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They are awesome! :happy: Seems like you had a really good spot!



Thank you!

On the Friday I was standing where you were on the Sat, on Sat I was at the barrier again, but this time at the end of the aisle for the moving stage or whatever it's called. :$


What do you think how long it'll take until they announce the DVD?

I reeeeeeaaaally want that DVD now that I've watched that poor guy walking back and forth with his 360° camera all night long. :LOL:

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.....Maybe :shifty :




We all know you would.




:eek: That sounds kinda wrong to me :stunned:


No! :eek: It's because of the article that was about crazy messageboards :LOL: I guess someone decided to put that quote there then :LOL:


That's what I was going for ! :awesome:


So It pretty much sounds like we run the message boards then :yesey:


:eek: No! I've got him in 2 classes, one of which is seminar...

And he's one year younger :$


So he's not good looking then?



yeah they got rid of doris so now we are being powered by their crotches! :LOL:

how is california by the way?

it was you who has gone there isnt it ?


:LOL: Well Doris kept getting hammered everytime there was a concert.

Yes I'am. It's a bit cool here but nicer then back home :happy: Frankie is here too, I'll see her tomorrow at the gig,



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Thank you!

On the Friday I was standing where you were on the Sat, on Sat I was at the barrier again, but this time at the end of the aisle for the moving stage or whatever it's called. :$


What do you think how long it'll take until they announce the DVD?

I reeeeeeaaaally want that DVD now that I've watched that poor guy walking back and forth with his 360° camera all night long. :LOL:


So I probably could have seen you from my spot Saturday :supersad:


Well, Matt said before Christmas but not so sure about that, they just finished the tour and making a dvd takes a lot of time. Yeah, I want to see that too, though I am gonna look stupid most of time if I am on it :LOL: but since he walked past us all the time :noey: And I was crying again :eek:



That's what I was going for ! :awesome:


So It pretty much sounds like we run the message boards then :yesey:




We do! :awesome:



You need to write on your story missy :fear:




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Not that I know of anyway :LOL:

Can't think of any others than the ones that are already kept...


Oh, nice :eyebrows:


hmm maybe keep his wetsuit, i dont think thats been claimed yet :eyebrows:

he is a bass player :stunned: i really really want to talk to him but im too shy :'(


Neck, eh?














*faints* that is one beautiful neck


Hullo guys :happy :

So I went to the Muse gig on the 4th of September too and I got a video of Dom looking beyond sexy in his lycra suit :awesome: thought you might like it.

It was filmed on my mobile so sorry for the quality.




I WAS THERE! :awesome:



:LOL : Well Doris kept getting hammered everytime there was a concert.

Yes I'am. It's a bit cool here but nicer then back home :happy : Frankie is here too, I'll see her tomorrow at the gig,




that sounds great :D

have a great time :happy:



this picture is so nice :happy:

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hmm maybe keep his wetsuit, i dont think thats been claimed yet :eyebrows:

he is a bass player :stunned: i really really want to talk to him but im too shy :'(



*faints* that is one beautiful neck



I can't belive it, I think your right :eek:

If this works I'll love you forever :awesome:

Oh, I know what that's like :noey:


Moar necklovers :awesome:

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