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Hi everyone. Been lurking for ages but only just joined up so I can share my gig experience. This thread is in need of some positivity. Sorry for the long post, I hadn't meant to write so much.


In case someone might remember me from the concert, I'm Jess. I was wearing a red shirt and red shoes. I was number 44 in the line. :D I told many people I'm a huge Biffy Clyro fan.


Ok, so it was without doubt the best day/night of my entire life. :D I got there just before 12pm and was happy to already be surrounded by awesome musers! None of my friends are really into Muse, so I went to the concert on my own and it was great to straight away be "adopted" by friendly people who were actually wanting to talk about Muse unlike most of the people in my life. :LOL: Half the fun of the gig was waiting in line. I met so many great people and the time seemed to pass quickly.


Highlights of lining up:

- The sound check. It was outdoors so we could hear it clearly.

- Talking to many awesome people.

- Sharing the excitement as the time for the gates to open drew closer, and as the line got bigger, knowing how close we were to the front. :D

-Seeing, holding, reading and signing Alice's Travelling Flag. I didn't get any photos of myself with it but there were lots of people taking photos.


Made a run for it and made it to the barrier. The best spot left was on Chris's side so that's where I ended up. Was next to a couple of cool guys. I was too short to see over anyone standing behind me, so I stuck my camera up in the air to take some photos. Looking back at them now, I can see so many people making faces at the camera. :LOL:





Biffy Clyro were great. But I'm biased as they are my second fav band after Muse.

The singalong to Video Killed The Radio Star was fun. We went nuts when we could see Matt's platform rising up through the curtain.


I'd read about how Chris's side was meant to be tamer. Well, it was really rough where I was. Everyone around me was singing every song and jumping. I was getting absolutely crushed but it was awesome. When GL started I let out a little "oh no" because of all the complaining I'd read about it and also that I realised we most probably wouldn't get Citizen Erased which was the one song I really wanted to hear. But everyone around me suddenly went just as mental as they did for every other song and were singing along and jumping. So the excitement was contagious and I couldn't help but enjoy it anyway. Although, I am one of the few that doesn't mind GL.


I was slightly disappointed to see Matt sit down at the piano straight after nishe instead of having a guitar like I was hoping for. And when Feeling Good started I thought "no Sunburn then", but it was my first Muse gig, first time hearing Feeling Good live, so I thought it was amazing anyway and there was a great crowd reaction to it.


I didn't feel that Undisclosed Desires was as much of a mood killer as everyone was saying. The people around me still screamed and sang along and it was a relief to get a short break from all the movement and being crushed. :LOL:


I had a balloon pop right over my head at the end of Plug in Baby. It was also around then that I got ripped off the barrier and ended up with just my hands on the barrier and the rest of me stuck in the second row behind the person I had been next to. :eek: Couldn't really move at all during Exo, managed to struggle free slightly so I could go nuts for Stockholm Syndrome (the riffs and guitar smashing were awesome) and was actually glad to not be pinned to the barrier for knights so I had a tiny bit of room to jump and fist pump with everyone else. The immediate rush of air to the lungs when it finished and the crowd moved back was nice.


Went off to find Kirky but just as we got the tent he ran off. Then I went to get Merch.


So, I was getting absolutely crushed, and realised later that I didn't really pay much attention to what was going on on the stage. (So really glad to see there are some great youtube clips of it all). I was surrounded by amazing musers who were all getting into and singing along so loud that I couldn't even hear Matt that clearly for half of it. :LOL: So I just joined in. Was great when Dom said we were loud. My area just got even louder after that. It's a shame to hear some people got stuck with people who were not as into it. I don't think I met a single person all day that wasn't as big a Muse fan as me, maybe because I was around all the people that got there early in the day.


I knew people who went to the concert, but not with me, who are more 'casual' fans. They went much later and were much further back in the crowd, but they had the time of their lives also.


One crap thing though, as everyone else pointed out, was the security. They were all terrible and rude. The security guy in front of us on the barrier was asking people in the crowd who Muse were because he'd never heard of them. :facepalm: You'd think if you were going to be working at the gig you'd at least take 5 mins to google the band. When I went to the Merch stand after the concert, the security were trying to close it, telling them to stop selling it to us, and telling us all the leave. I refused to leave and luckily they were ignoring the security and accepting our cash anyway. :)


I went and got a drink from the Subway across the road and was walking to the train station when I decided since I still had 10 mins until the last train, I would go check out the back of the oval and see if I could see anything interesting. The security there were so rude. They called someone to see if there were any uniformed police officers still inside so they could escort me away. But there weren't. (I wasn't inside. I was standing in the car park.) Then some dick security guy was saying "how much do you loooovvvveee Muse? Do you reallllyy looovvvee themmmm?" in a really annoying way. Haha. So I ended up standing there in the car park with a guard dog looking at me until 1am when it started raining, because I'd missed the train anyway, had nothing better to do and because it was quite interesting watching them packing things away.


But then it rained and I caught a taxi home. The taxi picked me up from outside the gates at 1.30am. I think I was probably the last non-worker to leave the gig. :LOL: Writing all this down, it makes me sound a bit nuts, haha, but I really did not like the security. :LOL:


But it was a great night. Even the security couldn't ruin it. And I got home ears ringing, freezing cold, couldn't sleep until 4.30am and had to get up at 7am so I could finish packing and move house!


I was covered in so many bruises, and I'm still hurting. Loved every minute of it. It was made even better by all the great people I talked to. And I didn't mind the setlist. Sure, I didn't get the one song I really wanted, but the rest of it was so great it didn't matter. :D


My thoughts are that the only times I was momentarily disappointed was because of something I had read on the board. If I hadn't known about the GL hate, the songs that might or might not be played etc, I would have loved it all without those moments.


Thanks to everyone I talked to on the day. You guys were great.

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It was you! :dance: I was hoping I'd meet someone from here!


Yay! I've been lurking on this board for months but left it until now to join. :facepalm: I should have joined ages ago since I was going to the gig on my own. Could have gotten to know some people before hand. :LOL:


But yeah, I was hoping some people I met on the day would be on here. :D

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Hi everyone. Been lurking for ages but only just joined up so I can share my gig experience. This thread is in need of some positivity. Sorry for the long post, I hadn't meant to write so much.


In case someone might remember me from the concert, I'm Jess. I was wearing a red shirt and red shoes. I was number 44 in the line. I told many people I'm a huge Biffy Clyro fan.


Ok, so it was without doubt the best day/night of my entire life. I got there just before 12pm and was happy to already be surrounded by awesome musers! None of my friends are really into Muse, so I went to the concert on my own and it was great to straight away be "adopted" by friendly people who were actually wanting to talk about Muse unlike most of the people in my life. :LOL: Half the fun of the gig was waiting in line. I met so many great people and the time seemed to pass quickly.


Highlights of lining up:

- The sound check. It was outdoors so we could hear it clearly.

- Talking to many awesome people.

- Sharing the excitement as the time for the gates to open drew closer, and as the line got bigger, knowing how close we were to the front. :D

-Seeing, holding, reading and signing Alice's Travelling Flag. I didn't get any photos of myself with it but there were lots of people taking photos.


Made a run for it and made it to the barrier. The best spot left was on Chris's side so that's where I ended up. Was next to a couple of cool guys. I was too short to see over anyone standing behind me, so I stuck my camera up in the air to take some photos. Looking back at them now, I can see so many people making faces at the camera. :LOL:





Biffy Clyro were great. But I'm biased as they are my second fav band after Muse.

The singalong to Video Killed The Radio Star was fun. We went nuts when we could see Matt's platform rising up through the curtain.


I'd read about how Chris's side was meant to be tamer. Well, it was really rough where I was. Everyone around me was singing every song and jumping. I was getting absolutely crushed but it was awesome. When GL started I let out a little "oh no" because of all the complaining I'd read about it and also that I realised we most probably wouldn't get Citizen Erased which was the one song I really wanted to hear. But everyone around me suddenly went just as mental as they did for every other song and were singing along and jumping. So the excitement was contagious and I couldn't help but enjoy it anyway. Although, I am one of the few that doesn't mind GL.


I was slightly disappointed to see Matt sit down at the piano straight after nishe instead of having a guitar like I was hoping for. And when Feeling Good started I thought "no Sunburn then", but it was my first Muse gig, first time hearing Feeling Good live, so I thought it was amazing anyway and there was a great crowd reaction to it.


I didn't feel that Undisclosed Desires was as much of a mood killer as everyone was saying. The people around me still screamed and sang along and it was a relief to get a short break from all the movement and being crushed. :LOL:


I had a balloon pop right over my head at the end of Plug in Baby. It was also around then that I got ripped off the barrier and ended up with just my hands on the barrier and the rest of me stuck in the second row behind the person I had been next to. :eek: Couldn't really move at all during Exo, managed to struggle free slightly so I could go nuts for Stockholm Syndrome (the riffs and guitar smashing were awesome) and was actually glad to not be pinned to the barrier for knights so I had a tiny bit of room to jump and fist pump with everyone else. The immediate rush of air to the lungs when it finished and the crowd moved back was nice.


Went off to find Kirky but just as we got the tent he ran off. Then I went to get Merch.


So, I was getting absolutely crushed, and realised later that I didn't really pay much attention to what was going on on the stage. (So really glad to see there are some great youtube clips of it all). I was surrounded by amazing musers who were all getting into and singing along so loud that I couldn't even hear Matt that clearly for half of it. :LOL: So I just joined in. Was great when Dom said we were loud. My area just got even louder after that. It's a shame to hear some people got stuck with people who were not as into it. I don't think I met a single person all day that wasn't as big a Muse fan as me, maybe because I was around all the people that got there early in the day.


I knew people who went to the concert, but not with me, who are more 'casual' fans. They went much later and were much further back in the crowd, but they had the time of their lives also.


One crap thing though, as everyone else pointed out, was the security. They were all terrible and rude. The security guy in front of us on the barrier was asking people in the crowd who Muse were because he'd never heard of them. :facepalm: You'd think if you were going to be working at the gig you'd at least take 5 mins to google the band. When I went to the Merch stand after the concert, the security were trying to close it, telling them to stop selling it to us, and telling us all the leave. I refused to leave and luckily they were ignoring the security and accepting our cash anyway. :)


I went and got a drink from the Subway across the road and was walking to the train station when I decided since I still had 10 mins until the last train, I would go check out the back of the oval and see if I could see anything interesting. The security there were so rude. They called someone to see if there were any uniformed police officers still inside so they could escort me away. But there weren't. (I wasn't inside. I was standing in the car park.) Then some dick security guy was saying "how much do you loooovvvveee Muse? Do you reallllyy looovvvee themmmm?" in a really annoying way. Haha. So I ended up standing there in the car park with a guard dog looking at me until 1am when it started raining, because I'd missed the train anyway, had nothing better to do and because it was quite interesting watching them packing things away.


But then it rained and I caught a taxi home. The taxi picked me up from outside the gates at 1.30am. I think I was probably the last non-worker to leave the gig. :LOL: Writing all this down, it makes me sound a bit nuts, haha, but I really did not like the security. :LOL:


But it was a great night. Even the security couldn't ruin it. And I got home ears ringing, freezing cold, couldn't sleep until 4.30am and had to get up at 7am so I could finish packing and move house!


I was covered in so many bruises, and I'm still hurting. Loved every minute of it. It was made even better by all the great people I talked to. And I didn't mind the setlist. Sure, I didn't get the one song I really wanted, but the rest of it was so great it didn't matter. :D


My thoughts are that the only times I was momentarily disappointed was because of something I had read on the board. If I hadn't known about the GL hate, the songs that might or might not be played etc, I would have loved it all without those moments.


Thanks to everyone I talked to on the day. You guys were great.



Great review, read every word. And I thought I was a massive Muse fan...

And yeah agree with you on CE...sigh...but won't go there now ;)


What songs did they soundcheck/what time was this?

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Sorry to bring it up so late but I just remembered:


Do any of the other Musers on these forums know who the people were that wore those self-made T'shirts with slogans such as:


"Matt I'll give you an Uprising!" and

"Matt I'll be your Plug In Baby" (not sure of exact wording of 2nd one)??

and a few others that I can't remember...


I seriously wanna say hi and thanks to whoever they were!

Made my day as we were waiting in line, my mates and I all cracked up and wished we had made our own shirts too :)


Oh and it was 3 or 4 girls with one (lucky?) guy I think... ;)

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I'm so glad it's you :D


Remember those two girls who invited you to join them, at the very beginning of the day? Number 34 & 35? We'll, I'm number 34, and YellowTrousers is number 35!



We've been trying to find you on Facebook, but we don't know your last name :LOL:


Of course I remember you! :awesome: You two were the very first ones to "adopt me" as your friend on the day and I didn't find it "a bit creepy" at all. :LOL: I did look a bit lonely when first arrived, didn't I? Meeting you two was a great start to a great day. :D


Great review, read every word. And I thought I was a massive Muse fan...

And yeah agree with you on CE...sigh...but won't go there now ;)


What songs did they soundcheck/what time was this?


According to my camera, the sound check began at about 12.40pm ish. Haha. We heard the first few seconds of Motp, but other than that I don't think they did any proper songs. Probably because we could all hear it so clearly. There was a lot of random drumming. You could see the stage if you stood next to the porta potty, but the people were like tiny ants in the distance. A story being told about playing golf and meeting some lady, something about the lady's face, then I couldn't understand the rest because of the accent. :LOL::LOL: A lot of "test test check check one two one two yes yes yes" said in a monotone way which I found hilarious.


Just before the gates opened, Biffy Clyro sound checked a couple of full songs (which I'm sure everyone heard) and being a huge fan that was great. They actually sound checked a song they didn't end up playing. :awesome:


And you are the one with all the great youtube clips! I used some of your videos to spam my facebook news feed. :LOL: But none of my facebook friends respond to anything Muse related. I only managed to get one video before I was getting too crushed. A ten minute video of the couple of mins before it started, the reaction to Matt's platform rising, WATU and Uprising. But my poor camera just could not handle the sound. It is so embarrassing. You can't even tell it's Uprising unless you already know the visuals etc, and all you can hear is my awful awful fangirl screaming. I did not know I screamed that loud. :stunned: But I love it because it captures how bloody excited I was. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

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I just read in The West Australian newspaper I found in a cafe, that a 55 year old was denied an over 18 wrist band at the concert because he didn't have his id on him. :rolleyes:



What date was the newspaper, so I can read it? :D




I must add you on Facebook! Um. Should I give you my name, or should I ask for yours?

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Please join our page :D


It's for all things Muse related, and we try to keep it up to date with all the important Muse news and whatnot. :D




Though, if you're one of those people on here who, for some confusing reason, do not actually like Muse... Please, er, don't join.


There's no room for negativity here :)

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It was yesterday's. It was in the front bit just inside the cover where there are a few paragraphs of commentary. It was talking about the 'fun police' being out in force at the Muse concert which describes the security perfectly.


I'll pm you a link to my facebook. But don't laugh at my awful screaming video, ok? :LOL::LOL:

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