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now I just spent an hour showing my friend pictures of Matt and Dom...now she thinks Matt is hot and dreamy...and sexy :D

I'm pwoud!



i did something like this today


When you try to convince your friend that Dom is hot :chuckle:

she even said so herself once when we were walking behind someone with a Muse shirt and he was on the back of it

then i tried showing her a picture of him today and she didn't say much

then she went off saying how she doesn't like British guys because apparently "they're too skinny, unless they play rugby"


then i tried telling her about Chris :LOL:


this has been posted before but

when your friend knows who Dom is :awesome:

btw this is the same friend who's dad stole her Muse cds :LOL:

and the same one from above


my other friends are too stupid to even know who they are and i pretty much mention them all the time :mad:

i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know my favorite band, which is obviously Muse

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Same here (though I didn't see them in 2005 :$)!!! Will sang Death Will Never Conquer :happy: Twas a great, great day :D


It was indeed a great concert.



Back on topic with me though :LOL:


YKYATMW: You read a book only because you remember reading it in 4th grade but mainly read it again because the author's middle name is Bells :awesome:

She just reminded me of Maffoo :happy:

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When you're in the car trying to calm down your niece and your mom tells you you should sing her some Muse.:chuckle:


I've done this to baby cousins before, sometimes it works.


When you get the same kind of pickup for your guitar thats in Matt's Delorean :D:D:D

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now I just spent an hour showing my friend pictures of Matt and Dom...now she thinks Matt is hot and dreamy...and sexy :D

I'm pwoud!


:awesome: he IS dreamy and sexy (hot is too plain of a word:p)


I've done something similar, my friend is practically obsessed with these two guys; Jeremy Theriot (some guy), and Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson, the one with pretty eyes who's really hot lol) anyways...we were hanging out and I spent about an hour showing her pictures of Dom, and I guess he just grew on her, because after a while she said "He's gorgeous..." and had this dreamy look on her face :happy: I was so pwoud

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i would so ace that subject :LOL:



his name does have math in it though, Matthew x]



i heard there was this one kid show and one of the trivia questions they asked was "what band is Matt Bellamy in?" and of course no one knew the answer


i'd think of SpiderDom too

there's this one teacher at my school who looks like Mr Jameson from Spiderman and i always wonder if he knows SpiderDom




awwww how cute

i love listening to Muse lullabies :happy:



i always write lyrics on my desks :LOL:

but someone always has to make it dirty :noey:


Ok, how do you put multiple quotes in one post like that?! Cause I'm tired of looking like an attention seeker by posting five times in a row :p

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YKTYATMW you do a thirty-day challenge where you can't listen to any modern music (only classical) and the Muse-withdrawl gets so bad that their songs are the background music in your dreams and you remember the songs every. single. time!


Wow you're brave....:fear:

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Same here! I've always wondered how they do that!! :p Cuz it just looks shitty posting 8 times in a row, but Idk how to do that


Next to the "quote" button at the bottom of every post is another button. When you click it, it turns blue. You click it for every post you want to quote and then when you hit post reply at the bottom, it automatically quotes all of them.

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Next to the "quote" button at the bottom of every post is another button. When you click it, it turns blue. You click it for every post you want to quote and then when you hit post reply at the bottom, it automatically quotes all of them.


Ah! So it's not just a newbie thing! :chuckle:


Wow you're brave....:fear:


sweet lordy with the cornbread! thank you tofu! :p

and sorry lupus for quoting you. :D i am a very brave tiger, indeed. and it's not just a newbie thing! woooooooppddydooooo..


im going to your love boat :LOL:

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Next to the "quote" button at the bottom of every post is another button. When you click it, it turns blue. You click it for every post you want to quote and then when you hit post reply at the bottom, it automatically quotes all of them.


Ah! So it's not just a newbie thing! :chuckle:


Wow you're brave....:fear:


sweet lordy with the cornbread! thank you tofu! :p

and sorry lupus for quoting you. :D i am a very brave tiger, indeed. and it's not just a newbie thing! woooooooppddydooooo..


im going to your love boat :LOL:

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sweet lordy with the cornbread! thank you tofu! :p

and sorry lupus for quoting you. :D i am a very brave tiger, indeed. and it's not just a newbie thing! woooooooppddydooooo..


im going to your love boat :LOL:


oh wow, completely forgot I even had a love boat. :LOL:

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Can I ask, what is a loveboat? I been on a few years now and I still don't know! Do you just show your appreciation for someone? :p


If you're popular in Banter and you think your so cool, people feel obliged to give you a love boat.

Yes it is something to show your appreciation but it's usually just for banter people, with a lot of inside jokes from banter crawling around everywhere

main musers dont get much chance :(

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If you're popular in Banter and you think your so cool, people feel obliged to give you a love boat.

Yes it is something to show your appreciation but it's usually just for banter people, with a lot of inside jokes from banter crawling around everywhere

main musers dont get much chance :(


I won't stand a chance either then, banter scares me :( I'm too young to go to places like that. My innocence was already lost when I watched 2 girls one octopuss!

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I won't stand a chance either then, banter scares me :( I'm too young to go to places like that.


How old are you? Whenever I venture into Banter I go for the YMT (Young Musers Thread), which isn't as nasty as the real Banter thread. If you're a main muser going into real banter, you will get verbally bashed straight away!

Although if you act normal, you could get away with something, but I tried that yesterday, no luck :(

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How old are you? Whenever I venture into Banter I go for the YMT (Young Musers Thread), which isn't as nasty as the real Banter thread. If you're a main muser going into real banter, you will get verbally bashed straight away!

Although if you act normal, you could get away with something, but I tried that yesterday, no luck :(


I'm 14 so I should be ok in the young musers section! Also don't worry you have a sympathy, doubt I'd do much better in banter either! Haha

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