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Amazing concert. Got great spot on the barrier, Matt's side. My first show in Atlanta earlier this year I kind of soaked in all the music and stayed still and reserved. I'm not much of a person to express themselves, but my friend standing right by me this time was going absolutely crazy, so it motivated me to let myself go a bit.


I honestly feel like the band had a great time. The setlist was so great. I honestly think it was better than ACL. Am I allowed to say that? :)


Also got screen time at the end of Knights of Cydonia. In a few of the videos on youtube you can see a guy with large eyes start shouting and pointing. Great show, great time.

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i assume responsibility for being the solo psycho at this gig who was gallivanting around the floor around in the back of GA. there was just too much room in that area for me not to abdicate my arguably prime spot in the pit...


that said, i got some crazed looks from people in the seats as i skipped along the floor.in every direction. i think i caught most every ford center "staff member" off guard. i was asked multiple times, 'are you alright?' i responded with a turn of the shoulder.


re: the jacked up piano volume: i indirectly told TK in the booth (during the first few chords of USoE) that he should ensure that the mofos at the sound boards ratchet-up the sensitivity of the mics on the piano...esp during RBS, which i saw coming in due course from the setlist. it seems like some of the soundboard peeps put it on auto-pilot on a nightly basis. insufficient.


safe to say, i think the pedestrian comment was taken to heart. easily the loudest RBS solo i've heard in many a gig...


NTL, pleased that RBS has been (surprisingly) supplanted for F(a)G. never can i argue with that decision.


on another note, i am fairly tired and bruised having driven about 1000 miles + 2 gigs (incl. ACL) over the past 48 hrs. signing off...for now...

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Finally, a computer!


So yeah we left DFW around 5 and got to the arena around 9 ish or so. The line was pretty small, technically I was 39th in line. It never really got too long until around 3 or 4, I was getting a bit worried. For some reason, an hour before the show, Security came out and decided to give GA people their wristbands BEFORE going inside the stadium. Thus, mass confusion erupted and people were running and cutting everywhere. It didn't help that they didn't force people back into line...they just decided to open all the doors and let everyone in en mass. Fail concert security.


Everything wen't better once we were inside. I was at the barrier on Matt's side, and coincidentally, I ran into Endlessy_Blissed there. Passion Pit were AMAZING. I don't really get peoples problem with them, his voice was really good. I was the only one that danced, lazy ass people :p. Then Muse came on. Uprising was awesome, once Map of The Problematique came on me and her totally looked at each other with an :eek: face...it was hilarious. Then RBS came on, and I actually grabbed her and hugged her (which I apologize now if that was really random and weird :LOL:). Unnatural Selection 3rd was odd, I figured New Born would be played then. Overall, best concert ever. Better than Nokia Theatre '07. It didn't matter that it was a 15 song setlist, the energy and overall songs played tops it.


Better than Nokia 07? Wow. I'm still chasing the high I got back then from that show and the set list will never be heard again. Only the Vegas Xmas show 2009 had more energy in my humble opinion..


I should point out that my friends told me i was rocking out on one of the video screen for a sec. Guess I was having a royal time. Still sore a lil today.

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Better than Nokia 07? Wow. I'm still chasing the high I got back then from that show and the set list will never be heard again. Only the Vegas Xmas show 2009 had more energy in my humble opinion..


I'm only biased because they played my top two favorite songs at OKC. I had been dying to hear Ruled By Secrecy for years, and finally hearing it was just the best experience of my life. I felt like I was on a body high afterwards. Nokia was still a GREAT gig though, it had Sunburn, Micro Cuts, and Take A Bow...c'mon.

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I'm only biased because they played my top two favorite songs at OKC. I had been dying to hear Ruled By Secrecy for years, and finally hearing it was just the best experience of my life. I felt like I was on a body high afterwards. Nokia was still a GREAT gig though, it had Sunburn, Micro Cuts, and Take A Bow...c'mon.


RBS was nice to hear live. :)

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