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Everything posted by matthijs

  1. I have a lunchbox exactly like that at home. It's a good lunchbox! Also... prepare for some high res goodness from my side soon
  2. I have a Bartolini MMX in one of my basses, it sounds great. Also, perhaps you might want to check out Lindy Fralin too?
  3. I would prefer SDs over EMGs. But perhaps you should check out some more bass brands Bentley, EMG is not the 'holy grail of tone'.
  4. Nja, ligt niet aan jou (okey, ik hou niet van hyves) maar ik zie om de een of andere reden jouw comments pas een halve dag ofzo nadat ze gepost zijn En ja, gezien, want die is van 'mapoftheglorious' hier op't forum
  5. Donate? No. Perhaps I could sell you a neat pedal if I ever decide to buy the Animato. Tech 21 bass vt is awesome on guitar! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHuH6CPn0-A
  6. best irritant... zag in mijn CP dat hier ene robbertmollers heeft gepost maar ik zie niets... that awkward moment....
  7. There aren't a lot of good recordings of animato's out there, especially not with a blended signal. Would you be able to make one for us?
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