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Dom was in my dream last night. I dreamt I moved to Florida and I was at some ice-skating rink and Dom was there just skating around, but then I fell and wacked my face off the ice and woke up.

He better not have laughed at me when I fell. :indiff:


:LOL: that's hilarious! Dom's just zooming around an ice rink in Florida, so funny! And knowing our loving, caring Dommeh, he may have giggled but he would have certainly helped you up and asked if you ere alright.:)

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I had a dream last night where I was hanging ou with Mat and Chris and we were all good friends in the dream. Suddenly Dom fell from the ceiling yelling i am Spider-Dom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that we proceeded to make fun of him as much as possible and continue with our mindless banter.


Also I keep having a dream that I'm Matt's personal chef and I'm making him an Omlete.

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I keep having recurring nightmares (see what I did there?) about a landslide of teddy bears that crashes through the valley I live in. It's actually quite scary. A more recent one had one of the demon teddies from the Uprising video body surfing on the tip of the 'wave.'

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Oh I wish mine was as exciting as some of these! A few days before Teignmouth, I dreamed I went to the gig and I knew it would be small but it turned out to be in a village hall with no stage and a few wooden chairs. The audience was just me and a few OAPs who had no idea of who Muse were. The band hadn't prepared anything and just said OK what would you like us to play. Nobody spoke so as I was at the front I whispered, "I like Knights of Cydonia" so they said "OK we'll do that". But when the music started it was all wrong and when Matt started singing it just wasn't anything I'd heard before. While I was wondering if I should say anything they stopped and I said "shall I sing a bit to remind you"? Matt just said to me "I'm really sorry I've completely forgotten how it goes" and ran outside and that was that. Luckily at the real gig they didn't forget how to play it :-)

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Guest Octazooka

In my dreams Matt, Chris and Dom were sitting on this couch and they were asking me questions..Then Dom was like, "Your name's DJ?" and he started cracking up. I wasn't too happy at that.. :mad:


Then I had another Muse dream-Matt was standing on the edge of a parapet, in all his red skinnies and white tee glory, and he was zinging off on his Silver Bomber Manson to thousands of screaming fans who were watching below the parapet. I heard myself say: "Matt! It's dangerous, get down from there right now!" and then the dream ended. :LOL:

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WELL! Haha, last night I had a dream about Muse (hence teh posting here) and it was grand, imo!

Well I don't know where we started, but we ended up in this supermassive see through ball thing, in space, traveling to the Big Day Out. And, Muse were in a different supermassive ball thing to me, then mine started to get rid of the air in it, so it started deflating, so both of teh supermassive floaty bally things had to stop. We ended up on another planet in a restaurant that was really small. I knew Muse would be somewhere around, but I wasn't looking for them (:facepalm:) and then I spotted them in the restaurant eventually and COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!!


Matt was the closest to me, so I went up to him first, I was very shy and didn't know what to do, so I just went up to him, put my hand out, half shaked his hand, then though, "ah! What the hell!" and went in for a hug, it was sort of, but not really, awkward cos we were both really shy, but then when I went to go out of our very long hug, he just kept his arms on my shoulders, resting there, looking into my eyes... *melts* We were like, exactly facing each other and he just had his arms around/on me, I probs had my arms around him, I don't remember... And then he like, started stroking my collarbone! FUCK PEOPLE!!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING! And yes, then we started talking, all deep-like, about museic and their stage set up... Then we got to conspiracy theories, and he was so cute when he talked about it! ^-^ He did a rendition of his "since the 50's *laughs*" too! xD He was talking about some ridiculous theory that some nutter was involved in, and he was doing that same laugh! It was amazing! :p We also started talking about Belldom, but I don't remember what we talked about though! Gargh, that's really annoying! :indiff: Anyway, then we had a few more moments (with teh stroking of teh collarbone!) and he also had his arm around me the whole time and just like squeezing me gently and cutely every so often, and then his food came or something, so I left him to it, and moved along to Chris!


Chris saw me coming, grinned, then put his arms out for me, so I went and hugged him heaps! xD Naww, it was such a cute bear hug! And then I just sat next to him, and he kept his arm around me, like I was his kid or something and he was being all protective, but still very loving! :supersad: NAWWWWWW! And we just sat there with each other for ages, just talking about, once again, their museic, and also just about random stuff! He was so cutely interested in what I had to say, and he had interesting things to say, himself! We were also having a laugh about Belldom, and Chris was saying that Dom always tried to pick out what he wore, but he would always have to find a way out of it: make up ridiculous excuses as to why he couldn't wear it... One of the excuses he told me, the only one I remember, was "well, he tried to make me wear one of his ridiculous pink leopard print shirts. Of course, I wouldn't be seen in that! *laughs* So I just told him that I was allergic to suede, even though it was made out of cotton or something. He believed it...:LOL::rolleyes:" We laughed, and he did his cute laugh like the one on that On The Road In South America download, where they're at a signing, and Chris just does this adorable laugh! Haha anyway! Then he got a call, and he's like, "aww, sorry hun, my wife's calling...:erm:" and I'm like, "Naww, cute! That's okay! Was lovely meeting you, you're awesome, I love you! Hahahaa" Chris: "naww, you're heaps awesome too, hun! I'll talk to you another time, eh? On the spaceship? Love you too! :p Hahah" and then he gave me another supermassive hug! ^-^


So then I spotted Dom!:awesome: He was, of course, over with all these girls, with his green skinnies on and his awes aviator sunnies! Haha, so I went over there, and he just made all the other girls go away and I was all "nawwwww"! And then I went in for a hug, and he sort of kissed me!:eyebrows::kiss: Then we sort of made out for a bit!:eyebrows: And then some chick came over, and we were a bit pissed cos we were having a moment, and enjoying that moment, indeed!:phu: But Dom, being the sweety he is, was very kind to her and asked her what she wanted, politely, and she's just like, "Oh, um, hi, I was just at a gig, and you left your sunnies there..." and Dom just started saying, "oh, well you can have them", but I cut in and I'm like, "ooh! I'll have them!" and Dom's like, "naww, you don't want those, babe! Here, have these, I'll have those ones..." and so he took the sunnies from the chick, she went away, and he took off his and put them on me and said how cute they looked on me, then put his on! ;D Yeah, so then we just started talking about his skinnies! He said he'd get a pair in every colour for me, and have them delivered to my house. That was awesome! Oh btw, he was holding me the whole time! :happy: His hand was on the small of my back, with his cute little thumb just like stroking my back, and then eventually and occasionally, his hand would creep down a bit... :eyebrows:: yesey: Haha, yeah, then we talked more and Matt walked over, and we all shared a few, ahem, moments :eyebrows: and then I had to go and get ready or something.


So I left, Dom and Matt really didn't want me to go, Chris was still on the phone, so I said that I'd come backstage after their BDO gig, and they said that that was okay and that would be good.


Anyway, then the security guys at the BDO, (when we finally got there after a few problems with the big floating ball spaceships), were really sus of my ID. And they found out that I'd scratched it a bit to make me eligible to go to the BDO, and then for some reason, my punishment was getting a point thing on here with the infractions thing... And it didn't expire until 2037...? :S


Muse ended up getting me in cos they remembered me, and yeah, then I watched their gig and it was amazinggg!!!!!!!! But they didn'tplay any new stuff! :\ It was just like the Newton Abbot demo, and mostly all of Showbiz and Origin! ;D Then we just did stuff,I don't really remember, then I was in an asleep/awake/groggy state, and I was really hot (irl), so I was half awake, then I heard Knights Of Cydonia playing and woke up straight away and went into the living room and my brother was blasting it along with the film clip from the Hottest 100 Of All Time DVD... It was brilliant!

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Guest Octazooka
Fuck! I elaborate SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! :chuckle:

You don't has to read that! ^

I just had to get it out of my system! :chuckle::musesign:


Anyway, it was an awesome dream imo! :happy:

You awesome Muser, you :LOL: That was better than mine, at least! :chuckle:

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Guest Octazooka
:LOL: Naww, I just read yours! 'Tis :awesome:! Except for Dom dissing you name! :eek::pope: He was much, much nicer in my dream!:chuckle:

But the second one's cute, makes you sound like a parent: "Matt, get down from there, it's dangerous!" etc! :LOL:

:supersad: Nawwwwwww! :p

:chuckle: Sure is! Dom, I'll spank you later in my dreams tonight :noey: The second dream was kind of weird though :LOL: My Muse dreams are always scattered, ugh :supersad:

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:chuckle: Sure is! Dom, I'll spank you later in my dreams tonight :noey: The second dream was kind of weird though :LOL: My Muse dreams are always scattered, ugh :supersad:


:LOL::LOL: :LOL: BAHAHAHHHAHA! I missed the part where you said "Dom" at that spanking part, and I thought you were talking about me... :eek::stunned::chuckle: MAJORLULZ!

Naww, well I barely ever has Muse dreams! :p At the start of that dream though, my family and I were on yet another planet, and we were at like a jungle resort place, and we were swimming, and then I felt this nudging on my back, and completely freaked out! :eek: Cos we'd seen crocs swimming in there earlier (and we were still swimming?:wtf:) Anyway, I called out to my brothers and sisters, and just let it push me around the water cos I didn't wanna piss it off... Then Kirkeh came and somehow saved me... yeah, random...?:confused:

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Fuck! I elaborate SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! :chuckle:

You don't has to read that! ^

I just had to get it out of my system! :chuckle::musesign:


Anyway, it was an awesome dream imo! :happy:



I'm not going to quote your dream cause it'll take up half the page :chuckle:


But I am so uber jealous of you right now that is one of the best Muse dreams I've ever read. Almost better than my Matt dream (you know the one) :LOL: actually it is better really.


Wish I could have another really vivid Muse dream most of my dreams are really murky and hard to remember.

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Guest Octazooka
:LOL::LOL: :LOL: BAHAHAHHHAHA! I missed the part where you said "Dom" at that spanking part, and I thought you were talking about me... :eek::stunned::chuckle: MAJORLULZ!

Naww, well I barely ever has Muse dreams! :p At the start of that dream though, my family and I were on yet another planet, and we were at like a jungle resort place, and we were swimming, and then I felt this nudging on my back, and completely freaked out! :eek: Cos we'd seen crocs swimming in there earlier (and we were still swimming?:wtf:) Anyway, I called out to my brothers and sisters, and just let it push me around the water cos I didn't wanna piss it off... Then Kirkeh came and somehow saved me... yeah, random...?:confused:

Kirkeh :awesome: I shall input my request for Matt and Dom, into my dreams, starting 3-2- :awesome:

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me and dom were best mates and we were walking down the street and we decided to have tea in the park and then all of suddenely we were handcuffed to each other

then matt came over and started to laugh then him and

dom got into a fight because mattt was jealous of dom because he wanted to be handcuffed to me.

and matt said to me LETSSSS ALL EAT COOKIES and im like i don't like cookies.

then we got abducted by aliens. we were all like WOAH THIS IS SOOO COOOOOOOOL!!!

and then we realised we were just tripping out when starman started to play

im like wtf david bowie

and then POOF there he was in a halo of light.

singing starman

me matt and dom were just staring

and POOF he disappeared

and then we all fell down a hole in the ground.

and i woke up.

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I'm not going to quote your dream cause it'll take up half the page :ch uckle:


But I am so uber jealous of you right now that is one of the best Muse dreams I've ever read. Almost better than my Matt dream (you know the one) :L L: actually it is better really.


Wish I could have another really vivid Muse dream most of my dreams are really murky and hard to remember.

:chuckle: Hey! Shuddup you! :p You love my elaborating skillzzzz! :ninja::chuckle:


Haha, naww really? :p Haha, I thought it was seeeeeeeek as! I would've loved a bit more dirtiness, though! :eyebrows: But it was more a, say romantic dream! What with all the gazing into Matt's eyes and all! hahhaa.

Bahahhaa, yes, yes, I know the one! ;) You should post that here, I wanna read the full story!


Yeah, same! It was quite weird for me to remember that, actually! I had an awesome one the other week, it was dirty or anything, just effing awesome, but I completely forget it! :supersad:

Kirkeh :awesome: I shall input my request for Matt and Dom, into my dreams, starting 3-2- :awesome:

:LOL: Sure thing! Haha what about Chwis?! :eek:

me and dom were best mates and we were walking down the street and we decided to have tea in the park and then all of suddenely we were handcuffed to each other

then matt came over and started to laugh then him and

dom got into a fight because mattt was jealous of dom because he wanted to be handcuffed to me.

and matt said to me LETSSSS ALL EAT COOKIES and im like i don't like cookies.

then we got abducted by aliens. we were all like WOAH THIS IS SOOO COOOOOOOOL!!!

and then we realised we were just tripping out when starman started to play

im like wtf david bowie

and then POOF there he was in a halo of light.

singing starman

me matt and dom were just staring

and POOF he disappeared

and then we all fell down a hole in the ground.

and i woke up.

:eek: That. Is. AWESOME!

Haha, the Bowie thing is quite random.... But so's the cookies thing... Wtf! Hahaha, randomness is awesomness! :p


And that is soooooooooo cute that Matt and Dom were fighting over you! Nawwww :happy:, haha lovers tiff, anyone!?

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me and dom were best mates and we were walking down the street and we decided to have tea in the park and then all of suddenely we were handcuffed to each other

then matt came over and started to laugh then him and

dom got into a fight because mattt was jealous of dom because he wanted to be handcuffed to me.

and matt said to me LETSSSS ALL EAT COOKIES and im like i don't like cookies.

then we got abducted by aliens. we were all like WOAH THIS IS SOOO COOOOOOOOL!!!

and then we realised we were just tripping out when starman started to play

im like wtf david bowie

and then POOF there he was in a halo of light.

singing starman

me matt and dom were just staring

and POOF he disappeared

and then we all fell down a hole in the ground.

and i woke up.


:LOL:Bowie, cookies AND Muse in the one dream can't get much better than that!


:chuckle: Hey! Shuddup you! :p You love my elaborating skillzzzz! :ninja::chuckle:


Haha, naww really? :p Haha, I thought it was seeeeeeeek as! I would've loved a bit more dirtiness, though! :eyebrows: But it was more a, say romantic dream! What with all the gazing into Matt's eyes and all! hahhaa.

Bahahhaa, yes, yes, I know the one! ;) You should post that here, I wanna read the full story!


Yeah, same! It was quite weird for me to remember that, actually! I had an awesome one the other week, it was dirty or anything, just effing awesome, but I completely forget it! :supersad:


Yeah I do I still didn't want to quote the whole thing:LOL:


Naww as much as I love dirtiness romance is probably my favourite thing I'm such a sappy fool :facepalm:


I would but apart from the fact I don't remember it all that well it was really dirty :LOL: I'm not sure I want everyone to hear about my rather ehm 'personal' Muse related dreams:$

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okay, I just had one today, thought it was so odd that I wrote it all down! When I woke up I was kind of upset that it wasn't real. I'll just copypaste it:

Okay well this dream was fairly odd.

the main part of the dream was rather odd and seemed to keep repeating itself. The main deal was, Muse were playing a song. I thought it was Bliss but it turned out to be Blackout. Anyway, when they were playing it they all flew up in to the air, Matt had thrown a piece of rope of something which turned out to be what they were attached to. They were sort of lip syncing it though because they were just standing there in the air, but when they came down they finished the song by actually playing. Then there was darkness for a little while and they quietly played some of the song properly in the dark before leaving. It was pretty awesome.

Anyway, later it cuts to something that happened before that- which led to me saying, or thinking or whatever- oh man, how can they have respect for you now? And laughing madly and whatnot.

So we were in this rather fancy looking hotel, all goldenish and stuff, very nice, anyway something’s happening? It’s like a concert for Beyonce and Muse are going to be there? So for this, they seem to have to put on some rather odd clothes. Matt is wearing sparkly pants similar to the ones he has previously worn before but not as baggy, and some random black shirt that looks rather womanish. XDD Chris is wearing this green dress thing and Dom is wearing a pink one sleeved top with a skirt that is purposefully ridiculously short. And that happens. Around this time I eat a pill and start chewing it but not swallowing it, it tastes alright but then I spit it all in to a little bowl.

Anyway then back to Muse, they performed a random song in those clothes. I don’t quite remember what the song was, something weird. At least, I think they danced around to the song, with Dom purposefully sliding around on the floor. So that was generally the gist of it, although it seemed to repeat with a variation each time, ie one time they did that there were random kids being superheroes, one time there was a confectionary shop that flashed a bright light at you when you entered, and one time there was a greenish room afterwards and I said “Don’t worry Chris, I’ll listen to heavy metal with you anytime.” Or something rather random and odd like that. And something about being in a car and being scared.


So that was basically it? It seemed to start off as just watching a youtube video, but then I was there and nothing was in a particular sequence, just a lot of repeating of it. I seemed to be going “hahah that was funny remember?” And thus repeating it. Also at one point a girl gave a speech in my kitchen when it was dark with all these people here and it seemed to be about “how not to be a lesbian” or something odd like that. It wasn’t very good. It was about 30 seconds long and didn’t really have anything to do with lesbians. Just a scenario with some annoying guys.

SO YEAH that was pretty odd and funny and weird and strange and vivid and when I woke up and realised it was a dream I was pretty disappointed, because seriously I want to see Muse fly around and dress up in dresses. :LOL:

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:LOL:Bowie, cookies AND Muse in the one dream can't get much better than that!




Yeah I do I still didn't want to quote the whole thing:LOL:


Naww as much as I love dirtiness romance is probably my favourite thing I'm such a sappy fool :facepalm:


I would but apart from the fact I don't remember it all that well it was really dirty :LOL: I'm not sure I want everyone to hear about my rather ehm 'personal' Muse related dreams:$

:LOL: Nah it's all good, all good, I is just being a dick!:awesome:


MAJORLULZ! Same-ish! :p Depends what sorta mood I'm in! :D But the part where Matt stroked my collarbone, and the part where Dom hand his hand on teh small of my back, and the part where Chris was sorta like protective, I found that very sweet indeed! :supersad: Must've been in teh mood for romance! :musesign:


Yeah, good point actually!:$ Sometimes when our dreams get very intimate, perhaps it's something to keep to ourselves? :p:chuckle::eyebrows:

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:LOL: Nah it's all good, all good, I is just being a dick!:awesome:


MAJORLULZ! Same-ish! :p Depends what sorta mood I'm in! :D But the part where Matt stroked my collarbone, and the part where Dom hand his hand on teh small of my back, and the part where Chris was sorta like protective, I found that very sweet indeed! :supersad: Must've been in teh mood for romance! :musesign:


Yeah, good point actually!:$ Sometimes when our dreams get very intimate, perhaps it's something to keep to ourselves? :p:chuckle::eyebrows:




Awww stop it's too cute :supersad: I'm going to implode with the sheer amount of cuteness.


Yes :eyebrows: I think it's best, this dream got particularity heated so I think I'll keep the details to myself :p:$

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I actually had a dream not too long ago, it was sometime right after The Resistance.


There was a huge pre-dream before that which led up to it, survival horror stuff. But basically, eventually I landed myself up in a Muse gig which took place in a sort of small room. No one showed up but me so it became a private gig. Not as epic but it was pretty interesting. Later on I went out with Matt and we started talking about life issues and such, inspirations and views on things, future plans for Muse and how it's like playing in a band on their magnitude. It was actually really cool, we got to know each other well and we became cool friends.

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Awww stop it's too cute :supersad: I'm going to implode with the sheer amount of cuteness.


Yes :eyebrows: I think it's best, this dream got particularity heated so I think I'll keep the details to myself :p:$




:chuckle: Nawww, sorry! :p Haha, naww, it felt sorta real too! GARGH WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE?:'(

But yes, it was cute! :p:supersad:


:LOL: Same. Except, it's mainly my daydreams that I remember, and I'd like to remain innocent looking! :chuckle::eyebrows:

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:chuckle: Nawww, sorry! :p Haha, naww, it felt sorta real too! GARGH WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE?:'(

But yes, it was cute! :p:supersad:


:LOL: Same. Except, it's mainly my daydreams that I remember, and I'd like to remain innocent looking! :chuckle::eyebrows:


I know I wish my first ever Muse dream had been real felt it at the time at least.



Yes I remember all my daydreams and all the details :shifty::eyebrows: sure you're innocent sure :chuckle:

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I had a dream where I was in school, and after all this boring stuff happened, someone handed me a leaflet which said "The Music and Arts of Muse" or something along those lines on it and it had an gif of Dom drumming on it. The person said that Muse were going to teach all this cool stuff to their fans and that I could go to it if I wanted, so I was like "OMG BEST CLASS EVUR!!?!" But then I woke up.


How awesome would that class be? :stunned:

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