights again.
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