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Muse Drawings - everyone welcome!

Muse Monkey

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This is for EVERYONE to post their drawing - not just mine (to clear up any confusion)


Yo! I've recently got back into drawing again (GCSE art killed my creative spirtit for a while ._. ) and Muse are well, my muse at the moment :happy:


Here's my first drawing I've done that's muse-related:





Yar tis a bit out of proportion...



Anyway! I'll be posting up more of my drawings here soon and anyone else feel free to post you're too. Don't have to be muse-related, but it is prefered!


Salty x

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Matt looks like Keanu Reeves a bit, I think) I love them both:rolleyes:


Thankyou! Haha yes it does! It also reminds me of the guy in scary movie 4 who's pretending to be Tom Cruise from War of the Worlds....yeah okay it doesn't look that much like him but for some reason I think it does, but maybe I'm just crazy? *crazy dance*



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it's good! The longer I look at it the better it gets!:)


I have done a drawing of dom :) It's not very clear but anyway nothing wrong by posting it i hope :$




Dom! <3 Great drawing, he looks so innocent, bless him haha. The hair is amazing by the way.


And yes this is for everyone to post their muse-related drawings. I've seen loads of random threads scattered around so feel free to post anything in this one.




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hola--I started this muse drawing a while ago and it's still unfinished. still gotta draw Dom's face in...


i haven't taken an art class so I'm not sure about the proportions and such, so yeah. :/




edit: oh--doesn't have to be muse related? well then here's chris martin of coldplay too. :)



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tried drawing Dom




He's gonna get ya!



I'm afraid of him. :'(


hola--I started this muse drawing a while ago and it's still unfinished. still gotta draw Dom's face in...


i haven't taken an art class so I'm not sure about the proportions and such, so yeah. :/



edit: oh--doesn't have to be muse related? well then here's chris martin of coldplay too. :)


They're really good. :yesey:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Oooo I like it!


Horses you say? You could do some kind of knights of cydonia horse! x




Actually, that's what I've been working on for a while now. I've just finished layout out concept drawings and basic ideas on sketch paper. Now time to get into the actualy drawing. :p

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