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So I just had this dream last night. In Stockholm, where I live, there were going to be a HUGH festival, celebrating dogs... Anyhow, there would be many musical acts there, one of them was Muse. Me and my friends were very exited. So when the day came we stood ifront of the stage, and strange enough there weren't many people there. So Muse goes up on stage and starts playing New Born, it is awesome. But in the middle of the song the just put their instuments aside, sit down at the edge of the stage and they pick up a bag from Burger King and starts munching on hamburgers and french fries (And Chris was all over the fries). Matt keeps singing while he eats and everything else in the song is pree recorded. When the guitar solo come he starts doing those "early muse miming stuff" and makes a very ironic air guitar solo, still holding a hamburger in his hands. After the song they intoduce the next band and leaves...

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.



:LOL::LOL: ahhhh that made me laugh!

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.


Win. That's all I can say. :LOL:


So I just had this dream last night. In Stockholm, where I live, there were going to be a HUGH festival, celebrating dogs...


What's with all the dogs? lol


And where did you find the quote in your sig? :awesome:

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.


You wouldn't happen to be a furry, would you? :LOL:

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omg i have yet to have a muse dream. :noey:


Though in my dream someone told me that The Resistance was gonna come out on the 17th of november. I think it was because my brother keeps telling me that the new Assassins creed is coming out then.


so thats it never dreamt of them, just about them:'(

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.


Maybe "tails" was a metaphor for something else...


And yeah, that's pretty fucked up. lol

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I had a dream other night that Matt came to my city to play a football match (cause he was professional footballer) and he hit the post once :D. Then we started to chat and then was what supposed to be Muse concert but they played some shite songs by other shite bands.

Just wanted to share that :D

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I had a very weird Muse dream last night. Okay so a friend of mine (who isn't a Muse fan) got me some tickets for us to see Muse, and apparently they were playing in the mall (?) and we were going to the end where they would be, but then it turned into some sort of inside arena and my friend turned into Liam (?) and like all the seats were taken, but there was no room to stand, but then we found a place in the front row, and he sat on my right, and behind us theyre were these giant, fuzzy Gummibaers. So anyway Muse gets on stage, except it wasn't Muse...well it was Matt and Dom but Chris wasn't there, my friend Tezla was playing bass for him and like all of my friends were like circled around the stage..I guess they were supposed to be like the guards or something to hold all the fans back.


And they start playing a couple of song, and everyone goes crazy!! And then like at some point Liam says something to me, but I didn't hear him, so he tapped me on the shoulder and I looked and he pointed somewhere behind me and it turned out Chris was there, sitting behind us next to the Gummibears which turned into Gummi ostriches(?). And I asked him why he wasn't onstage and he said he had broken his playing arm, so they had found some guy to replace him. And then I asked why they didn't get Morgan to do it, and he said that Morgan had broken his arm too. :stunned:

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I had a very weird Muse dream last night. Okay so a friend of mine (who isn't a Muse fan) got me some tickets for us to see Muse, and apparently they were playing in the mall (?) and we were going to the end where they would be, but then it turned into some sort of inside arena and my friend turned into Liam (?) and like all the seats were taken, but there was no room to stand, but then we found a place in the front row, and he sat on my right, and behind us theyre were these giant, fuzzy Gummibaers. So anyway Muse gets on stage, except it wasn't Muse...well it was Matt and Dom but Chris wasn't there, my friend Tezla was playing bass for him and like all of my friends were like circled around the stage..I guess they were supposed to be like the guards or something to hold all the fans back.


And they start playing a couple of song, and everyone goes crazy!! And then like at some point Liam says something to me, but I didn't hear him, so he tapped me on the shoulder and I looked and he pointed somewhere behind me and it turned out Chris was there, sitting behind us next to the Gummibears which turned into Gummi ostriches(?). And I asked him why he wasn't onstage and he said he had broken his playing arm, so they had found some guy to replace him. And then I asked why they didn't get Morgan to do it, and he said that Morgan had broken his arm too. :stunned:


:stunned:what the hell has muse done to our minds?:stunned: ostriches? gummi ostriches? fuzzy gummi ostriches?

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I had a very weird Muse dream last night. Okay so a friend of mine (who isn't a Muse fan) got me some tickets for us to see Muse, and apparently they were playing in the mall (?) and we were going to the end where they would be, but then it turned into some sort of inside arena and my friend turned into Liam (?) and like all the seats were taken, but there was no room to stand, but then we found a place in the front row, and he sat on my right, and behind us theyre were these giant, fuzzy Gummibaers. So anyway Muse gets on stage, except it wasn't Muse...well it was Matt and Dom but Chris wasn't there, my friend Tezla was playing bass for him and like all of my friends were like circled around the stage..I guess they were supposed to be like the guards or something to hold all the fans back.


And they start playing a couple of song, and everyone goes crazy!! And then like at some point Liam says something to me, but I didn't hear him, so he tapped me on the shoulder and I looked and he pointed somewhere behind me and it turned out Chris was there, sitting behind us next to the Gummibears which turned into Gummi ostriches(?). And I asked him why he wasn't onstage and he said he had broken his playing arm, so they had found some guy to replace him. And then I asked why they didn't get Morgan to do it, and he said that Morgan had broken his arm too. :stunned:


:LOL: lolwut? :LOL: that was really random!

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:stunned:what the hell has muse done to our minds?:stunned: ostriches? gummi ostriches? fuzzy gummi ostriches?

I don't know but like.... I think it was a mix between me listening to Muse all day, and then me going to work and having to hear the gummi bear song all day....but then where did the ostriches come from??


:LOL: lolwut? :LOL: that was really random!

Indeed. It wasn't epically random though :( I need to dream better dreams! :LOL:

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All these dreams are as fucked p as mine :LOL:


Last nights dream...

I was sleeping in a sleeping bag in a sea. Chineese pirates ttok me out and I was drowning because I forgot how to swim :eek: All of a sudden Bells came swimming over and removed his yellow speedos (they glew in the dark) and told me to put them on and I'll remember. I was like ''Can I not just hop on your back and you can take me to shore?'' He said he can't because he'd miss his flight to my Uncle's house. I swam until I got to shore, where then all I remember is seeing the chineese pirates again and then I woke up...


Muse dreams FTW!! :LOL:

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All these dreams are as fucked p as mine :LOL:


Last nights dream...

I was sleeping in a sleeping bag in a sea. Chineese pirates ttok me out and I was drowning because I forgot how to swim :eek: All of a sudden Bells came swimming over and removed his yellow speedos (they glew in the dark) and told me to put them on and I'll remember. I was like ''Can I not just hop on your back and you can take me to shore?'' He said he can't because he'd miss his flight to my Uncle's house. I swam until I got to shore, where then all I remember is seeing the chineese pirates again and then I woke up...


Muse dreams FTW!! :LOL:


:LOL: I died laughing, came back to life, and nearly died again! :chuckle: I don't know which part is funnier...sleeping in a sleeping bag in the sea and being snatched out by Chinese pirates...or Bellamy swimming over and taking off his speedos (that glow in the dark) and not offering you a ride because he missed a flight to your uncle's house. :LOL: Hell the whole dream was epic!

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All these dreams are as fucked p as mine :LOL:


Last nights dream...

I was sleeping in a sleeping bag in a sea. Chineese pirates ttok me out and I was drowning because I forgot how to swim :eek:All of a sudden Bells came swimming over and removed his yellow speedos (they glew in the dark) and told me to put them on and I'll remember. I was like ''Can I not just hop on your back and you can take me to shore?'' He said he can't because he'd miss his flight to my Uncle's house. I swam until I got to shore, where then all I remember is seeing the chineese pirates again and then I woke up...


Muse dreams FTW!! :LOL:


:LOL: I nearly fell off my chair when I read that. Little Matt in glowin the dark speedos FTW.

Imagine being saved by Matt. :happy: I would be a very happy camper.


I had a dream the other night. I got an email from Muse saying that they would be on Jonathon Ross next Friday and that I'd won tickets:eek: So my history techer drove me to London from Dublin (wtf?) and dropped me off in the studio. I went backstage and saw Wossy and the boys in their changing room. They were all prancing around and Dom taught me to tap dance. Then all of a sudden I was in my friends house eating banannas. THE END.:LOL:

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:LOL: I nearly fell off my chair when I read that. Little Matt in glowin the dark speedos FTW.

Imagine being saved by Matt. :happy: I would be a very happy camper.


I had a dream the other night. I got an email from Muse saying that they would be on Jonathon Ross next Friday and that I'd won tickets:eek: So my history techer drove me to London from Dublin (wtf?) and dropped me off in the studio. I went backstage and saw Wossy and the boys in their changing room. They were all prancing around and Dom taught me to tap dance. Then all of a sudden I was in my friends house eating banannas. THE END.:LOL:




amazing! You manged to incorporate Matt's favourite food (he's always eating a banana :erm:) and Dom tap dancing into your dream. :awesome:

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:LOL: I died laughing, came back to life, and nearly died again! :chuckle: I don't know which part is funnier...sleeping in a sleeping bag in the sea and being snatched out by Chinese pirates...or Bellamy swimming over and taking off his speedos (that glow in the dark) and not offering you a ride because he missed a flight to your uncle's house. :LOL: Hell the whole dream was epic!


:LOL: I nearly fell off my chair when I read that. Little Matt in glowin the dark speedos FTW.

Imagine being saved by Matt. :happy: I would be a very happy camper.


Chaha my mind can be a pretty odd place actually :rolleyes::LOL:


I had a dream the other night. I got an email from Muse saying that they would be on Jonathon Ross next Friday and that I'd won tickets:eek: So my history techer drove me to London from Dublin (wtf?) and dropped me off in the studio. I went backstage and saw Wossy and the boys in their changing room. They were all prancing around and Dom taught me to tap dance. Then all of a sudden I was in my friends house eating banannas. THE END.:LOL:


Hahahaha I can imagine Dom as a tap dancing teacher actually... with his outfit from the Hullabaloo photoshoot on :LOL:

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Chaha my mind can be a pretty odd place actually :rolleyes::LOL:


Same here. Sometimes I scare myself :eek:


Hahahaha I can imagine Dom as a tap dancing teacher actually... with his outfit from the Hullabaloo photoshoot on :LOL:


:chuckle: that'd be epic! I'd love to learn from him! I might get kicked out though, from laughing all the time. :stunned:

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I may have posted this one before but I'll do it again anyways since I remembered it.


Muse failed at Wembley. I turned up there and was one of about 15 people to buy tickets. And it didn't even look like Wembley, it looked more like Earl's Court or the BIC even. None of the instruments worked, and they played some really boring new songs, and left the stage after about 5 songs. You could hear us individual comments on the songs. I woke up really worried for the band :LOL:

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amazing! You manged to incorporate Matt's favourite food (he's always eating a banana :erm:) and Dom tap dancing into your dream. :awesome:



I've been having WAYY too many Muse dreams lately. FFS Muse stop taking over my sleepy time.:mad:


Chaha my mind can be a pretty odd place actually :rolleyes::LOL:




Hahahaha I can imagine Dom as a tap dancing teacher actually... with his outfit from the Hullabaloo photoshoot on :LOL:


That would be epic. :awesome:

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:LOL: I nearly fell off my chair when I read that. Little Matt in glowin the dark speedos FTW.

Imagine being saved by Matt. :happy: I would be a very happy camper.


I had a dream the other night. I got an email from Muse saying that they would be on Jonathon Ross next Friday and that I'd won tickets:eek: So my history techer drove me to London from Dublin (wtf?) and dropped me off in the studio. I went backstage and saw Wossy and the boys in their changing room. They were all prancing around and Dom taught me to tap dance. Then all of a sudden I was in my friends house eating banannas. THE END.:LOL:


Why is Dom always acting like a four-year-old? :LOL: Haha I love that you all dream of bananas. *Matteh*


I put Showbiz in my stereo and had it right by my head so I would dream of Muse (this was my first experiment), and I dreamed of...


A romantic night at the carnival with....


















...my friend Ryan :facepalm:

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I may have posted this one before but I'll do it again anyways since I remembered it.


Muse failed at Wembley. I turned up there and was one of about 15 people to buy tickets. And it didn't even look like Wembley, it looked more like Earl's Court or the BIC even. None of the instruments worked, and they played some really boring new songs, and left the stage after about 5 songs. You could hear us individual comments on the songs. I woke up really worried for the band :LOL:



:LOL: I think I would cry if that happened in any of my dreams or in real life:eek:

Why is Dom always acting like a four-year-old? :LOL: Haha I love that you all dream of bananas. *Matteh*


I put Showbiz in my stereo and had it right by my head so I would dream of Muse (this was my first experiment), and I dreamed of...


A romantic night at the carnival with....












...my friend Ryan :facepalm:


Trust me you don't want to be having Muse dreams. There too freaky sometimes. :LOL:

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