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Everything posted by Cerpin

  1. Hi there. Some new stuff is up. Not Architect though, but still kinda fun. It's my side-project that consists of me and a two hour write/produce rule. Not the best sounding of recordings but it is listenable. The project is called 'goat' and the first song is 'Skeletons' http://www.myspace.com/goatisking
  2. We're done with our album as well, writing wise. Going to be epic stuff. Vulture's Song and Sisyphean Gaze will be on it, but they will sound a bit different, and not cheesy. I'm so excited, and proud.
  3. Bodymap ftl. Jeg har vært der en gang, og da lo jeg høyt. Det er forskjellige "Rock Shops" rundt omkring, jeg vet det er en i Drammen ihvertfal. Verdens navle, right?
  4. Hmm, jeg fikk min av en venninne da hun var i i London. Men kan du ikke sjekke under "store" på websiten her? muse.mu
  5. Map of your head. Jeg er full. Helvete. Send meg noen SMS.
  6. I care. So, we changed our name to Architect, since we always got mixed up with the screamo band of the same name. We also have a myspace now! Architect@MySpace
  7. Hørte konserten gikk bra. Synd jeg ikke fikk vært der.
  8. Jeg er norsk. Men jeg har ingen mulighet til å dra på Quarten desverre, kjenner ingen i byen jeg kan bo hos.
  9. Take a bow (bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow)
  10. This stuff is great. It sounds great, the vocals are good, it's heavy when it's supposed to be heavy, the riffs are killer. Nice The only beef I have is that some of it is slightly repetetive. Still, you're the best thing on this board.
  11. This is pretty cool. The production isn't all that, but it still is very listenable. The vocals aren't my thing, but it's alright. Sounds very grungy indeed! Cool riffs, as mentioned. You're pretty tight!
  12. We recorded a little piece of fun today. It's a version of the first song we ever wrote. It's pretty crappy, but it rocks. http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=5B7D2C9C6147FC08 Everything are first takes!
  13. I don't like MySpace. I can make a PureVolume site if that makes things easier? A few people actually seem interested in us now, so it might be wise. EDIT: Viola! http://www.purevolume.com/thehillshaveeyes_ Apparently, someone else is called The Hills Have Eyes. No worries though, we can always change our name
  14. Hey, could someone post some nice feedback on my band? Production stuff preferably. It's on the page before this one.
  15. Hmm, I'll post it again. We would appreciate some feedback. http://www.uhort.no/artist/2850/sang/8400;qt=y It's sort of prog rock, without the noodling around. And some people say it's pretty heavy. It doesn't sound like Muse, though there's a Fuzz Factory in there. I guess if you like The Mars Volta, The Sound of Animals Fighting, The Fall of Troy, you'll like this. The vocals are only temporary though.
  16. We`re called Circuitry of the Wolf and we have been playing together for around a year. Check out our demo. The vocals are by another vocalist, and not from our band, so they are a little cheesy, and not properly mixed. EDIT:Never mind the rename of the file, I just stored the mp3 as with last bands name. http://s33.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2RAHNW2YENIT22ODSQMG9D6OUR
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