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My dream was that I was out shopping in my local town centre (Sheffield) and this girl came up to me and said "leave my boyfriend alone" then beat me up. I didn't know who she or her b/f was so when I asked her who her b/f was she said "you'll know soon enough" and behind her was Matt. I looked down and was wearing on of my Muse tops. I asked Matt for a photo and he said "only if you're quick". I took 2 off my mobile camera then he dashed off. He seemed rude and not worried that his g/f goes around beating up other girls but I know this was only a dream. ;);)

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A couple of nights ago I was awakened by the strangest dream! I was at some kind of party I guess and was sitting down enjoying conversation or music or whatever and long-haired Matt was standing up behind me playing with some balloons.


He was demonstrating the quickness of his hands - like a magician - and then started bouncing balloons off of my head at a really fast pace. At first it was funny, but quickly got annoying, so I said something like "keep it up" like a silly threat. He didn't stop and started to laugh really hard.


To distract him I tickled/grabbed his belly kind of hard to make him at least drop one of his hands from the balloon onslaught and it worked: he forced my hand to grab the top of his pants and he pulled them down with my hand and then bent over the top of the chair and started kissing me!


Suddenly, the dream shifted and I was laying down kissing him and he turned into a woman who was then forcing me to keep kissing her and reached for a big spider that was a few feet from us. I started screaming and pushing to get away from her and even though I'm not afraid of spiders, I was deathly afraid of them in this dream. That's how I woke up: screaming "spider!!"



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I had a Muse dream last night, but it wasn't very good. I'm still excited because I haven't had one in AGES:rolleyes: I was in New Zealand and I was about to go skiing, and I was getting my ski boots on, but then I saw Matt walk past in an orange jump suit (:wtf:). I don't know if I knew it was him, but I think I had a feeling it was:erm:. So then I spent quite a while sitting there waiting for him to walk past again, and by the end of the day he didn't:( Then I wanted to actually ski because I spent the whole day sitting there waiting for Matt so I went but instead of mountains with snow for skiing it was just a really small room with fake grass:stunned:

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i once had a dream i went to a Muse concert and they came onstage they were all dressed like Fred Durst and then they started rapping, i knew the song but i couldn't understand what they were saying. I woke up and my dad was playing Korn really loud downstairs.





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Guest Octazooka

I dreamt of Chris turning towards me and asking, "Apples or oranges?" Then I went: :wtf: What are you asking me, Chris?" And then I woke up. Shortest Muse dream ever.. :facepalm:

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Had quite the odd muse dream last night.

My sister and I were driving around town and we saw this police car with a huge crowd of people around it. So we got out of the car and went over to see what was happening and we see matt, dom and chris in police uniforms handcuffing people. Not arresting them, just handcuffing them. I finally got close enough and their uniforms said "The Fashion Police" Which made me lol for a bit before my sister dragged me off back into the car. I tried to get an autograph or a picture but she's like "you'll see them later" which was a bit creepy.


Then we ended up driving up to a diner, and the police car with muse in it pulled into the spot right next to us and they sort of just looked at my sis and I and were like "Want lunch?" and I made this face :stongue: so I guess that meant yes. Then we went inside and sat down and right when Matt started to say something to me, when the fire alarm went off.


Which ended up being the smoke detectors in my house, so I woke up :( Sad that it ended before anything was said but still, those uniforms were :LOL:

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Had quite the odd muse dream last night.

My sister and I were driving around town and we saw this police car with a huge crowd of people around it. So we got out of the car and went over to see what was happening and we see matt, dom and chris in police uniforms handcuffing people. Not arresting them, just handcuffing them. I finally got close enough and their uniforms said "The Fashion Police" Which made me lol for a bit before my sister dragged me off back into the car. I tried to get an autograph or a picture but she's like "you'll see them later" which was a bit creepy.


Then we ended up driving up to a diner, and the police car with muse in it pulled into the spot right next to us and they sort of just looked at my sis and I and were like "Want lunch?" and I made this face :stongue: so I guess that meant yes. Then we went inside and sat down and right when Matt started to say something to me, when the fire alarm went off.


Which ended up being the smoke detectors in my house, so I woke up :( Sad that it ended before anything was said but still, those uniforms were :LOL:



HAHAH! Fashion Police!! Priceless! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

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I can barely remember, but I had a really odd dream this morning...

I was shopping in a supermarket with my mum and as we turned the aisle Muse were playing in a cleared out freezer (i assume it was turned off:p) and they were playing the very end of the riff they sometimes play at the end of stockholm or MOTP I cant quite remember...


There was a very small crowd gathered around the freezers and I ran to join them, but by then they had stopped playing and were just kind of hanging around, Matt ran off somewhere but Chris sat down and was takling requests and I requested he play something on the acoustic guitar (:erm:) Then he left and Dom sat down to talk to the crowd (who were all sitting on the supermarket floor at this point)... except something was off....

Dom was a women :erm: I know!:rolleyes: an older kind of hippie women with long blonde hair and a womens name tattooed on his hand (?)


... and thats all I remember, and whats really strange is that Ive had three muse dreams now... two of which consisted of them playing in a supermarket :chuckle:

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I had this one last night, it was one of those that I really remember.


It started off with me in college in the evening, just as class was finishing my tutor who for some reason was Mr Gilbert from The Inbetweeners told us we had a visitor, in stepped Matt he sat down and I managed to grab the seat right next him, I then made an idiot of myself telling him rubbish jokes and talking about this place and all the stuff that happens here, then for some reason I inhaled helium from a balloon which just happened to be right next to me, I then belted out Uprising before Matt joined me for a duet of Showbiz. :happy:


After that me and some mates got a bus near my college, still with my balloon I belted out Bliss and then for some reason Anarchy in the UK, we got kicked off the bus and went to a bar with some more mates where they played just Muse tracks, we left the bar and I lost one of my mates outside the bar but managed to find her by flying around the area to the sound of Blackout, I also had a fight with some random person and lost a bag of Muse Cd's. :(


There was loads more really random things but they wouldn't make sense to anyone here, all in all one of my best dreams ever. :D

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I had this one last night, it was one of those that I really remember.


It started off with me in college in the evening, just as class was finishing my tutor who for some reason was Mr Gilbert from The Inbetweeners told us we had a visitor, in stepped Matt he sat down and I managed to grab the seat right next him, I then made an idiot of myself telling him rubbish jokes and talking about this place and all the stuff that happens here, then for some reason I inhaled helium from a balloon which just happened to be right next to me, I then belted out Uprising before Matt joined me for a duet of Showbiz. :happy:


After that me and some mates got a bus near my college, still with my balloon I belted out Bliss and then for some reason Anarchy in the UK, we got kicked off the bus and went to a bar with some more mates where they played just Muse tracks, we left the bar and I lost one of my mates outside the bar but managed to find her by flying around the area to the sound of Blackout, I also had a fight with some random person and lost a bag of Muse Cd's. :(


There was loads more really random things but they wouldn't make sense to anyone here, all in all one of my best dreams ever. :D


Awesome! I love it! And, again...there is the balloon theme. Matt must secretly obsess about balloons for them to be showing up in our dreams with him. :D

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Awesome! I love it! And, again...there is the balloon theme. Matt must secretly obsess about balloons for them to be showing up in our dreams with him. :D


I know, I mean it's the only dream I've had of Muse which was worth posting, but even the other dreams I've had have featured balloons, it's very strange, one dream had Me and Dom making balloon animals, that was pretty random. :stunned:

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I had a Muse dream the other night but it also involved the band who mustn't be mentioned in the same sentence as muse...

Me, my boyfriend and muse all went round Radiohead's house for a dinner party! It was just us and muse sitting at the table at the start, i was talkin to matt a bit and then radiohead played what was gonna be their new single, but it was spiral static. So I told matt that it sounded loads like spiral static but they were all listening intently and at the end everyone thought it was fantastic (obviously cos it was muse's song, the stealin bastards). Then radiohead came to the table and we all ate dinner. Afterwards i went back to my room and matt was in the room nextdoor on the balcony and chris was just sitting on the street below. umm then the next thing I know I was in the supermarket and i saw matt shopping and he just had this big peperoni pizza in his basket and he looked a bit lost so i made fun of him for not being able to shop properly and then we heard something playing through the speakers and matt was like "is that a swedish language course" and indeed it was. Random. Some other things happened too but cant really remember.

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i don't remember anything of what i dream today:erm:

but i remember a little bit of my yesterday's dream :).

I was sick, so my mom take to some rare hospital, and my doctor was Dr. House :LOL:, then my room's mate was Ricky Simpson, he was whit a broken leg :(, so he asks for help and the nurse that come to help him was Dom:LOL:, he was whit so long blond hair and whit a huge smile, and then my bootiful Dr. tell me that i have visits, one of them that i remember was Alex Kapranos and Matt, matt for gift give me an light saber (?) and Alex just go to the window for smoke :mad:, then Alex said something like "Nataly, sorry but you have to dress really quickly, because we have to go NOW", well i dress the most quick possible and they take me to some cave, that cave was exactly like that cave in Harry Potter 6 were Dumbledore and Harry go for the Horrocrux.Matt give me my new light saber (?!) and he told me that if i see the godfather i have to run and scream that he is here (wtf omg!), but if i have to fight whit the Lord, i gotta fight!,Well the "Lord" was Thom York :LOL:, and Alex and he have a weird talk in a weird lingua, and Alex took my light saber and fight whit "The Lord" :indiff:, sadly i don't remember anything else :LOL:.

please peolple, never watch Star Wars and listen to Radiohead and Franz Ferdinand at the same time :LOL:


dude,that is one WEIRD DREAM! :p:D

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My most recent Muse dream went something along these lines...


For some reason I was in a car with my sisters house mates driving near Adelaide, the area I lived when I was a child, and we stopped outside this sort of old style pub made of timber, and for some reason in a multi purpose space muse we packing up from a gig (Matt, Dom, and Chris were cleaning up the mess after a gig??) I think I approached them, In a shy way but before I had the chance to say anything Matt introduced himself and the others. He then went on to ask me if I was attending there Melbourne gig, I said I didnt have a ticket and then he said something about seeing me somewhere and suddenly the scene changed.


I was at the Melbourne airport when I saw Matt walking towards me. He wasnt with the rest of the band and told me they had already gone to the bus, then asked me if I wanted to get a coffee with him... the whole thing was sort of a blur after that untill we got to the bus where Dom took my hand and helped me up...


I wish I could remember my dreams better, all I know is I woke up and felt really bad because I forgot to include Chris in my dream.

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:LOL: thanks, hahaha, when i woke up i was laughing so much that, if i could make a movie like that i would make it!, whit special effects and all that stuff.Alex fighting was so hilarious.

And Dom the Nurse! :awesome:


and OSSUM weird dream! :p.


Sincerely!! You have a very creative mind - I love it! You need to start keeping a dream journal ;)

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