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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. :LOL: You need to come and be my irl cheerleader.
  2. Just being modest :awesome:

  3. I should warn you I can only offer passable/average in bed, I fear I'm out of my depth.

  4. I don't know if I've ever actually been to one. Tempting.

  5. :chuckle:

    Hello m'dear.

  6. :awesome: Out of le bleu but I'll take it. Thanks bub :happy:
  7. :LOL: :LOL: Jesus.


    What would wend say!

  8. :happy: Helium is one cryogenically cool dude.
  9. nickelseries.jpg


    Nickel is so ossum.


    Thanks for making me laugh Edzz <3

  10. Thankyou for my caaaard, it's so cute and on my windowsill :happy: And yay 2012 :kiss:

  11. Har har, you replied on your own wall. Facepalm yourself.

  12. Teegs, I had the strangest urge to tell you how awesome you are <3 :kiss: That is all.

  13. Villain :phu: I'm just focussing on keeping my horse from being wolf food.

  14. :LOL: Some guy. You sound on top of things.
  15. I need to sell my stolen stuff and I think you need to join the thieves guild for their merchant? Or work your way up the speech perks. I'm in Riften at the moment. Where do the Dark Brotherhood live?

  16. Hahah, sounds like a sweet future.

  17. guy beef. sigh!


    *squeeeeezes back* :happy:

  18. I needz a hug :(

    How are you this morning?

  19. Your page :LOL: wierdoz.



  20. K I'm just gonna spam you with pics now :awesome:



    Forth bridge:








    dalgety bay, so much blue.




    awesome guy I rescued from a geocache:




    Gravestone that people use as a bench, griim.




    Cool cache container:




    Aaaand train home:





    Totally spoiling you with breezyness.

  21. :D I enjoyed poking it.
  22. It's not that disgusting :p


    I was taking a pic of this cool green lake:




    ... then I was like, what's that weird pink blob doing ruining my photo?




    :'( wtf is that. Of course I had to drag it out of the lake out of curiosity:




    It looks like someones insides! My iphone ruined the mystery somewhat and said it was bacteria with a "slime coating" ... but still :LOL: I was disturbed.

  23. Have you finally finished your loser late shift stint?

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