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I came up with this beast earlier


Take A Bow + Dance of The Knights

Knights of Cydonia


Map of The Problematique


City of Delusion

Butterflies and Hurricanes

Citizen Erased + Piano Interlude

Space Dementia


Ruled By Secrecy


Assassin (Extended) + Riff

Dead Star

Micro Cuts


Muscle Museum

Time Is Running Out

Plug In Baby

Bliss (extended + balloons)



New Born

Stockholm Syndrome


Wow. That is beastly.


1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 Newborn + Ashamed Outro

4 Cave + riff

5 Dead Star

6 Fury

7 Hoodoo

8 Ruled By Secrecy

9 Space Dementia

10 Sunburn

11 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm riff

12 Time Is Running Out

13 Plug in Baby

14 Showbiz + riff


15 Uno

16 Assassin

17 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

18 Micro Cuts


19 Knights of Cydonia

20 Glorious

21 Bliss extended

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1 Dead Star

2 Micro Cuts

3 New Born

4 The Small Print (Strictly EC 20th style)

5 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

6 Fury

7 Space Dementia

8 Piano improv

9 Screenager

10 Ruled By Secrecy

11 Uno

12 Cave + riff

13 Muscle Museum

14 Showbiz + riff

15 Hyper Music


16 Citizen Erased

17 Blackout

18 Bliss (Extended + balloons)


19 Hysteria

20 Time is Running Out

21 Plug in Baby

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1.Horses and lasers + Knights of Cydonia


3.Micro Cuts

4.Dead Star

5.Map of The Problematique + Maggies Farm Riff

6.City of Delusion

7.Butterflies and Hurricanes

8.Citizen Erased

9.Space Dementia


11.Ruled By Secrecy


13.Riff + Supermassive Black Hole

14.Showbiz + Ashamed outro



16.Muscle Museum

17.Time Is Running Out

18.New Born

19.Stockholm Syndrome + riff + riff


20.Take A Bow + crazy feedback

21.Plug In Baby

22.Bliss (extended) (balloons and confetti)

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This, is perfection.


1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Showbiz

5. Map Of The Problematique

6. City Of Delusion

7. Butterflies And Hurricanes

8. Assassin (Ext.)

9. Muscle Museum

10. Citizen Erased

11. Hoodoo

12. Apocalypse Please

13. Invincible

14. Time Is Running Out

15. Forced In

16. Bliss (Ext.)

17. New Born

18. Plug In Baby


19. Dead Star

20. Stockholm Syndrome

21. Take A Bow

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This, is perfection.


1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Showbiz

5. Map Of The Problematique

6. City Of Delusion

7. Butterflies And Hurricanes

8. Assassin (Ext.)

9. Muscle Museum

10. Citizen Erased

11. Hoodoo

12. Apocalypse Please

13. Invincible

14. Time Is Running Out

15. Forced In

16. Bliss (Ext.)

17. New Born

18. Plug In Baby


19. Dead Star

20. Stockholm Syndrome

21. Take A Bow


My concept of perfection does not include Invincible and Forced In.


Anyway, a fans only setlist:


1 Dead Star

2 Micro Cuts

3 Newborn + Ashamed riff

4 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

5 Falling Down

6 Showbiz + another riff

7 Maggies Farm Riff + Citizen Erased

8 Piano Interlude + Screenager

9 Ruled By Secrecy

10 Space Dementia

11 Hyper Music

12 Host

13 City of Delusion

14 Riff + Cave + piano outro

15 Hoodoo

16 Knights of Cydonia


17 Hysteria

18 Time is Running Out

19 Supermassive Black Hole

20 Plug in Baby


21 Blackout

22 Bliss (Extended W/balloons)

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1. Take A Bow

2. Hysteria

3. Plug In Baby

4. Sunburn + random piano diddly

5. New Born

6. Supermassive Black Hole

7. Hoodoo

8. Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

9. Citizen Erased + mid-song riff

10. Spiral Static

11. Micro Cuts

12. Butterflies & Hurricanes

13. Starlight

14. Muscle Museum

15. Showbiz + Ashamed outro

16. Bliss (ext) + balloons


17. Dead Star

18. Megalomania

19. Invincible


20. Feeling Good

21. MotP

22. TIRO

23. Knights of Cydonia



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This, is perfection.


1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Showbiz

5. Map Of The Problematique

6. City Of Delusion

7. Butterflies And Hurricanes

8. Assassin (Ext.)

9. Muscle Museum

10. Citizen Erased

11. Hoodoo

12. Apocalypse Please

13. Invincible

14. Time Is Running Out

15. Forced In

16. Bliss (Ext.)

17. New Born

18. Plug In Baby


19. Dead Star

20. Stockholm Syndrome

21. Take A Bow

This is sexy indeed, but it needs Microcuts.
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i'll give it a shot:


1. Apocalypse Please

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Assassin

4. Butterflies and Hurricanes

5. Supermassive Black Hole

6. Microcuts

7. Time is Running Out

8. Plug In Baby

9. Sing for Absolution

10. Bliss

11. Sunburn

12. Citizen Erased

13. Endlessly

14. Starlight

15. New Born

16. Hysteria


17. Take a Bow

18. Blackout

19. Stockholm Syndrome


20. Hoodoo

21. Knights of Cydonia

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1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Stockholm Syndrome

3. Muscle Museum

4. Dead Star

5. Space Dementia

6. Falling Down

7. New Born

8. Plug In Baby

9. Time Is Running Out

10. Exo-Politics

11. Hysteria

12. In Your World

13. Citizen Erased

14. Butterflies & Hurricanes (with a 15 minute piano wank)

15. Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist

16. The Small Print

17. Feeling Good

18. A Crying Shame


19. Sunburn

20. Bliss


Tiny venue, probably some old theatre, all seated places and they tie you to the chair with computer cables.

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14. Butterflies & Hurricanes (with a 15 minute piano wank)




1. Apocalypse Please

2. Hysteria

3. Map of the Problematique


5. Hyper Music

6. Glorious

7. Starlight

8. Sunburn

9. Ruled by Secrecy

10. HooDoo

11. Soldiers Poem

12. HT&ILY

13. Hyper Chondriac Music

14. Unintended

15. Blackout

16. TIRO

17. Showbiz

18. New Born (satellites)


19. Dead Star

20. Plug in Baby

21. Knights of Cydonia (riffage)


22. Take a Bow (laser)

23. Bliss (extended, falsetto, balloons)

24. Stockholm Syndrome (execution commentary outro + co2)

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Apocalypse Please


Map of the Problematique


Hyper Music




Ruled by Secrecy


Soldiers Poem


Hyper Chondriac Music





New Born (satellites)


Dead Star

Plug in Baby

Knights of Cydonia (riffage)


Take a Bow (laser)

Bliss (extended, falsetto, balloons)

Stockholm Syndrome (execution commentary outro + co2)




Needs numbers

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Dropped songs set




3.Dead Star

4.Assassin (ext)

5.The Small Print




9.Space Dementia

10.In Your World

11.Muscle Museum




15.Hyper Music




18.Exo-Politics ('05 version)


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My dropped song set:


1 Uno

2 Cave + riff

3 Sunburn (guitar)

4 Muscle Museum

5 Showbiz

6 Falling Down

7 Hate This and I'll Love You

8 Space Dementia

9 Razor Blades

10 Go Forth and Multiply

11 I Don't Love You

12 Dead Star

13 In Your World

14 Rusty One

15 Get a Grip


16 Endlessly

17 Scaring Me

18 TSP + riffs


19 Easy Tiger

20 Pee Candle

21 Des

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In my fantasies, I always imagine that there will be another massive Muse gig like Wembley, in which case this would be the best setlist ever.



1) Take a Bow

2) Map of the Problematique

3) Hysteria

4) Supermassive Black Hole

5) Forced In

6) Sing for Absolution

7) Butterflies and Hurricanes

8) Micro Cuts ( Earls Court slow down to a halt outro riff)

9) Piano interlude + Space Dementia

10) Feeling Good

11) Hoodoo

12) Sunburn

13) Invincible

14) Man of Mystery

15) Muscle Museum

16) Hyper Music


17) Citizen Erased

18) New Born + Microphone Fiend riff + Ashamed riff

19) Plug in Baby


20) Intro + Apocalypse Please

21) Bliss (extended with Hullabaloons)


22) Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

23) Knights of Cydonia

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1 Take a Bow

2 Cave + riff

3 Hysteria

4 Newborn + Ashamed Riff

5 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

6 Jam + City of Delusion

7 Citizen Erased

8 Piano interlude + Hoodoo

9 Screenager (piano)

10 Ruled By Secrecy

11 Space Dementia

12 Glorious

13 Plug in Baby

14 Riff + Time Is Running Out

15 Knights of Cydonia


16 Dead Star

17 Fury

18 Micro Cuts

19 Hyper Music


20 Blackout

21 Showbiz

22 Bliss Extended w/balloons

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1.Knights of Cydonia


3.Supermassive Black Hole


5.Map of the Problematique

6.City of Delusion

7.Butterflies and Hurricanes

8.Citizen Erased

9.Space Dementia


11.Sunburn + riff

12.Dead Star

13.Micro Cuts

14.Muscle Museum

15.Time Is Running Out

16.Plug in Baby

17.Bliss (extended)


18.Take A Bow

19.New Born

20.Stockholm Syndrome

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It's a set in D




1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 Newborn + Ashamed Riff

4 Map of the Problematique + Maggie's Farm

5 Assassin Extended

6 City of Delusion

7 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

8 Hoodoo

9 Apocalypse Please

10 Sunburn

11 Invincible

12 Starlight

13 Man of Mystery

14 Time Is Running Out

15 Supermassive Blackhole

16 Plug in Baby


17 Citizen Erased

18 Blackout

19 Bliss


20 Micro Cuts

21 Knights of Cydonia

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1.Take A Bow

2.Knights of Cydonia

3.Map of The Problematique

4.Supermassive Black Hole


6.Hyper Music

7.City of Delusion

8.Butterflies and Hurricanes

9.Citizen Erased


11.Space Dementia

12.Ruled By Secrecy


14.Dead Star

15.Micro Cuts



17.Time Is Running Out

18.New Born

19.Stockholm Syndrome


20.Muscle Museum

21.Plug In Baby


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