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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....

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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....


Australia = :awesome: I've been there on holiday a gazillionmillionbillion times

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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....


Congrats! That's pretty cool :happy: I wish I knew where I was going to be living in August :unsure:



Chris also approves :LOL:

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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....


whooT! :party: i hope you like it here. ;)

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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....


Congrats! Are you coming here as an exchange student? Hope you're coming to my city.

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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....


Congrats!! I hope it's in CA, I'll visit you! :D

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My dear PCT-ers, I'd just like to say that I just got an American scholarship and will be going to school/living in America from August 2011 to May 2012. Don't know the city yet, but this is such great news for me (because I'll buy Muse merch and CDs and omg jSIUGSDZASFZHGADZHG)....



Congrats! That's pretty cool :happy: I wish I knew where I was going to be living in August :unsure:



Chris also approves :LOL:

Oh yeah, I have the same problem right now. :LOL: Just this summer, really. No idea where I'll be. :LOL:



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Congrats! Are you coming here as an exchange student? Hope you're coming to my city.


Thanks all!


Yup, I'm coming as an exchange student. Preparing myself for lots of "What's a Bosnia??" My mum told me because I'm really skinny, Americans will think that Bosnians are so poor they don't even have anything to eat, so I'm sending the wrong message.



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Thanks all!


Yup, I'm coming as an exchange student. Preparing myself for lots of "What's a Bosnia??" My mum told me because I'm really skinny, Americans will think that Bosnians are so poor they don't even have anything to eat, so I'm sending the wrong message.




:LOL: I think Americans will know what Bosnia is, but would remember the war and think you're fleeing it, since that's the only time Bosnia was ever mentioned in our media.

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:LOL: I think Americans will know what Bosnia is, but would remember the war and think you're fleeing it, since that's the only time Bosnia was ever mentioned in our media.




It's my job to enlighten you...



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Oh yeah, I have the same problem right now. :LOL: Just this summer, really. No idea where I'll be. :LOL:




My problem is that I'm graduating in May and I have no clue what I'm going to do :unsure: I'm applying for an internship in Chicago and one in NYC, so fingers crossed :)






This picture is too cute! I love the way they have the same pose :LOL:

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