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What song do you want to hear?  

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  1. 1. What song do you want to hear?

    • Muscle Museum
    • Sunburn
    • Cave
    • Citizen Erased
    • Bliss
    • Megalomania
    • Space Dementia
    • Apocalypse Please
    • Butterflies & Hurricanes
    • Ruled by Secrecy
    • Take A Bow
    • Assassin
    • I Belong To You
    • Dead Star
    • The Groove

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GREAT SHOW, even if it wasn't one of their longest setlists -- they played with passion and precision and the sound system & venue acoustics were very good, or so it seemed to me. (I much favored the sound we got tonight compared to that at the March 5 2010 MSG show, which I thought was blighted by excessive static-y sounds in the treble range.)


The highlights: CE; a few guitar riffs & runs that I didn't recognize; some other fiddly bits here and there where Matt changed it up compared to the standard play-throughs (like on, I think, the second or possibly third descending surf glissando in "KoC"; he kind of chopped it in two and played some fast riffing that sounded chunkier or choppier -- er, can you tell I don't play guitar?); the look of joy on Dom's face throughout so much of the show; Chris kicking off "Hysteria" front and center -- and those red and black striped pants are actually a pretty good look onstage; getting "HotRS" by The Animals instead of "Breaking Bridges" (or is it "Broken Bridges"? Urgh; can't think, am starving, and can barely hear) by The Status Quo; and I wish I remembered which jam is which but Dom & Chris played the one I prefer. I think. It sounded like Matt hit a few wrong notes on the piano during "USoE" but other than that, his singing and every other aspect of the show was virtually flawless, which is freaking amazing when you consider the extremes of [flashing]light and darkness, rotating and moving platforms, and everything being about 140 decibels. Matt's a ridiculously great singer; his voice is so strong and yet pure and sweet, always hitting the notes cleanly and never wavering, and hitting thrilling high notes in "CE" and "Exo Pt. 1". If they're trimming the setlists in order to preserve his voice, it's a worthy trade-off, even if some fans might understandably feel it'd be better to trim the occasional gig and play longer sets instead...


Other impressions: the huge Dom fan in Section 18 with her hair drawn back in a ponytail, who wore a Spiderman dress (with fishnet stockings, no less!) -- you're braver than I am and I hope you get to meet Dom someday if you haven't already; the ganja smoke wafting heavily and cloyingly through my section (good thing I'm not taking a drug test soon); the garrulous young men behind me -- a lot of what you said was entertaining, but did you have to talk through Matt's piano solo on CE?; during PiB, getting bopped on the head by an eyeball balloon (they're heavier than you think!) and poking it with my fingernail without it popping -- after looking around for the balloons and giving up on them earlier in the song; the two d-bags melee-ing or whatever you call it in GA about ten heads behind the barrier during "SS" (clearing out a circle within their dual orbits); the way the top-left (aud POV; on the stage-right side/Matt's side/my side, actually) back corner tier was totally rocking the house from their catbird seats during "Starlight" -- and I suspect, throughout the show. I dunno if ANY other seated section could compare with those maniacs, and if their spirit was a statistical glitch or the result of a large group drinking and attending en masse, or what, but they were something. (My section was a lot more sedate, and my area had a LOT of empty seats; all the more inexplicable 'cause this was Matt's corner, and by any definition great seats.)


And overheard outside while heading towards the train station, from three young men (college age, probably), discussing in all likelihood Matt B's love life (as best as I could make out then & recall now, that is):


first guy: "[garbled] SHAMELESSLY having sex with all these BEAUTIFUL WOMEN..."


second guy: [laughs in assent]


first guy: "But WHY should he be ASHAMED? He weighs 105 pounds!!"


[the other two explode]


first guy: "...It's like, whatever he's got, he'll use, and he SHOULD use it..."


:LOL: :smilie:

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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but Dom made a mistake and said "Hello New York! Er, New York and New Jersey anyway" or something like that which made me think last night and tonight were meant as NYC gigs with the trend of the second night being better set list-wise still ringing true. They do care about NYC after all? :shifty:

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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but Dom made a mistake and said "Hello New York! Er, New York and New Jersey anyway" or something like that which made me think last night and tonight were meant as NYC gigs with the trend of the second night being better set list-wise still ringing true. They do care about NYC after all? :shifty:


lmao. yes!!!! he was definitely fumbling to correct himself. ;)

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Haha, also was it just me, or was Dom particularly chatty tonight? I think it was before Starlight when he started rambling about this and that and then gave us permission to start clapping for the next song. :chuckle:


Yeah I thought so too. It was odd to hear all the talking.


Though honestly he could have played off the New York as Newark. It's close enough. Better than Matt's N-N-N-N-N-N-Nassau Coliseum last night. What is up with them announcing cities :LOL::LOL::LOL:

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Haha, also was it just me, or was Dom particularly chatty tonight? I think it was before Starlight when he started rambling about this and that and then gave us permission to start clapping for the next song. :chuckle:


haha i enjoyed it. <3 oh dom. he looked quite fetching in his pants. :$




i was quite upset that both drumsticks, matt's glasses, and all of chris's picks were thrown into the center. HELLO. unfair.


i barely had a chance in hell at the harmonica. :( hahaha.

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haha i enjoyed it. <3 oh dom. he looked quite fetching in his pants. :$




i was quite upset that both drumsticks, matt's glasses, and all of chris's picks were thrown into the center. HELLO. unfair.


i barely had a chance in hell at the harmonica. :( hahaha.


Well nothing was thrown into the center last night so that makes up for it :D

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After Nishe, I saw the piano was still down and I heard Matt strumming a guitar. I was like "A guitar? He never plays during this...Oh sweet we're getting B&H!" And then I saw him walk out with that beautiful fucking 7-String and I started screaming at the top of my lungs! Everyone just gave me weird looks the whole time CE was being played because I was moshing by myself and breaking my neck headbanging while everyone was just ehh. My area was kinda lame. The dude standing in front of me got Chris's harmonicas and didn't really even care. The harmonicas fell in front of him and the barrier. The guard picked it up and gave it to him. He was very confused and the security guard had to explain to him what just happened and the guy was just like 'uhhh okay'.

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After Nishe, I saw the piano was still down and I heard Matt strumming a guitar. I was like "A guitar? He never plays during this...Oh sweet we're getting B&H!" And then I saw him walk out with that beautiful fucking 7-String and I started screaming at the top of my lungs! Everyone just gave me weird looks the whole time CE was being played because I was moshing by myself and breaking my neck headbanging while everyone was just ehh. My area was kinda lame. The dude standing in front of me got Chris's harmonicas and didn't really even care. The harmonicas fell in front of him and the barrier. The guard picked it up and gave it to him. He was very confused and the security guard had to explain to him what just happened and the guy was just like 'uhhh okay'.


i was right next to him. and im still mad he got them. :LOL:

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I'm also in so much pain from both last night and tonight's extreme headbanging that went on with me that I would not be surprised if I did some brain damage lol


;) worthy braindamage though. and im proud of you for rockin it despite the odd calmness of the people around you. i definitely bounced around retardedly happy the entire time. and had to contain my jumping during the slow songs because i was too hyped up. hahaha.

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Without a doubt, that was the greatest night of my life. There are no words...


I can post my vids tomorrow night (even though it'll all be old news by then... but personally an incredible CE like the one we got tonight never gets old... <3)


Hey, I was the girl with the ukulele! Btw, Muse actually DID leave; one of the crew said he thought they did and he seemed to be actually sincere (unlike the douchebag security. I don't mind if they have to enforce the rules or whatever, but they were seriously rude).


Anyway, just got back, Holy FUCK that was amazing, like seriously. I was in such shock when Citizen Erased was played that I just kept screaming "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD" and forgot to record it until about halfway through. :LOL: From about.... SMBH to a bit after Resistance I could not see a thing as I was getting shoved around like crazy—I actually lifted off the floor entirely at some points. I barely remember what else actually happened, I was just totally in the moment and THE SECURITY GUYS ARE SUCH DOUCHES ABOUT VIDEO. :indiff: Though I did manage to get most of what I wanted to get, except I got cut off halfway through MWAH. Oh well.


I'm sure you most of guys already know what happened anyway, plus most of the stuff I got is probably unwatchable due to massive flailing about so...


What song was the crowd surfer at, btw, because he literally crashed OVER MY HEAD AND WHACKED ME IN THE FACE.


And yes, I did notice Dom saying New York at first, though New York and Newark sound pretty similar, so I actually assumed I heard wrong at first. haha.




Btw, sincerest apologies to anyone whose ears I may have screamed into, shoved, kicked... thank you very much to the kind sir who let me stand in front of him! :kiss: Sorry about my friends cutting in line... :$ Was NOT expecting that but... eh... Girl dancing next to me during Metric, you were awesome. Also, nice to meet you, Christina et al in the queue, and Cupcaykie and the others after the show whom I don't know if you're boardies or not. I'll email you the pic after I post this. :kiss:


My feet really hurt. I didn't even realize until I got in the car and they just gave out.


Dear God I am NOT looking forward to going to school tomorrow...

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After Nishe, I saw the piano was still down and I heard Matt strumming a guitar. I was like "A guitar? He never plays during this...Oh sweet we're getting B&H!" And then I saw him walk out with that beautiful fucking 7-String and I started screaming at the top of my lungs! Everyone just gave me weird looks the whole time CE was being played because I was moshing by myself and breaking my neck headbanging while everyone was just ehh. My area was kinda lame. The dude standing in front of me got Chris's harmonicas and didn't really even care. The harmonicas fell in front of him and the barrier. The guard picked it up and gave it to him. He was very confused and the security guard had to explain to him what just happened and the guy was just like 'uhhh okay'.


Oh, we were near each other, then! THAT GUY PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH I WAS LIKE, WHAT THE HELL. GIVE ME THE FUCKING HARMONICA IF YOU DON'T WANT IT. I was standing practically next to him; only one person was between us.


Oh, but the two girls next to me actually knew most of the words to CE so I was pretty happy, though they didn't know much else, which was pretty funny. I might've pissed them off a bit because I kinda shoved my way onto barrier between them but at least I didn't replace them. :erm:

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