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It isn't as good, I must admit. But when Muse played Bliss on the Sunday at Wembley, it was by miles the best song because they saved it.


Realistically, they should be playing this:


1 Knights of Cydonia

2 Map of the Problematique

3 Hysteria

4 Supermassive Blackhole

5 City of Delusion

6 Butterflies and Hurricanes

7 Citizen Erased

8 Feeling Good

9 Sunburn

10 Soldiers Poem

11 Invincible

12 Starlight

13 Time Is Running Out

14 New Born

15 Plug in Baby


16 Take a Bow

17 Muscle Museum

18 Bliss


19 Micro Cuts

20 Stockholm Syndrome


Check out the setlist that Moscow got:


Take a Bow


Map of the Problematique

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Supermassive Black Hole

Sing for Absolution

Feeling Good




Time Is Running Out

New Born

Stockholm Syndrome


Encore 1:

Soldier's Poem



Encore 2:

Muscle Museum

Bliss (extended)


Encore 3:

Plug In Baby

Knights of Cydonia


Lucky bastards, the Russians, wouldnt you say?;)


They witnessed the return of Bliss and Muscle Museum. The latter has not been played for nearly an entire year! Then they had 3 Showbiz songs, 3 of the best. Arguably the best live song, Sing for Absolution was also played.


They also experienced the sheer power of the 'Holy Trinity' of OOS, New Born, PiB and Bliss. They also had Knights as a closer! AS A CLOSER!

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;3519100']Yes' date='that one in Moscow would be a perfect one :happy:[/quote']


nah cos its got Soldiers Poem, Unintended and Invincible on it, too many slow songs.


Put in Hoodoo for SP and Showbiz for Unintended and that is almost perfect, and almost realistic.

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Based on what Moscow got,and what we've had since August 2006 the ideal BHAR tour set:


1.Take a Bow


3.Supermassive Black Hole

4.Map of the Problematique

5.City of Delusion/Assassin

6.Butterflies & Hurricanes

7.Micro Cuts/Showbiz

8.Citizen Erased

9.Apocalypse Please/Feeling Good




13.Time Is Running Out

14.New Born

15.Knights of Cydonia


16.Muscle Museum

17.Plug In Baby

18.Bliss (extended)



20.Stockholm Syndrome

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Based on what Moscow got,and what we've had since August 2006 the ideal BHAR tour set:


1.Take a Bow


3.Supermassive Black Hole

4.Map of the Problematique

5.City of Delusion/Assassin

6.Butterflies & Hurricanes

7.Micro Cuts/Showbiz

8.Citizen Erased

9.Apocalypse Please/Feeling Good




13.Time Is Running Out

14.New Born

15.Knights of Cydonia


16.Muscle Museum

17.Plug In Baby

18.Bliss (extended)



20.Stockholm Syndrome


I almost completely agree with that.


Oh, and goodness gracious me! I prophesised the inclusion Muscle Museum did I not?! :D


Edit: and followed by Bliss :) amazing encore

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I've noticed how some people have said that the Moscow gig had the perfect setlist.


This is only because it was such a surprise.


Imagine if you will, that Muse actually played the following


1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 Supermassive Black Hole

4 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm

5 Assassin Extended

6 Sing For Absolution

7 City of Delusion

8 Citizen Erased

9 Hoodoo

10 Sunburn

11 Muscle Museum

12 Starlight

13 Time Is Running Out

14 Knights of Cydonia


15 New Born + riffs

16 Plug in Baby

17 Bliss Extended w/ balloons


18 Unintended

19 Blackout

20 Showbiz


21 Micro Cuts

22 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


All these songs have been played this tour

All the songs that have been missed out have not been played all the way through the tour

Muse have now played 3 encores in this tour

They have had 3 songs in an encore this tour

They have played 22 songs in this tour

4 Showbiz songs (just one more than Moscow)

5 Origin of Symmetry songs (Pretty much average for a set this length)

5 Absolution songs (Just below average)

8 Black Holes and Revelations songs (about average for this length)

Therefore, most of this setlist makes sense.


Can we all agree that it is pretty much, the perfect setlist for this tour? :D

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1. Take a Bow

2. Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Fury

5. Eternally Missed

6. Forced In + Sing For Absolution

7. Apocalypse Please

8. Hoodoo

9. Sunburn

10. Space Dementia

11. Citizen Erased

12. Muscle Museum

13. Time Is Running Out

14. Knights of Cydonia


15. New Born + Microphone Fiend riff + Ashamed riff

16. Plug in Baby (balloons)

17. Bliss (extended)


18. Dead Star

19. Hysteria

20. Showbiz


21. Micro Cuts

22. Stockholm Syndrome + Execution Commentary riff + Agitated riff

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1. Take a Bow

2. Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Fury

5. Eternally Missed

6. Forced In + Sing For Absolution

7. Apocalypse Please

8. Hoodoo

9. Sunburn

10. Space Dementia

11. Citizen Erased

12. Muscle Museum

13. Time Is Running Out

14. Knights of Cydonia


15. New Born + Microphone Fiend riff + Ashamed riff

16. Plug in Baby (balloons)

17. Bliss (extended)


18. Dead Star

19. Hysteria

20. Showbiz


21. Micro Cuts

22. Stockholm Syndrome + Execution Commentary riff + Agitated riff


23. Creep

24. The Bends

25. My Iron Lung

26. Paranoid Android

27. Karma Police

28. Everything in its right place

29. Idioteque

30. How to Disappear Completely

31. Pyramid Song

32. You and Whose Army?

33. Knives Out

34. There There

35. 2+2=5


36. In Rainbows in full



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:LOL::LOL: i actually refrained from doing that :rolleyes:


lolz at the radioheadness




Actual perfect Muse setlist:


1 15 Step

2 National Anthem

3 Morning Bell

4 All I Need

5 There There

6 My Iron Lung

7 Paranoid Android

8 Pyramid Song

9 You and Whose Army?

10 Exit Music

11 Videotape

12 Nude

13 Karma Police

14 Just

15 Bodysnatchers

16 Reckoner

17 Idioteque

18 Everything In It's Right Place


19 The Bends

20 Black Star

21 Creep

22 2+2=5


23 Street Spirit

24 Lucky


D'oh, I forgot How to Disappear Completely. It goes between Pyramid Song and Exit Music

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Not being such a massive Radiohead fan, mine would be:


1 15 Step

2 National Anthem

3 I Might Be Wrong

4 Electioneering

5 Where I End and You Begin

6 Knives Out

7 Paranoid Android

8 Like Spinning Plates (Piano)

9 Videotape

10 Nude

11 Karma Police

12 Airbag

13 Bodysnatchers

14 Optimistic

15 Go To Sleep

16 There There


17 Just

18 All I Need

19 Morning Bell

20 Idiotheque


21 Street Spirit

22 2+2=5

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Not being such a massive Radiohead fan, mine would be:


1 15 Step

2 National Anthem

3 I Might Be Wrong

4 Electioneering

5 Where I End and You Begin

6 Knives Out

7 Paranoid Android

8 Like Spinning Plates (Piano)

9 Videotape

10 Nude

11 Karma Police

12 Airbag

13 Bodysnatchers

14 Optimistic

15 Go To Sleep

16 There There


17 Just

18 All I Need

19 Morning Bell

20 Idiotheque


21 Street Spirit

22 2+2=5


Wow, and I thought I liked 2+2=5.


Actually, I'm not a fan of National Anthem or Morning Bell. I'd prefer Electioneering and Optimistic, but that just won't happen. I tried to make the setlist as realistic as possible.

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Wow, and I thought I liked 2+2=5.


Actually, I'm not a fan of National Anthem or Morning Bell. I'd prefer Electioneering and Optimistic, but that just won't happen. I tried to make the setlist as realistic as possible.


ah you see well I don't know what Radiohead play and don't


I love 2+2=5!

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Hey, what do you think about this:


1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Feeling Good

4. Starlight

5. Sing For Absolution

6. Showbiz

7. Map Of The Problematique

8. Unintended

9. Hate This And I'll Love You

10. Exo-Politics

11. New Born

12. Invincible

13. Bliss

14. Supermassive Black Hole


15. Escape

16. Plug In Baby


17. Space Dementia

18. City Of Delusion


19. Muscle Museum

20. Citizen Erased



To make it fantastic I would also put Falling Away With You in:)

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Hey, what do you think about this


To make it fantastic I would also put Falling Away With You in:)


If you want my expert opinion, it should be ordered like this:


1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Starlight

4. Sing For Absolution

5. Feeling Good

6. Showbiz

7. Map Of The Problematique

8. Unintended

9. Hate This And I'll Love You

10. Invincible

11. Exo-Politics

12. New Born

13. Supermassive Black Hole

14. Bliss


15. Space Dementia

16. City Of Delusion

17. Falling Away With You


18. Escape

19. Plug In Baby


20. Muscle Museum

21. Citizen Erased


Not that different because it was quite well organised to start with :)


A couple of dodgy song choices imo (Feeling Good, Invincible and Exo-Politics) but I'd much prefer it to what Muse are playing at the moment.

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Here are 20 random Muse songs:




Execution Commentary

Plug in Baby


Forced In

Feeling Good

City Of Delusion


Hyper Music

New Born


Piano Thing

Do We Need This


Soldier's Poem


Stockholm Syndrome




This is the order I'd put them in:


1 Minimum

2 Hyper Music

3 New Born + Microphone Fiend riff

4 Fury

5 Do We Need This? + Ashamed riff

6 Forced In

7 Shine

8 City of Delusion

9 Hoodoo

10 Piano Thing

11 Con-Science

12 Feeling Good

13 Coma

14 Sober

15 Starlight

16 Plug in Baby


17 Soldiers Poem

18 Unintended

19 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

20 Execution Commentary (Glastonbury Style)

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Introduction + Apocalypse Please (Earls Court style)



Space Dementia

Citizen Erased

Eternally Missed

Butterflies and Hurricanes (CO2)

Forced In + Sing For Absolution

Hate This & I'll Love You


Muscle Museum



Hyper Music

Micro Cuts



Dead Star

Plug In Baby (balloons)

New Born + Microphone Fiend riff + Ashamed riff


Knights of Cydonia + extended riff

Stockholm Syndrome + Execution Commentary riff + Agitated riff

Bliss (extended)

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1 Take a Bow

2 Supermassive Blackhole

3 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm riff

4 Assassin (Extended)

5 City of Delusion

6 Butterflies and Hurricanes

7 Citizen Erased

8 Hoodoo

9 Sunburn

10 Blackout

11 Starlight

12 Time Is Running Out

13 New Born + riffs

14 Micro Cuts

15 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


16 Hysteria

17 Plug in Baby

18 Bliss (Extended w/balloons)


19 Muscle Museum

20 Knights of Cydonia



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I just noticed, that I've seen all the songs in that setlist live. So I shall create 2 more: my perfect for songs I've seen, and my perfect for songs I haven't.


1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 New Born

4 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm riff

5 Assassin (Extended)

6 Sing For Absolution

7 City of Delusion

8 Citizen Erased

9 Hoodoo

10 Apocalypse Please

11 Ruled By Secrecy

12 Sunburn

13 Muscle Museum

14 Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

15 Time Is Running Out

16 Knights of Cydonia


17 Micro Cuts

18 Stockholm Syndrome + riff

19 Dead Star


20 Blackout

21 Plug in Baby

22 Bliss



1 Uno

2 Cave

3 Hyper Music

4 Fury

5 Showbiz + riffs

6 Megalomania

7 Screenager

8 Space Dementia

9 The Groove

10 Filip

11 Nishe

12 Falling Down

13 In Your World

14 Do We Need This? + riffs

15 Agitated


16 Endlessly

17 Hate This and I'll Love You

18 Des


Together, those two would pretty much make up my perfect weekend. :)

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Songs I've seen live:


1.Take A Bow


3.Map of The Problematique

4.Assassin (Extended)

5.City of Delusion

6.Butterflies and Hurricanes

7.Citizen Erased


9.Space Dementia

10.Ruled By Secrecy


12.Micro Cuts


14.The Groove

15.Time Is Runnig Out

16.Knights Of Cydonia



18.Muscle Museum

19.Plug In Baby

20.Bliss (extended + balloons)


21.New Born

22.Stockholm Syndrome


Songs I've not seen:


1.Dead Star



4.Dark Shines

5.Hyper Music


7.Screenager (piano)

8.Falling Down (piano)




12.In Your World

13.Shrinking Universe




16.Hate This And I'll Love You


18.Do We Need This?

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I went to the Earls Court 19th gig when all I knew were the first 5 songs of OoS, Feeling Good, and the singles from Absolution. So it would have been better for me if I went on the 20th when they played Space Dementia, as that would be one more memory of the gig. All I can remember is Hysteria, B&H, TIRO, Plug in Baby and Bliss, as well as the intro to Citizen Erased, and Sunburn, and the video to Ruled by Secrecy (Unforgettable).

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I went to the Earls Court 19th gig when all I knew were the first 5 songs of OoS, Feeling Good, and the singles from Absolution. So it would have been better for me if I went on the 20th when they played Space Dementia, as that would be one more memory of the gig. All I can remember is Hysteria, B&H, TIRO, Plug in Baby and Bliss, as well as the intro to Citizen Erased, and Sunburn, and the video to Ruled by Secrecy (Unforgettable).


Ruled By Secrecy was amazing live when I saw it.


From the one time seen songs its only second to Showbiz.

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