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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Haha, it would have been great if Matt flew it. But I don't think it had anything to do with them. I saw on the news about how this guy who flew it at the Olympics or something was here to do it for BDO. Good vid, but yeah I felt that too. At least their answers were good.
  2. Awww I had fun with our little alien friend. And hmm, maybe I left at a good time to avoid all the dodgy people Here's the one decent picture I got and setlist if ya didn't see it in the BDO thread. My recording of Man with a Harmonica came out alright. Don't know if it's really worth putting up my seperate video bits of KoC, not much to see apart from lights.
  3. I would have liked to see more of them rather than just the last song, but The Checks were pretty good. Favourite second to Muse was Kasabian. Sound was better than last time I saw them and they played The Doberman in full with a trumpet man! Think I was the only one singing to it in my area, but oh well. Thanks for that! Can't wait for the video Nick (Kinopus) recorded, although he only got about half the gig as his battery ran out Nice to see you too! Glad we got a decent photo of at least some of us Moa's
  4. Ouch Hope your knee is feeling better today! Yeah you don't really want to wear clean white shoes. My chucks got pretty dirty after my first BDO and I'll be wearing them again since they have nearly had it with plenty of air holes So just wear something old and comfy.
  5. Damn that's a bit early Imagine trying to get there in rush hour morning traffic. Oh yeah, the queue for buying tickets was long at Real Groovy yesterday. Everyone seemed to be coming away with BDO tickets. Luckily my friend got one when she arrived there It should be close to selling out now.
  6. Hello! That gig sounds like it will be pretty awesome, but I think I'll have to rest instead as I don't want to be tired on Friday It really was something to look at in awe, wasn't it? :eek::D:D: Damn, this is going to be good! And I agree with Richard, it will be so much more exciting with not knowing which rarities we will get Hopefully we'll get at least 2! Bahahahaha He doesn't look happy there like the others forced him to do it. Or maybe it's in prep for BDO if he remembers when he was interviewed by Clark in the frog costume
  7. I like that gif of him in the beautiful men thread where you then captioned Plus I watched the Catherine Tate xmas special bit with David on youtube. "Risitto, risoto, risotto!!" Oh dear Well done Same here! I went to the museum today and when coming back from it I saw at least two cars on the bridge, so I don't think your the only one
  8. New Born http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCmfaFuFnXw Don't see why he couldn't have played piano there We will need to see if this pattern continues in Japan, otherwise some signage at BDO may be needed so he gets the message. Oh and I see someone has asked him on Facebook Wonder if he'll flick through all those comments and see that.
  9. Yeah, the four knocks being Wilf all that time The Master was great and again I was torn between laughing my ass off at him or having a face I ended up watching the episode on Prime last night and was wondering why they started playing from that epidode. Then at the end I realised they are probably going to play all the old epsiodes from then to cover all the Harold Saxon business (starting from where his people are getting Martha's mum to get them back to Earth/find them) so everyone remembers what happened when they get to these latest episodes. So it's going to be a while til they are on tv
  10. Yeah that's the one they have been putting tour dates on I think. Give us a link to your facebook page or send some of us your mobile number through private message and we'll be able to let you know of our meet up plans if we don't get it all arranged on here Yeah, hopefully there is a logo land in a mall near you, but surely there is somewhere in town that does it. Apart from the places I have been with you and Kat, I still haven't been to many other places in town. So I'll leave it up to you and whoever else is going to find a place. Who thinks we'll end up getting a similar set list to Korea? Disappoiting there is no Showbiz there (apart from Nishe) and no overture. But who knows, maybe they'll be in the mood to change it up Now I shall go get dinner and finish making my strawberry square, which I found the recipe in a book at the warehouse while waiting for the t-shirt to be printed
  11. Thanks. That's cool you have a resistance logo one. I'll probably buy one like that at BDO as I'm assuming the tourdates will be put on one of those. Unless they have other cool ones.
  12. Here's the front moa logo http://www.sendspace.com/file/e34w90 Here's the back http://www.sendspace.com/file/qsew12 If you want to spend another 35 bucks (on top of 35 just for the words) to get the moa one or the place you go to is cheaper, then here is the one with the moa http://www.sendspace.com/file/entah4 I hope these links work This will be our pre-big night out huh?
  13. I got my t-shirt printed today!!!!! I couldn't get the moa picture on it though as they have to draw it, can't just use my picture. But it still looks pretty awesome Finally found the blue t-shirt in Farmers, otherwise I would have settled for green or red from Shantons. Logoland sell plain t-shirts too. So yeah, I hope some of you guys can also get one done too. I guess I will need to upload the logo's so you can show them what to print, but I don't think they actually use the ones I made. Plus I finally caved and bought this. Haha, classic! We just call them potato fritters, but then that can get confused with the battered ones from takeaway shops. Yeah, poor Wilf though. And I'm not sure where my tears started welling up, but I'm guessing it would have been around that picture I'm free tomorrow.
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