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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. Clearly wrestling is a bad influence :p Bodyslamming tables pfft.


    I'm going to start bar fights a lot. I hope it has some good corny dialogue..


    I've just been planning a huge geocache haul for tomorrow, should be epic :awesome: Did you get any further with your cv/letter? Maybe the careers service at uni could check it too?

  2. Decent enough, we'll seee! I used to be so bad at coming home post exam and trying to predict my grade and count up marks and generally stress about it :chuckle:


    Ahaha Liam Neeson still sounds reeeally irish! :LOL:


    :nerd: I'll go home on Tuesday probs. I have to stay here a bit and help repaint/clean up/de-mice our flat if we want a deposit back :rolleyes: It sounds like there's soo much gameplay :D Seems weird that western games are so rare for ps3, considering this game has sooo much hype!


    Ahh that's great! :happy: Covering letters are the worst, feel like I have to cringe and get it over with when writing them...

  3. Oh! And I haven't seen K-19! Why did it make you laugh?! :LOL:

  4. Hellooo :happy: Finished my exam at midday and was drinking with fellow chemists until midnight, <3 post-examness!


    I ordered RDR :D This is a big part of why I'm excited to go home, how sad :chuckle:


    How are yooo? I see you're jobhunting already :awesome:

  5. Sorreh oliver, I have my final exam tomorrow so I was trying to be not distracted by films and interesting things :p I shouldn't even be on here :LOL: I'll be back tomorrow then we have all summer to talk about samcam's arse.

  6. So fussy :chuckle:


    Don't go in the election thread, I don't think you'll like jon's post..


    I haven't watched the prequels, even! heh, weird bit of crossover, I just read that Hayden Christensen (Anakin) was the boy on the bike that Sam Neill gets directions from in ITMOM :LOL: Have you seen Patriot Games? Pretty good Harrison Ford/Sean Bean action film, though it was ages ago when I saw it.


    It's soo good <3 The imdb forums get pretty intense when arguing over the cloning, endless discussions about what makes someone human, and morality etc :LOL: I just liked the nice filming..

  7. Picked up a cinnamon bun with lunch today and thought of your disdain :chuckle:


    I totally made you think about Brosnan nude :awesome:


    I haven't heard the voiceover, I know! Got to dl that sometime. Do you like the star wars films? Ford is the only reason I watched them tbh :LOL:


    I like the ending of The Prestige <3 I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it.

  8. Aww :LOL: Feeling the disappointment there. I never did the same with james bond, srs gamer :phu:


    Wow! I just have the directors cut. I love the deckard vs roy final scene soo much <3

  9. Definitely a game that caters to its target audience :shifty:


    I want to watch Blade Runner now.

  10. :LOL:! That is ridiculous. Did you get to replay cutscenes if you finished the game? :p
  11. Not heard of fear effect! Was it a fave of yours?


    Argh didn't you just hate it when you got stuck on some stupid part, like the hog levels :LOL: I had MediEvil 2 and ended up just selling it straight back because I couldn't get past this one bit in the first fucking level :$


    Immense! :D

  12. :chuckle: Smashy happy. I like your style.


    Oddworld? :D The first one was ace iirc, hard at the time though :LOL: I played all the spyro games, until I got every last gem... wasted youth. Crash bandicoot 3 <3 I like collecty games. This is why I loved LBP sooo much! The new one apparently focuses on you creating levels, which really sucks imo :LOL:


    I guess you're going to be abusing red dead for a while :D

  13. Uncharted 2! People talk about it like it's the second coming. Have a feeling I'll really enjoy R&C too, I miss all the platformers I used to be obsessed with on ps1.

  14. :happy: I know, it's a 45 min episode.. people expect too much. I saw someone comparing it to whether you need to know how a flux capacitor works, to love bttf :LOL:


    Remember when locke got pulled underground in s1 and said how he saw "a beautiful light" :D

  15. It's an answers episode .... depends on whether you're satisfied with the "answers" :chuckle:

  16. I knew he would die too but that made the whole thing even more upsetting, with the list writing :supersad: The only thing worse would be hurley going, could they ever write that? :LOL:


    :awesome: I accept. Ha, posse..this game will be awesome.

  17. :chuckle: Lost montages are the best. I still don't think they'll top charlie's death <3 Hmm my summer so far seems to involve a lot of ps3 and rewatching lost, need some sun!


    The World Tour Finals? (WTFs :awesome:) Yeah, they're in london for the next few years! It clashed with uni though, otherwise it'd be ridiculously amazing to go to.

  18. Just went for a run.. didn't realise it was sooo cold. My hands feel like stone :LOL:


    I heard that vincent is coming back at some point! Maybe it'll be in the alt universe, hopefully nowehere near bernard..


    Yup, tennis. I should have gone to queens really, it's on at the same time in london and has 8 top 10 players, BUT no Fed, so.. [/fangirl]

  19. I didn't realise red dead redemption was out so sooon, that could be a good post-exam purchase :shifty: Aha, well I don't think I'll be going to muse gigs for a while, they really suck right now.. I'd like to go to this belfast meet but germany might clean me out of summer holiday funds. I want real life lost discussion :supersad: My chem lab partners both like to mock it - I couldn't explain the hatch and button thing without it sounding ridic :LOL:


    Good luck tomorrow :happy:

  20. Mainly booooredom probably, everyone is "too busy revising" to go out anywhere :sleepy:. Ah good! I should be more board sociable, I've only been to muse gig meet ups.

  21. Ehh I feel slightly run down, think I just need to eat more fruit :LOL: Did you enjoy the meet, apart from hooters? :chuckle:

  22. Good luck <3

    It sucks but yeah, tryyy not to feel too harsh about it. You worked hard..you deserve to do well.

  23. Aaah, I'm sad for you *huuug* :( You're presenting tomorrow, right? I hope it goes great, you can pick up marks there..

  24. What's up??

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