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I know, I especially hate spiders out of my fear for bugs. But I do have pet bugs. I have a pet moth named Jared after Jared Leto and a fly Alfredo after Alfred in the movie 'Legends of The Fall' with Brad Pitt :3


Jared Leto as a moth, :LOL: I can imagine him with wings and dressed up like that going "WE ARE THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF PROMISE!!"

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I had this super weird dream that revolved mosty around Matt and Thom Yorke. We were at a convention center sort of thing and I was there to watch a dance competition. So I go to watch the competition and then imagine my surprise when I see Matt dancing on the floor. It was especially hilarious because it was Matt and then the rest of the people dancing were teenage girls. He notice my insane laughter and kept looking over at me and giving me weird looks. Thom was also watching the competition. Matt, instead of doing the dance routine, was dancing really weirdly and doing the "booty dance" (like from the Making of Uprising video) :D After his performance he went to go stand on the wall by Thom and they were both looking at me. They somehow realised I was a Muse/Radiohead fan and were staring at me and dancing with each other just to get a reaction from me. They promptly ignored me for the rest of the dream, other than Thom reading me a story about a sea monster, but a mini version of the sea monster was swimming around in my hotel room while he read it and I was scared it was going to attack me.


Yeah, I have weird dreams.

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I had this really werid apocalyptic style dream about Matt too.

So I lived in this big grey city that was surrouned by a big smooth metal gate. All the buildings on the inside had hallways only wide enough for one person and all the walls were red. It kind of reminded me of those play places you go to when you're little, you know with all the climbing and little holes and ducking down and in and out, etc.


Well, I was in some kind of... not exactly military, but it was a ranked group with some sort of mission. Matt was in a really high position of the group and I was basically the lowest. I looked up to him and admired him a lot but we never talked and he never noticed me. (BTW it was young, red-haired version of Matt in this dream).


There was a sigal or warning of some sort saying that the world was going to end and we had to get out of the city. I ran out of the building I was in on my own and I was walking around alone on the streets looking for a way out. Oddly, there was nobody running around trying to get out as well.


I saw someone go into a tunnel sort of thing that ran through the wall and I followed after them. It was a closed tunnel structure but at one part there was a grate that opened up and you could see a courtyard with a fountain in it through the grate. Matt was sitting on the edge of the fountain and told me I had to come with him. I remember wanting to go with him but I can't remember anything after that......

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:D only you would think of that...

btw, love the new icon :LOL: you change icons a lot!


Why, thank you :)

I've actually made a social group called: Muser Appreciation Group of Muse With Pwoper Facial Hair... You can check it out if you'd like... unless you already did :stunned:

And so far, this is my 3rd icon. . . so yes it's quite a lot of changing :LOL:

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My sister told me, not in the morning (which she usually does), about a Muse dream she had and trust me. I choked. :LOL:


It went a little like this:


My sister and I were petting this random cat at a celebrity party and this lady, I guess who owned the cat, gave us a stare and just walked away :stunned:

And then I guess, the celebrities were in a line watching us pet the cat and Matt was there. But oh my GAWD! There was this guy touching and fluffing his beautiful hair and kept saying , "FLUFFY, OH SO FLUFFY. FLUFFY!!" :eek:

Yeah, that made me choke. . . literally :LOL:

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I had this weird dream that Matt and I were in the grocery store buying some food together. At the checkout, Matt took out his credit card and swiped it without even having to sign. He explained that celebrities have special cards so that they don't have to sign every time they swipe so that people don't steal their autographs and sell them (:erm:) As we were walking out, a bunch of people were asking for both of our autographs. As Matt was signing, he looks over to me and says , "Since your famous now, you might as well start practicing your autograph!"



Odd but nice dream!

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Last nights Musey Dream.


It randomly started with me and my friend tweeting Chris, even though he was lying on the floor in front of us. XD My friend suggested writing something stupid since Chris was feeling a bit down, so I wrote "Go Nuts" :wtf:. And he replied with some YouTube video, and asking me if I liked classical music. I was starting to wonder around the house after that cause I couldn't look a the video, since all my electronic just seemed to stop working. But I managed to view it on my iPod Touch and sat back on the floor behind Chris and used him as a foot rest. XD He tried to move away since he found it uncomfortable and ended up kicking my friend in the head. :LOL:


I woke up after that, but fell back to sleep. It was the same dream but a hour or so later in the day. Chris was no longer in the room, and Matt had taken over tweeting. He ended up linking everyone to a video of Uprising. The video seemed normal at the start, except it was in a theater, and it was filled with kids, who were singing along. And even though the band was playing Uprising, everyone was singing Time Is Running Out. And since there were so many kids, they were being a lot louder then Matt, so he was yelling over them to try and keep the song in tune. :LOL: Eventually he gave up, and all you could hear was random singing all out of time. XD

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Why, thank you :)

I've actually made a social group called: Muser Appreciation Group of Muse With Pwoper Facial Hair... You can check it out if you'd like... unless you already did :stunned:

And so far, this is my 3rd icon. . . so yes it's quite a lot of changing :LOL:


:LOL: I can't find it, but give me a link and I'll join!

Well, I haven't changed mine whatsoever, since I joined in October so :p

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My sister told me, not in the morning (which she usually does), about a Muse dream she had and trust me. I choked. :LOL:


It went a little like this:


My sister and I were petting this random cat at a celebrity party and this lady, I guess who owned the cat, gave us a stare and just walked away :stunned:

And then I guess, the celebrities were in a line watching us pet the cat and Matt was there. But oh my GAWD! There was this guy touching and fluffing his beautiful hair and kept saying , "FLUFFY, OH SO FLUFFY. FLUFFY!!" :eek:

Yeah, that made me choke. . . literally :LOL:


I was drinking a soda, and I seriously just :LOL: and got a bit on the table... :D

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I was drinking a soda, and I seriously just :LOL: and got a bit on the table... :D


I ALWAYS DO THAT!! :LOL::awesome:

My friend who I talk to, through computer, was reading a Damon Albarn fanfiction I wrote and she spit out coffee all over herself and the computer screen :$:D:LOL:

Then I believe someone else spit out some drink reading a comment of mine somewhere else but here. . . but I forget :stunned:;)

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I ALWAYS DO THAT!! :LOL::awesome:

My friend who I talk to, through computer, was reading a Damon Albarn fanfiction I wrote and she spit out coffee all over herself and the computer screen :$:D:LOL:

Then I believe someone else spit out some drink reading a comment of mine somewhere else but here. . . but I forget :stunned:;)


:LOL: you're my favorite Muser...shhh...dont tell the others... ;)

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