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Status Updates posted by kev

  1. kev

    super! i think it's starting to take off. bit worried before that no-one would use it.

  2. wow you've really gone easy on your profile now, has the excitement gone?

  3. stu told me i'm his fave admin

  4. ooh the newly weds? i'll ask i don't expect he'll be able to make it though. are you coming over for the wedding? you should do will be well funny!

  5. yeah they don't call me hostel kev not on my summer holiday! i'll try find a hotel nearby though so i can hang out with you all and then go back to my penthouse suite when the partying is done. i hope you're all friendly cos there's a good chance i could go not knowing anyone :eek:

  6. yeah i am! i dont really know how and why and the what not, but i decided on friday night at 5am to just investigate ticket prices for it and ended up booking my flights! should be fun!

  7. maybe now, but come august we'll be fuck buddies!

  8. i can believe it!

  9. it's her thread minger, you make a thread and you can use 5 tags!

  10. kev

    ok i've had a look, it means urls to pictures on this site from reading the text around it.

  11. yeah whatever just cos you can't make a simple router work don't mean you have to mock my artistic endeavours. i've grown to quite like it, all the gold in it feels fitting for me. shame the icons are bullshit!

  12. i am indeed. bonjour! long time no talk

  13. kev

    eep whats the url? i'll experiment.


    if it's any concellation dublins going to be way more fun for us without having you there, so you can be happy about that :p

  14. i'm staying at yours aren't i?


    yeah my tickets were free too! £19.98 with tax, i couldnt believe how many people were going, i'm pretty excited to meet all these new folk!

  15. well you requested my friendship so clearly you want a piece of the action.


    oh did i tell you? on a whim at 5am on friday night i booked my flights to dublin.


    p.s. the plus means we're friends/contacts/buddies/lovers

  16. kev

    gosh stu you're probably the biggest social networker here!

  17. kev

    it is a bit scary, seems to be getting a majority positive response though which is good!



    * Inline spam management & prevention

    * Thread tagging

    * Search cloud / tag cloud

    * Thread prefixes

    * Reciprocal friendships between users

    * Public visitor messaging on profile pages with 'conversation' feature

    * User picture galleries with user comment facility

    * User-created social groups with invite only and moderated membership options

    * Extended member profile pages

    * Customizable member profile pages with admin-controlled styling abilities

    * Inline editing of custom user profile fields

    * Lightbox viewer for attached images

    * Viewable and comparable history maintained for post edits

    * Extended re-authentication for inline moderation actions

    * Notices system for navigation bar

    * Multiple human-verification systems including reCAPTCHA, image verification and Q/A

    * User change history

    * Social bookmarking integration

  18. after this past 2 weekends i don't want to write any hacks for a long time :)

  19. friends forever now!

  20. woa how did you get so many pictures up so fast?

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