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Lol you guys talking about how you found this board. :D




I only became a member to comment in the malaysian thread (i think there was another) about the picture of a Malaysian Airlines plane at the top right corner of the old board design! I just thought that it was weird. Then when i found that this thread was pretty active with Von and Debbie i decided to join them. And voila here we are today, still talking about Muse gigs that we've attended and stuff. lol.


It's cool that Kirk replied back, but it sounds so generic! He prob cut and paste into many PMs from fans all over the world! lol. Just my 2 cents Not being a party pooper or anything like that! Honestly.


Anyone seen any movies lately? I've watched Tropic Thunder yest thanks to a SUPER sneak preview. It wasn't that funny for me. And then i watched Max Payne just now. I thought that it was pretty good. Pretty dark..

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Hi Everyone!!!! :happy: Haven't been here for a long time. How are all of you? I'm being doing not too bad i think. But work is really tiring and it really takes up all my forum and tv time :( but at least I get to meet a lot of people :happy:


I started an account in this forum because I want to talk to the people here in this thread and also PDT :p I have been lurking around the forum not too long after Muse concert and it has really been fun reading through everything in the forum :D And you all sound so nice and fun, I can't resist joining in here :happy: Glad to be in here cause we can rant and gossip all we want about Muse and the current affairs in Malaysia :D:rolleyes::p


And wow, Shanaz, Tom replied after a year :rolleyes: Cool!!!!! But he must have been sleeping thru his mail cause he took a year :p But it is soo cool that he replied :happy:


Oh ya, and did any of you watch Mamma Mia yet? I'm so addicted to their songs after I watched it. Kena Abba fever pulak :rolleyes::p

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A proshot of Fury from the TCT gig at the Royal Albert Hall is now available to download on the downloads section.



Right-click sini, save target as...



Bonus RAH Behind The Scene And After The Party!




Thx to Muse Management !



... And of course, MUSE too! :musesign:


:eek: Woah!! :eek: Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I wouldn't have found it myself!! :D Thank you so much :happy: I totally lkove th music effect in this video :kiss:

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Thanks for sharing all your stories everyone, and Kay-a mmmmmm that bass line to Fury!


Joelyn, if only we met when you were at college! I can't help but think of all the yum cha sessions we would've had. :LOL: P/S: I still miss Paul the cruiser :(


Sigh, it's been quite a whirlwind week for me - definitely kept my hands off the internet. What's this about Federer coming over again?! :eek: I'm sure my friend will be very happy with that news!


I just went toy-shopping with L so that she has a gift for ASH when she sees them again in Bangkok next month. Lol. We saw this adorable three piece "evolution" Stormtrooper figurines and we thought it'd be a perfect gift for the three remaining guys in Ash. A little dorky, I know but I'm sure these kids will love it :LOL: Star Wars figurines don't come in cheap though... Ah, the price you'd pay to see the amusement on their faces!


How was the Butterfingers gig?




I finished it. Guuuh, it was just so hard to read that whole book. I think I only forced myself to finish it because I want it all to end! :( Well, it was still a rather entertaining read I suppose - considering how it still had my attention and after finishing that book I totally felt like I was a vampire when I attended my late night classes ( :LOL: Blame it on this anime about vampires that I watched because of Twilight....) Certainly wasn't how I would've thought of the Twilight saga when I read the first book though. To think that Muse inspired this whole saga......... Errrm, well I guess I don't have much to say on that. Movie will be out in a month though (unless Malaysia's still getting it late. Boo) and after watching the full trailer... I have to say I'm not too keen on the movie anymore coz I don't want my whole perception of the characters to be ruined by actors that can't emote. Then again, I want to hear Bella's lullaby! We'll see I suppose.



Edit: On a random note, the latest epi for Gossip Girl played the instrumental/strings version of TIRO!! Caught me by surprise there and it made my day :happy: I have to say, Gossip Girl is definitely getting trashier at the expense of making it even more boring. (Yet I still watch it :noey:) I'm not sure why they're associating it with Muse.:erm:

Edited by guilt-stricken
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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:

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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:


That must've been so traumatizing for you.. :( i'll definitely pray for you, even if we both worship different Gods.


Jeez, I hope that scumbag rots in hell. There's no need to attack a 14 year old girl just to get a phone la. Seriously, thats just ridiculous. I have no idea how you must be feeling right now but I hope you're okay, even if you said you're okay already, lol. :(


I hope you get well soon okay! I'll be keeping you in prayer. <3

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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:


Holy shit. :stunned: I seriously hope you're okay!

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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:


:eek::eek: You're taking it very well I have to say! I would still be rolling in bed in agony, cursing that bastard. I'm so glad you're feeling much better now (apart from the 7 stitches. Ouch :( )Get well soon dear!

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Oh dear nonoor, so sorry and I'm actually angry on ur behalf.


If u need any help ( the police investigations, general legal advice etc) please do PM me.


More importantly I hope ur recovering well physically and emotionally, damn traumatic la. Good on you for being strong, I've dealt with grown ups who've fallen apart after such an ordeal.

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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:


awww darling, hope you're okay <3

ugh, people are so HORERIBLE!

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Thank you so much everybodeh!!

I am feeling alright, getting better each day :happy:

Police are still in the process of getting his identity..they got his fingerprints like everywhere around the house!


Aww its great that they have proof :D I seriously hope they'll hunt down that asshole.


I'm surprised at how strong you are, like what liz said, If i were you, i'd turn into an emo kid la :LOL:

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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:


GOD!!! i really hope u're ok nonoor. but nowadays those bad people are getting more berani like entering people's house just to curi a handphone (what stupid bastard!!! but very berani i must say:rolleyes:) and like my dad's case, stole my dad's hilux right in front of our house even tho it's locked and double locked with a gear pedal lock....


oh yea, i wanna share a story. last saturday i went to mid v and i was so excited to lepaking at rock corner there and maybe buy sumthing (i had haarp/hullaballoo/in rainbows(radiohead) in mind...yes, i didnt manage to buy muse's concert dvd considering i'm the bigest fan in ipoh:p)...so i went to search for in rainbows...hmmm tak jumpe pun. ok la takpe. then ternampak hullaballoo in the racks near the counter. the price was rm99 but then i accidently ternampak another hullaballoo but different price rm49. so i askd the people there why la the harga is different. so they had some discussion and come back to me with the price of rm49...well, to tell u guys one thing, about 6 months ago, i went to buy the same thing but the price for me is really expensive rm99 considering the dvd got defect and they can only lower the price to rm89 but last saturday, the same defect dvd is only rm49. so i was wondering...can the price get so low after a certain lenght of time?:mad: nasib baik i didnt buy the dvd 6 months ago. but heck, i didnt buy it also coz i'm afraid i got tertipu...i want original stuff that is really original!!!


oh yes, what is haarp soundtrack?:confused:


lagi, they said in rainbows tak ade la...maybe tak sampai malaysia kot!!!!


agh very geram:wtf:


so you guys, can you tell me where can i get those stuff from? :(

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nonoor dear, glad to know that u're doing well. my friend had an almost similar experience like u and she could not tell her story without being traumatic and crying. so kudos dear for being so brave and strong. u know what, the worst part of my friend story was that she was knife-pointed by her own students. so yeah.. kids these days are seriously in desperate need for their parents' attention at home. :mad:


hey hannara, i bought my hullabaloo dvd for rm99 too u know. perhaps the rm49 one is the soundtrack? i bought my in rainbows at rock corner sbg parade, so u might wanna check there. am gonna take a wild guess here, isn't HAARP sountrack is the audio cd which comes together with the dvd?


butterfingers was awesome. but a bit terkilan that they only played 3 songs compared to love me butch :( miele, thanks for the nasik ayam. so freaking jealous when i saw u ladies punyer manic tiket!

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Hey peeps,

Actually don't wanna be talking abt this, but at Friday 2.30 am some crazy bastard entered my home and attacked me with a cleaver, when I was asleep(and took my phone as well), got 7 stitches at my head. I got discharged frm the hospital today, I'm feeling alright, so don't worry abt me, just pray for me a fast recovery. Anyways, bukan nak mintak sympathy ke apa lah, just wanna remind you all to be vigilant even at home coz thr are alot of desperate bastards nowadays. Take care! :happy:


:eek: ARE YOU OK?!!!!!!!!!!


Cleaver?!!!!! OMG... I think my heart stop beating for a second when I read your post. How are your head now? And why does he need to cut you anyway? Stupid idiot :mad:


Aww...... I hope you will recover soon and pray that you will be well asap :happy: Thank God nothing else happens. Take care and I'm so happy that you are strong *hugs* =)

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Thanks for sharing all your stories everyone, and Kay-a mmmmmm that bass line to Fury!


Joelyn, if only we met when you were at college! I can't help but think of all the yum cha sessions we would've had. :LOL: P/S: I still miss Paul the cruiser :(


Sigh, it's been quite a whirlwind week for me - definitely kept my hands off the internet. What's this about Federer coming over again?! :eek: I'm sure my friend will be very happy with that news!


I just went toy-shopping with L so that she has a gift for ASH when she sees them again in Bangkok next month. Lol. We saw this adorable three piece "evolution" Stormtrooper figurines and we thought it'd be a perfect gift for the three remaining guys in Ash. A little dorky, I know but I'm sure these kids will love it :LOL: Star Wars figurines don't come in cheap though... Ah, the price you'd pay to see the amusement on their faces!


How was the Butterfingers gig?




I finished it. Guuuh, it was just so hard to read that whole book. I think I only forced myself to finish it because I want it all to end! :( Well, it was still a rather entertaining read I suppose - considering how it still had my attention and after finishing that book I totally felt like I was a vampire when I attended my late night classes ( :LOL: Blame it on this anime about vampires that I watched because of Twilight....) Certainly wasn't how I would've thought of the Twilight saga when I read the first book though. To think that Muse inspired this whole saga......... Errrm, well I guess I don't have much to say on that. Movie will be out in a month though (unless Malaysia's still getting it late. Boo) and after watching the full trailer... I have to say I'm not too keen on the movie anymore coz I don't want my whole perception of the characters to be ruined by actors that can't emote. Then again, I want to hear Bella's lullaby! We'll see I suppose.



Edit: On a random note, the latest epi for Gossip Girl played the instrumental/strings version of TIRO!! Caught me by surprise there and it made my day :happy: I have to say, Gossip Girl is definitely getting trashier at the expense of making it even more boring. (Yet I still watch it :noey:) I'm not sure why they're associating it with Muse.:erm:


:LOL: Aww.... Don't worry Liz. There is still time to see you anyway cause I think I do go to college like once in every month. Will sms you if I'm there ;):D

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no, i checked and it wasn't a soundtrack!!!!:mad: about the haarp soundtrack, i just saw it on it's own meaning there is no dvd....:stunned:

subang parade is soooo jauh from bangi (i guess coz never been to subang:$)


Haarp is actually a cd/dvd. So the cover case is not your usual dvd case. It is usually placed together with their other album as well ;):D Try looking for it

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