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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Yeah, but just looking at the map, I've been put in a postgrad building some distance away from the ecology/conservation building, bleh. The friend starting BA will at least be in Auckland like me as she is the one who use to go down to Palmy too. The other was working at a lab on the same campus at Albany I'll be at, but she was lucky to get into her postgrad course as they don't take many.
  2. Thanks! She said that another student had been working on hihi and it was quite difficult, he had to even abseil up the trees! But, there may be some work to follow up on pateke which another student is just finishing and she will e-mail the head of the kokako recovery group to see if they have any research questions to look at. And she has got me a desk to work at, so I should probably start going to uni on Monday. A couple of my friends start uni next week, but they have both transferred from Massey to Auckland Uni, one doing postgrad and the other starting a BA after finishing BSc.
  3. Ugh, what a stressful week. No reply from my supervisor til yesterday and my rabbit had surgery. In short, he had an abcess full of thick pus in his front paw and the best chance of surviving was to get surgery which has risks itself for a small and old animal. But the surgery went well and he seems fine at the moment so hopefully the antibiotics clears it all up! Agreed and beyond! Getting paid while traveling the world and seeing some of the most rarest and spectacular sites would be just Yes! Yay! You'll be fine! My license came in the mail yesterday and I see they have cut down the time til the expiry date. I only have four years til I need to get my full That sounds familar from zoology. Invertebrates have quite a few interesting names for things. It was freaky til the laughing at the end I've seen them in the supermarket for at least the last few weeks. They had chocolate ones too!
  4. It would be, I love it on LBI and it has better cell coverage The only downside is if the weather sucks, can get stuck there. I am enjoying the decrease in humidity. The wind is quite strong at times, but better than the humidity I guess. Wow, that's a lot of phones. I just read today about these new watch phones called sWaP (smart watch and phone). They would be quite handy for people loosing them all the time. But you woud need delicate fingers to be able to text on such small screens Yeah, quite a few animals have come over here from Aus. Kokako are indeed lovely. I see telecom have downloadable native bird text tones, they had kokako, bellbird, kiwi, morepork, etc. But I couldn't preview them! So I don't want to pay and it ends up sounding crap I'm relaxing with a mocha frap I better go check out some of the action soon.
  5. I'm looking at doing more research on hihi (stichbird) as their recovery plan had a lot of suggestions where research is needed and what has been done seems to focus on just the mating behaviour and the reintroduced populations. Whereas it would be good to research on the one natural population which is on Little Barrier Island But we'll see what she says, I also suggested work on kokako or pateke (brown teal).
  6. It's boo-book according to dictionary.com. So I am pleased as that was what I was going with Neither did I But! Wiki says there may be evidence that they could be different since the Australian ones are slightly bigger, but there was no reference for that I'd love to work with them, they are so cute, soft and feisty (Although many of our birds are like that ) I've finally sent some more project ideas to my supervisor and so time for bed. Night night moas!
  7. They usually ask for my parents, so I just hand it to them or they call back if they ain't home Good to hear, you can do it! I've just found out there is another name for moreporks, never heard it in my life but here it is: boobooks
  8. Thanks. Hope you get your aerial sorted soon! Haha, I think you'll be better looking at other sites, even ebay. I saw it at Whitcoulls for about 50 bucks once. She is doing alright now thanks. She is better every day so they are just watching her for a bit longer before sending her home. The wipe-outs were quite painful looking at times. Aww, that's sweet!
  9. Alright thanks. Just had a few things to do this morning then visit my grandma at Waitakere hospital. My week has pretty much been the same all week (apart from the test) so I hope to do something different within the next few days. How about you? Ouch Hopefully they don't come back so bad! I've been watching Olympics this afternoon too. He was awesome indeed!
  10. Thanks for the congrats everyone! It wasn't too booked up when I booked it. I just chose to wait a couple weeks for more practice. Aww, poor stick insect I wouldn't mind seeing Percy Jackson & the Lightening Thief one day, the reviews aren't too bad but mention a few plot falls. +1! I was lucky when I went the first time since being home to get the 3rd book I was up to, but the 4th was still out when I finished and they didn't have any other books I could think of or I couldn't find it So fortunately my friend lent me The Time Travellers Wife for something read. It looked like there was going to be a storm this moring, but no. Just a few drizzles and that's it.
  11. I passed my restricted test! Yay! I was really starting to worry I was going to fail, but when I parked he just gave me the clip board, said "sign here" and to call this number if I don't receive my licence in the mail Plasticine party! Huh, seems like a good way of making money to pay it off as well.
  12. +1! It looked awesome in the end. I kind of feel like making some of those myself right now 5 weeks and a lot of help from hte public. I've just listened to the previews so far and popcorn is cool. It's annoying popcorn is only on the vinyl, hopefully I'll find a good rip of it. Will listen to the full Prague later.
  13. Yeah, Precious is really sad so it is something you only really want to watch once. Whereas I could see The Wolfman again as it strangely went really quick compared to precious and they were almost the same length. Maybe it was because we were getting hungry Oh well, hopefully they'll give us all the answers properly so we don't have to watch all the old episodes again to get it And yeah, I had already seen The End of Time, but recorded the one on tv for my parents to watch and I watched the end again Cat about to go crazy!
  14. That's a bit steep. That is pretty good use of a dead microwave. I had a movie day yesterday. Went to see Precious and The Wolfman, they were good viewing. Then I watched Wall-E when I got home and I loved it, so so cute
  15. Aww:happy: I'm not sick of summer yet, only feels like it really started a while ago. Not really. I've had it for years and years, probably resulted from an eyelid infection when I was a kid. When it gets big, it can be a little annoying but that is when it sort of deflates by itself...
  16. +1 The adverts say we will get all the answers and what not in this last season, but how are they going to explain... I watched Flash Forward too, the next couple episodes will probably determine whether I keep watching it. Woah! Good to know he makes an effort to look tidy.
  17. Huh, I'll look out for that, but as Chris says it probably won't be much more than Starlight. Aww, that's awesome But hopefully they can get away quickly from the more harmful creatures. No thank you
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