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I had to use IE. :noey:


Wakka Wakka! (Weird announcers saying this. :wtf:)


Probably has something to do with the Shakira World Cup song, or they love the Muppets. :LOL:


Much better turn out than Switzerland



Whoa! Looks great! I guess most people also wanted to see Kasabian. I know Musers were planning a singalong, but were they the same ones that brought the huge birthday sign?

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awww now I'm reminded of that old cartoon with the flea attacking the dog.... ooooooooooooooooo therrreeeeeee's food around the corner, food around the corner, food around the corneeeeer for me! </random> :shifty:





Well, that means 4 and 5 will be played. So no one can complain about them ignoring the polls. :LOL:

shush you! :p


Much better turn out than Switzerland



awww!!! :happy:


that's so awesome! :D

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So Uprising or MK Ultra to open?


MK Ultra has opened 3 times and Uprising twice...


I'm hoping for MK Ultra but I'd put money on it being Uprising

I'm betting that Uprising will always open the stadium shows, because of the intro, and MK is more likely to open up festivals :yesey:

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