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Why is Dom always acting like a four-year-old? :LOL: Haha I love that you all dream of bananas. *Matteh*


I put Showbiz in my stereo and had it right by my head so I would dream of Muse (this was my first experiment), and I dreamed of...


A romantic night at the carnival with....


















...my friend Ryan :facepalm:


:LOL: And this is what we call an epic fail on a Museal scale! "when you depend on them for something you really want...they always let you down"


if ya don't believe it's true, then why'd they take so long to release tour dates? Because we wanted it! xDD


hm..I'ma add that to the dictionary. ^^

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All these dreams are as fucked p as mine :LOL:


Last nights dream...

I was sleeping in a sleeping bag in a sea. Chineese pirates ttok me out and I was drowning because I forgot how to swim :eek: All of a sudden Bells came swimming over and removed his yellow speedos (they glew in the dark) and told me to put them on and I'll remember. I was like ''Can I not just hop on your back and you can take me to shore?'' He said he can't because he'd miss his flight to my Uncle's house. I swam until I got to shore, where then all I remember is seeing the chineese pirates again and then I woke up...


Muse dreams FTW!! :LOL:



this muse dream simply wins :D It made me laugh so hard!:LOL: seriously an epic (random!) dream, if there was a 'best of' list of muse dreams I think this would make it on:p

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I put Showbiz in my stereo and had it right by my head so I would dream of Muse (this was my first experiment), and I dreamed of...


A romantic night at the carnival with....


















...my friend Ryan :facepalm:


I tried to do that! I listened to BHAR right before bed, because I've been having a spate of Muse dreams recently, but they've dried up, so I'm trying to have a few more, because they're far more entertaining than regular ones.

Instead I dreamt about maths. MATHS GODSDAMMIT??!!

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I tried to do that! I listened to BHAR right before bed, because I've been having a spate of Muse dreams recently, but they've dried up, so I'm trying to have a few more, because they're far more entertaining than regular ones.

Instead I dreamt about maths. MATHS GODSDAMMIT??!!





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zomg zomg zomg

i did what someone else said they did in here

i dreamt of muse then dreamt that i realised i'd dreamt of muse and was thinking i should put it on here .. if you catch my drift lool

i don't think i even woke up after that.. it was like a series of dreams.. that had little things related to each other.. i was so confused when i woke up..

i think i know where the muse related dream came from though :p i watched that programme where they ate things from the eighties.. it was matt but with a really weirdly defined jawline on TV warning against bread getting too hot in microwaves :LOL: and then some demonstration bread sort of blew up but it looked like it melted.. defined jawline matt wasn't happy...


i'm guessing noone wants to hear about the non muse related antic going on inside my head but the burning food theme continued...

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zomg zomg zomg

i did what someone else said they did in here

i dreamt of muse then dreamt that i realised i'd dreamt of muse and was thinking i should put it on here .. if you catch my drift lool

i don't think i even woke up after that.. it was like a series of dreams.. that had little things related to each other.. i was so confused when i woke up..

i think i know where the muse related dream came from though :p i watched that programme where they ate things from the eighties.. it was matt but with a really weirdly defined jawline on TV warning against bread getting too hot in microwaves :LOL: and then some demonstration bread sort of blew up but it looked like it melted.. defined jawline matt wasn't happy...


i'm guessing noone wants to hear about the non muse related antic going on inside my head but the burning food theme continued...


defined jawline Matt :LOL::chuckle: Idk why but that's just funny! xDD

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I dreamt of The Resistance!I'm going to describe it in detail mehehe

I remember seeing the back,and it had like 13 tracks on it.They were listed the same way the tour dates are listed on the Muse website,and each track had something written under it.I don't remember what.I remember this song with some opera guy in it,and for some reason Invincible was there too(a remixed version wtf).There were three tracks at the end with similar names,and each was 15 minutes long(?)

Then I saw Matt and Dom in this interview and Matt said that this would be the last album they'd ever do and after a farewell tour they were going to retire:eek:And then Dom and Matt admitted to being gay.

When I woke up,I quickly tried to remember as much of it as I could,because it was epic,and I stored it at the back of my head so that I wouldn't forget it :LOL:

Edited by Zdarlight
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I had a dream that my mom and dad were getting divorced (They already have irl, but in the dream, I wasn't 5, I was 15.)

And they were yelling, and everything. And then my CD player turned on irl, and Escape started to play and everything and incorporated itself into the dream.

And oh man, everything took a turn for the worse. There was fighting and shit, and then my sister committed suicide D:

I then sat bolt upright and realized it was a dream.

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Just woke up from a nap and had another Muse dream!It didn't make much sense though.

Well,I dreamt that I was reading this post on these boards-something about Muse's secret hideout(wtf) and that you guys were offering money to anyone who discovered where it was.Then there was this small green van outside my house with ''The Royal Mail'' written on it and I saw Morgan coming out of it.Then Dom and Matt stepped outside the van and ran towards this area behind my house.The next day the same thing happened but this time I stopped Matt and asked him,''Is that your secret hideout?'' and he said,''Yeah'' and ran off.

That was it.

But I think that Matt defeated the purpose of having a secret hideout.

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A while ago I dreamt to be in a very big square, paved with white stones. I was walking there in a calm and slow way, when, suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance. I was pretty surprised about it, since I was sure the place was desert. Then I started to walk faster, and then I began to run. At half-way I realized that the silhouette was Matt. So I looked closer, a bit scared indeed, and I noticed that he was wearing a long and dark greatcoat. Then I stopped (I was still very distant from him), all was silent. And then, the mess :eek:

Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

Then he died :stunned:


I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:

Edited by Jambliss
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Guest QueenOfNerds


I while ago I dreamt to be in a very big square, paved with white stones. I was walking there in a calm and slow way, when, suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance. I was pretty surprised about it, since I was sure the place was desert. Then I started to walk faster, and then I began to run. At half-way I realized that the silhouette was Matt. So I looked closer, a bit scared indeed, and I noticed that he was wearing a long and dark greatcoat. Then I stopped (I was still very distant from him), all was silent. And then, the mess :eek:

Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

Then he died :stunned:


I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:


Oh that's horrid :(

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I while ago I dreamt to be in a very big square, paved with white stones. I was walking there in a calm and slow way, when, suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance. I was pretty surprised about it, since I was sure the place was desert. Then I started to walk faster, and then I began to run. At half-way I realized that the silhouette was Matt. So I looked closer, a bit scared indeed, and I noticed that he was wearing a long and dark greatcoat. Then I stopped (I was still very distant from him), all was silent. And then, the mess :eek:

Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

Then he died :stunned:


I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:


Oh my, that's awful. It sounds like some kind of Narnia story gone wrong...

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I while ago I dreamt to be in a very big square, paved with white stones. I was walking there in a calm and slow way, when, suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance. I was pretty surprised about it, since I was sure the place was desert. Then I started to walk faster, and then I began to run. At half-way I realized that the silhouette was Matt. So I looked closer, a bit scared indeed, and I noticed that he was wearing a long and dark greatcoat. Then I stopped (I was still very distant from him), all was silent. And then, the mess :eek:

Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

Then he died :stunned:


I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:


...wow...that was a nightmare..

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I while ago I dreamt to be in a very big square, paved with white stones. I was walking there in a calm and slow way, when, suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance. I was pretty surprised about it, since I was sure the place was desert. Then I started to walk faster, and then I began to run. At half-way I realized that the silhouette was Matt. So I looked closer, a bit scared indeed, and I noticed that he was wearing a long and dark greatcoat. Then I stopped (I was still very distant from him), all was silent. And then, the mess :eek:

Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

Then he died :stunned:


I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:


Oh my...

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Things are starting to get weird now:

I dreamt that I had a dream, woke up and thought "I must tell the Muse dreams thread about this!"

The dream in the dream consisted of me at a Muse gig and everything was fine and dandy, until it sort of flickered and suddenly Matt was completely naked, :ohmy: without a guitar and doing high kicks! :eek:

Everyone in the crowd started looking at each other really confused. Then when we looked back he was dressed and playing the guitar again. It was most peculiar.

Then I woke up (in the dream) and decided to share it with you!

Then I woke up (in reality) and thought "My brain is seriously fucked up" :$



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Just woke up from a nap and had another Muse dream!It didn't make much sense though.

Well,I dreamt that I was reading this post on these boards-something about Muse's secret hideout(wtf) and that you guys were offering money to anyone who discovered where it was.Then there was this small green van outside my house with ''The Royal Mail'' written on it and I saw Morgan coming out of it.Then Dom and Matt stepped outside the van and ran towards this area behind my house.The next day the same thing happened but this time I stopped Matt and asked him,''Is that your secret hideout?'' and he said,''Yeah'' and ran off.

That was it.

But I think that Matt defeated the purpose of having a secret hideout.


Haha brilliant :LOL: Did you get the money? :p


Matt looked in my direction and started to worm in a worrying way, then he put a hand in correspondence of his heart and his whole body fold in half. He fell on his knees and he flopped down to the ground. I kept on running but the distance was overwhelming. When I reached him, I touched his arm, so he raised his head and looked at me fearful.

Then he died :stunned:


I suppose that I woke up with a fearful look, too :stunned:




If I had woken up from a dream like that, I'd probably be crying for a week :stunned: It reminds me of a dream I had when I was 8... Fred (from Scooby-Doo) was a zombie and was chasing Daphne through this desert... then he tripped on a cactus and ripped his body in half :$ A bit traumatic for an Elementary student...

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Haha brilliant :LOL: Did you get the money? :p






If I had woken up from a dream like that, I'd probably be crying for a week :stunned: It reminds me of a dream I had when I was 8... Fred (from Scooby-Doo) was a zombie and was chasing Daphne through this desert... then he tripped on a cactus and ripped his body in half :$ A bit traumatic for an Elementary student...


Damn, that was kinda vicious. But I feel like understanding you, poor kid!

In my dream there was no blood; after I woke up, I spent all my morning beind sad. :stunned:

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I had a terrible dream some nights ago. :(

I was walking on a road and next to me was some kind of deserted mental institue, it was quite scary, but when I looked to the parking lot I saw Matt there, with a huuuuge kitchen knife, slashing his arms open. I stopped right there, and stared in shock. He noticed me and started staring back at me, and I saw he was crying. I ran to him screaming something like "Matt don't do it! Stop it!" but I was scared he'd hurt me too if I'd get too close.

But he woudn't stop and I just fell on my knees there, it looked so bad and no matter how I begged him to stop it he woudn't. I started crying, there was blood all over and then he looked up to me again, threw his knife away and hugged me. And then we both cried there.


I was shocked when I woke up. Weird dream, and sad too. :(

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I had a terrible dream some nights ago. :(

I was walking on a road and next to me was some kind of deserted mental institue, it was quite scary, but when I looked to the parking lot I saw Matt there, with a huuuuge kitchen knife, slashing his arms open. I stopped right there, and stared in shock. He noticed me and started staring back at me, and I saw he was crying. I ran to him screaming something like "Matt don't do it! Stop it!" but I was scared he'd hurt me too if I'd get too close.

But he woudn't stop and I just fell on my knees there, it looked so bad and no matter how I begged him to stop it he woudn't. I started crying, there was blood all over and then he looked up to me again, threw his knife away and hugged me. And then we both cried there.


I was shocked when I woke up. Weird dream, and sad too. :(


Okay, that was awfully bloody. And a bit emo, too.

It's obvious that we really love him (in a caring way, I mean - this time) ^^

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Okay, that was awfully bloody. And a bit emo, too.

It's obvious that we really love him (in a caring way, I mean - this time) ^^


I'm glad I can't remember much of the details after I started crying. And my friends find "emo Matt" hilarious. :facepalm:

I haven't seen any "pwoper" nightmares in many years, usually they all turn out okay and I'm not even scared in 'em. But this one was a shocker. I never EVER wanna see ANYTHING like this again! :eek:

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I had a terrible dream some nights ago. :(

I was walking on a road and next to me was some kind of deserted mental institue, it was quite scary, but when I looked to the parking lot I saw Matt there, with a huuuuge kitchen knife, slashing his arms open. I stopped right there, and stared in shock. He noticed me and started staring back at me, and I saw he was crying. I ran to him screaming something like "Matt don't do it! Stop it!" but I was scared he'd hurt me too if I'd get too close.

But he woudn't stop and I just fell on my knees there, it looked so bad and no matter how I begged him to stop it he woudn't. I started crying, there was blood all over and then he looked up to me again, threw his knife away and hugged me. And then we both cried there.


I was shocked when I woke up. Weird dream, and sad too. :(


Bloody hell, that's terrible...

Which do you think is worse though? Self-harming Matt, or naked Matt?! :p

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Bloody hell, that's terrible...

Which do you think is worse though? Self-harming Matt, or naked Matt?! :p

That's a tough one! :LOL: :LOL: Erm... I bet it would.. depend on the person dreaming... I think there are some who wouldn't mind a dream about Matt naked. :LOL:


Self-harming naked Matt!! :eek:


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That's a tough one! :LOL: :LOL: Erm... I bet it would.. depend on the person dreaming... I think there are some who wouldn't mind a dream about Matt naked. :LOL:


Self-harming naked Matt!! :eek:


Haha! Definitely ultimate nightmare material! :LOL:

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Damn, that was kinda vicious. But I feel like understanding you, poor kid!

In my dream there was no blood; after I woke up, I spent all my morning beind sad. :stunned:


It was all creepy, too, like Invader Zim or Courage the Cowardly Dog. The sky was red and the sand was orangish brown... and there was blood everywhere... I didn't say much for the next few days :stunned:


I had a terrible dream some nights ago. :(

I was walking on a road and next to me was some kind of deserted mental institue, it was quite scary, but when I looked to the parking lot I saw Matt there, with a huuuuge kitchen knife, slashing his arms open. I stopped right there, and stared in shock. He noticed me and started staring back at me, and I saw he was crying. I ran to him screaming something like "Matt don't do it! Stop it!" but I was scared he'd hurt me too if I'd get too close.

But he woudn't stop and I just fell on my knees there, it looked so bad and no matter how I begged him to stop it he woudn't. I started crying, there was blood all over and then he looked up to me again, threw his knife away and hugged me. And then we both cried there.


I was shocked when I woke up. Weird dream, and sad too. :(


Well, this will never be the same again...

Kind of difficult to understand at first, but I've seen it so many times I know every word he says :rolleyes: lol Sexy lab coat :LOL:


But seriously. That's the single most beautiful/horribly tragic thing I've ever read in my life :eek:


I think I'm quite depressed now. *group hug*

Edited by Sing_For_Absolution
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