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I think I love Bosnia. :LOL:



Who wouldn't?!:LOL:Greasy food everywhere.Literally.(Just put corruption,nationalism,ethnic cleansings and similar to the side:p)




Table tennis Chris!I might watch the making of starlight again..

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I find that odd. Everyone here likes to jog or bike :erm:


Nawww I don't really like it. I just think it's fun every now and then because it's a great time to think about your life :LOL: And + it's a great feeling to feel you physical limitis and finally overpower them :awesome:


ffs,my laptop is such a bitch today!

i got a keyring with Chris name on it at irish souvenior shop. :happy: Dom's one is missing cause i couldn't find any.

A keyring :D Would you mind taking a photo? I'd like to see it :awesome:


I used to be able to run a mile in 8 minutes when they forced us to run in school. And then it became 9 minutes, then 12, and now I can't run it at all unless I'm really hungry and am on my way to the dining hall.


:chuckle: the 53 seconds I have been faster today was because I needed to see a toilet :LOL:


:LOL::LOL: I think if the teacher told me I will get Muse tickets if I actually run I'd be the first at the finish line, no doubt about that. :p


I don't blame them.

Nooooo I'de be the first :phu:



Take a look at ma keeps they are my first one's :awesome:

Jesus Christ... they are perfect :happy:

Oh and I also changed the signature pic.

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Who wouldn't?!:LOL:Greasy food everywhere.Literally.(Just put corruption,nationalism,ethnic cleansings and similar to the side:p)

I think I might visit Bosnia sometime. :chuckle:

Nooooo I'de be the first :phu:

Even though I don't exercise when it comes to Muse I can be fast as wind. :p

Take a look at ma keeps they are my first one's :awesome:

Proper awesome. :happy:




Fuck this, the internet's too slow. I'm watching True Blood and then later I might return here. Bye,everyone. :happy:

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Even though I don't exercise when it comes to Muse I can be fast as wind. :p


Proper awesome. :happy:

Guys we'd all be fast as wind so maybe your teacher have to give away more than one Muse Ticket :LOL:


Take a cold shower?



How come I never get to see posters like that? :(


Yeahh that's a good idea... take a shower Melanie :chuckle::p



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Hello PCTers! I've been absent for the last week and a half and came back to 50+ pages. :eek: I read a few here and there, but can't possibly read them all. I'll be without internet :'( for another week or two, other than when I'm at my mom's house, like now, and I already have to leave. :( I've just missed it around here so I thought I'd say hi. :kiss:





Are they on a roller coaster or something? I love that :chuckle:


Aline!! So glad you're back! And I just had to respond to this. This was taken here in Orlando :awesome: and I believe it's at one of our giant arcades, so I think it's actually a video game. I could be wrong, most of the pics were from Universal and there isn't a ride/rollercoaster that looks like that. We have way too much recreational crap around here. :LOL:

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Hello PCTers! I've been absent for the last week and a half and came back to 50+ pages. :eek: I read a few here and there, but can't possibly read them all. I'll be without internet :'( for another week or two, other than when I'm at my mom's house, like now, and I already have to leave. :( I've just missed it around here so I thought I'd say hi. :kiss:


Aline!! So glad you're back! And I just had to respond to this. This was taken here in Orlando :awesome: and I believe it's at one of our giant arcades, so I think it's actually a video game. I could be wrong, most of the pics were from Universal and there isn't a ride/rollercoaster that looks like that. We have way too much recreational crap around here. :LOL:

Hi! :happy::kiss: Nice to see you!


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Hey, girls


Your conversation about bikes and jogging was so interesting :happy: I wish I had some spare time to practise some sports. I love sports and doing some workout, but not stuff like going to the gym, I prefer martial arts, Ballet, jogging, swimming... :shifty:


Hello PCTers! I've been absent for the last week and a half and came back to 50+ pages. :eek: I read a few here and there, but can't possibly read them all. I'll be without internet :'( for another week or two, other than when I'm at my mom's house, like now, and I already have to leave. I've just missed it around here so I thought I'd say hi. :kiss:


Aline!! So glad you're back! And I just had to respond to this. This was taken here in Orlando :awesome: and I believe it's at one of our giant arcades, so I think it's actually a video game. I could be wrong, most of the pics were from Universal and there isn't a ride/rollercoaster that looks like that. We have way too much recreational crap around here. :LOL:


Oh, hey Missy! What a shame! It's terrible when you can't use the internet often, isn't it? :kiss: Thanks for these lovely words :happy: It's great "talking" to you again ;)

Wow, a videogame :ninja: I wanna play it :D

:LOL: @ recreational crap

hope seeing you around soon :)



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