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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. I found this in a geocache today:




    Danish propaganda :phu:

  2. Meep

    I had none, and no link to facebook on the board ... then I get a message from Muttley via FB asking me why I'd changed my name :LOL: I mean, wut.

  3. Meep

    :LOL: Perhaps. I had to make my FB more private though, musers are weird.
  4. I've decided it means "continue"..

  5. What does nix mean?

  6. 6785.jpg


    why did I laaarf.

  7. Falling asleep at midnight, oh yeeeah :chuckle:

  8. oh yeaaah, science nerd. science and simpsons, I am reliable. what is your pub quiz expertise?? Arsenal? :p


    :LOL: I'm on 2 bottles of red right now, you should be impressed at me typing this. We should send stupid texts, I'm pro at that.

  9. you don't fool me :happy: I'm drinking half price tesco wine, is that classier? really, I have no idea.

  10. I know you are lovely :happy:


    I am drinking some terrrrible red wine, I regret it very much.

  11. hahah, secratary. dreamy idea.


    Oliver, u so mean to us non-lingual UK folk :phu: I so need to take a nice long trip of scandinavia again :happy:


    omg, it's taking me so long to type :LOL:

  12. I know! what the hell am I going to do all summer? My exams will probably be finished mid-April omg.


    Ahhh good...there's no feeling like wasting an entire weekend :p I'm so jealous of your language skills. i'm sure you can blag swedish.

  13. I do have massive sunglasses, I am embarrassed. poserrr. well I love spring, uni should be banned at this time of year... I am always slightly drunk on fridays, it is a great day. do you work at the weekend?


    I reeeeally keep meaning to watch let the right one in.... ahh how similar are swedish and danish?

  14. ahhh, good :happy: I like nice people.


    oh man, I never do any work in the day at the moment. I get so distracted by the lurvely sun. And now total recall is on, so Friday is basically a write off :LOL: I have one more year, ,doing a project I basically chose at random... should be interesting haha.


    please excuse my sloppy writing...... :chuckle:

  15. sounds like you're having a thrilling time Oliver :LOL:


    I have started to hate everything about studying.... other than that, it's sunny so I can't complain :happy:

  16. Meep

    Max why is the rh thread full of morons suddenly :'( "omg TKOL" is soo challenging" " Thom, writer of no.1 record In Rainbows, can't write pop anymore". Can we have our own thread please?

  17. I have not thought this through.

  18. :LOL: I was rather drunk last night and inviting folks on twitter to come to paris in july. You should drive us though, I stand by my ramblings.
  19. Wonderful :awesome:

    Pah you're never on here anyway!

  20. Jaa, I did make one recently. Swapping tennis forums for nice people on twitter. http://twitter.com/lwelt

  21. Twas OK, watched a few fireworks. You? :happy: I think 2011 will be pretty sweet though, saving for summer...

  22. Taking advantage on the messageboard? :LOL: Ehh I'm quite capable of staying sentient, don't worry ;)


    Anyway, xmas is good times. Good excuse to be lazy. Hows about yourself?

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