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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. I'm sorry, I'm being pretty rubbiiiish and flaky with everything this week :supersad: I just saw you got a job interview, that's awesome :D Excited? :D I've moved on to Assassins Creed II, argh so fun! Craaaazy storyline.


    Oliver oliverrrrrrrrrr, I'm so excited! Roger is almost definitely going to this German tournament :awesome: I want to take a banner saying "Murray sucks" and get a picture of Fed and me with it, it'll be beautiful.


    That does look like a pretty forest :happy: Though you should save your calves the pain and trouble of running and just get implants, they look hot I swear:


  2. Meep

    Did you get those DVDs?

  3. Heeeey, how's oliver (and your overworked calves :chuckle:)? I luurve being home, it's so comfy :awesome: Internet is a mess here, not sure what the problem is...I keep having to go to my friend's house to watch any french open :LOL: I want to see these pretty/creepy house pictures you took :happy:


    I love the hunting challenges in RDR :awesome: I knifed some cougars and felt pretty badass. Rank 8 is to melee a bear, ffs. I nearly did it but then another 3 came along and yeah, it was messy.

  4. I'm home now, we can start with red dead :awesome: I think you're going to win though.. you willingly listen to frigging aqua and so clearly have epic resilience, not fair :phu:


    How did you get on with running, enjoy it? Looks like it'll be pretty gloomy this week, good running weather :awesome: It also clears up the peak district a bit, most people don't flock to the moors if it's like the tiniest bit drizzly :LOL:


    Jaa I have bsg to start from the beginning, looking forward to it :happy: FRINGE! Ahhh I'd totally forgotten, this too :D

  5. Shut your face with aqua! I'm not being represented by some crappy 90s pop band :phu: Indigo plz.


    :chuckle: S'okay you have your 60p frisbee catching prowess, clearly just as cool as racing.


    Err those were your words not mine :p Maybe you shouldn't go actually, I think you would end up watching far too much US TV... Mmm America is tricky, it's a good job europe is endlessly interesting to me instead :happy: Yorke is too busy worrying about climate change to care. He should be writing a new RH album anyway :phu:


    Hmmmm. Oh, BSG! :D I was thinking of catching up with Spooks too, I always liked it but stopped after Matthew Macfadyen left (I was a wee bit bitter at losing the guy I fancied, yes).

  6. Spreadsheet :LOL: This is intense. Fighting games do suck! I had dead or alive 2 for ps2 and my sister used to own me every time, it was humiliating. Like, I couldn't get one move in, how is that fun..for me? :phu:


    Aww, and from an F1 fan too :supersad:


    Ah yeah, I would only go to fests where I know and like the line-up first. I've followed radiohead around a bit, basically :LOL: You should live in america at some point y'know :p I'm not going to any this year as I'm subbing Thom Yorke for Federer...


    If you say sooo, he has preeeetty scary eyes :unsure: I didn't watch it, it's a western right? Not my fave genre. What's the gist of the show?

  7. Well if you're not up to it :phu: I am very rubbish at frisbee, my secret shame :supersad: Make me feel better, what are you lame at? :chuckle:


    Aww, camping nostalgia :happy: You should totally scam a tent one day and go somewhere pretty. Are you not a festival goer?


    Ahh I guess they got lazy with rambo :chuckle: I didn't watch that one either tbh. Die Hard 4 I saw, which I was surprised to really like.!

  8. Competition is my weakness, I know :supersad: Swingball championship really sounds like something that should exist...! I haven't seen one in aaaages, dibs on yours.


    :chuckle: You must have all looked preeeeetty silly with a 60p frisbee flying everywhere, must say. They are impossible to throw even with a good one :phu:


    The really recent one? Is Sly still cool? I was never into rocky! I reaaally don't listen to music in the car, no :LOL: That would be bad.

  9. Yeah same! Once I had a date for leaving I sort of lost interest in Edinburgh.


    I was soooo good at swingball :D Not as good as my sister though, we used to get competitive :LOL: Frisbee is pretty hard actually :chuckle:


    :LOL: Eye of the tiger? I never run with music as I'm a bit clumsy and tend to lose concentration when placing my feet, lawl. You can never be lost with iphone, until you lose internet signal..

  10. He certainly did :happy: Better than Murray's FIVE. I go wednesday afternoon, I'm just packing very slooow.


    Ahh sounds chilled :happy: We were playing on the park with velcro bat and balls the other day, so fun :chuckle: I can see you getting excited about this running lark :D The woods will be nice, much nicer on the feet than roads in heat.

  11. Pretty much all I've done today :chuckle: Fed was hot this morning<3 Today was ok but packing is sooo dull :sleepy:


    How about yooou?

  12. Aww it's going to be so sad seeing any locke scenes now, he was so right :supersad:

  13. I'm so happy :happy:

  14. no I have downloads already though, pretty cool.

  15. :chuckle: I got a bit bored of road running, hills are.. interesting! You should try some flat peak district trails after you've got started with normal terrain definitely :D


    Yeah justin.tv usually brings the goods <3 Hopefully the ads won't be tooo awful today..

  16. Ahh she is cool though , I loved watching wainwright's walks. I try, I don't quite think I have the glam hair on the hill thing down yet though. I had to be pretty lazy this year with uni taking up so much time ... I'm signed up for OMM again so I'll be doing lots of hill running over summer!


    Maybe I will tweet, I do love reading brooker/iannucci/andy roddick..


    Oh fiiine, you know I couldn't be mean to locke. I'll be staying away from you all morning then if I can't find a stream :p

  17. Aw, oddball oliver. I'm not even on twitter, am I some sort of online social leper now? :LOL: You tweeet I suppose?


    No idea what breed! I'm a cat person :p My nan had two small dogs who were nice enough .. it's just that I keep getting harassed by huge dogs while walking, it's getting pretty frustrating! Clearly smelling my fear :chuckle:


    :LOL: Ouch, that sucks. I never saw much denmark scenery when I went, we were just copenhagen tourists. I used to run to the beach, have a quick swim then warm back up running back. I wish I was that fit again, pfft.


    Oh right if you like it that's ok then?! :p I'mma shooting your best horse, soz.


    see you at 5am :awesome:

  18. Oh sooo artsy :phu: Maybe I should send an equally revealing photo when I get back from town, no red or orange hair these days I'm afraid :chuckle: It's cool not to have facebook these days actuuuually.


    Oh man I got charged at by this massive dog yesterday, it was so scary. Useless woman owner was all "ooh he's soo gentle usually" ... like yeah thanks, he's the size of a frigging tank and just bolted straight for me but it's ok as he's never done it before. I will never understand :LOL: I don't think dogs like me much.


    Noo the sea was nice! I used to go swimming in the sea most mornings, that was frigging cold :LOL: I do feel a bit sad when I have to go back to sheffield, like, the most inland place in the uk. Wales, so pretty:happy: My sister's halls are actually on the sea front in aberystwyth, I'm so jealous.


    You better NOT be lassoing me to train tracks...

  19. How could you make more fun of locke's misery :p I hope desmond is amaaazing tonight <3


    I really don't think you should wear face paint :LOL: I actually did have orange hair once but it was more of a cheap rep hair dye mistake... :chuckle: Anyway I've totally posted my face on the board before, you need to read more girlie thread. And be less anonymous.


    :chuckle: Not dead so far. The sun is helping... look how blue and pretty the forth iiis:




    I went swimming in there the other day, it was pretty busy even in scotland haha.


    How far have you got in the game, is there lots to do?

  20. :chuckle: Srs? Would this ruin this ace image I have now of leeloo and doakes chatting away? :D


    Aha! I didn't have you down as a sympathy milker :LOL:


    :D Wait is going to kill me.

  21. Am I to imagine that you look like Doakes or what?

    4eva :awesome:


    No I will just be taking as much ibuprofen as possible today :LOL: and a very sexy foot support.

  22. He probably saw me trip over my own ankle about 5 mins previous :LOL: I was going to go for another big walk today but my foot is stiiinging, could really do with RDR right now :chuckle:


    You did :D And it infected me with lolz too.

  23. 10 of 16 :facepalm: Part of the route was in a forest, and gps+forest=massive fail. I was slightly chuffed at the retro train we had to catch back though.. no-one wanted to get on it at first, thinking it couldn't be real :chuckle:




    Ahaha!Video reminds me of ladder goat :LOL:!


    I liked driver 2, but I didn't have the internet back then and I could never find the special cars without walkthroughs..

  24. Sleeping makes tomorrow come faster :D


    I got attacked by cows AND ridic huge wasps today. Nature is so cruel. Also, I walked 12 miles or so then twisted my ankle in the train station on the way home :LOL:


    Did you have Driver for ps1? My sister used to bug the hell out of me driving round the city "legally", not getting into any cop chases :LOL:

  25. You're safe then... until you get tainted by rdr's clearly violent influence :chuckle: I might just steal your horse :ninja:


    Yeah I have the app! It's really good as you can pre-download all the maps/cache info before you go, so you can cache offline if coverage is awful.


    Cool, are you applying soon then? I do think the careers people are useful for covering letters/cv stuff :D

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