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Everything posted by matthijs

  1. I like them! If you could record a song to audio I'd be glad to play bass to it, to make a joined cover with some people.
  2. No bassist should be with a low income I have been GASing after a Rick for a long time, but I really can't afford it. I'm going to stick with what I have now as I'm bandless. Focussing on photography as a creative hobby seems to work for now
  3. Could try that out at some point, but if anything I'd say a 6 is a better buy then if it's for exploring purposes.
  4. Yup, had a 5-string, but ended up using the B as a thumb rest... it's not for me I guess. The Sandberg does have a hipshot d-tuner but that's about it.
  5. I'm using pre-amp a bit more lately, and I'm actually starting to like it. The Roadstar II doesn't have an active one though, but that one has plenty of low end.
  6. I got it set up recently and it plays great. A bit heavy compared to my others perhaps (but my other basses are set up really low, so it's still no problem). Put some .50s on it for more b33f.
  7. He has a jazz pu in the bridge though The Sandberg is a relic'ed model, I think about 4 years old now. The Ibanez has proper roadwear since '83 but I've had it for about 4 years now. I love the wear and tear on it, also because it means I don't have to be overly careful with it.
  8. I think your bass would sound better if you play closer to the bridge, you have a quite hard attack when playing; you'd hear less of that when playing in between your pickups rather than in between the pickup and the neck
  9. I sometimes have the feeling it lacks power (perhaps I'm spoiled), but it's great for precision funk!
  10. Not sure you would, I also play quite hard but I just checked and I found it hard to make it hit the pickup when playing between neck and bridge.
  11. No issues with that bridge pu though, volume balance is perfect. It's a Lakland indeed
  12. It works great, so much better than my point and shoot! Depth of field is 1000 times better, and there's so much way to optimize your settings before taking a picture (such as custom white balance which is really needed in my room) that I hardly needed to do any post processing. Love it!
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