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1.Take A Bow

2.Knights of Cydonia

3.Map of The Problematique

4.Supermassive Black Hole


6.Hyper Music

7.City of Delusion

8.Butterflies and Hurricanes

9.Citizen Erased


11.Space Dementia

12.Ruled By Secrecy


14.Dead Star

15.Micro Cuts



17.Time Is Running Out

18.New Born

19.Stockholm Syndrome


20.Muscle Museum

21.Plug In Baby



V good :)

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1.In your world



4.Sing for absolution


6.Map of the problematique


8.Crying Shame

9.Feeling Good


11.Dead Star



13.Take a Bow

14.City of delusion


16.Citizen Erased

17.New born


18.Knights of Cydonia

19.Micro Cuts

20.Plug in baby

21.Muscle Museum

22.Stockholm Syndrome

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1. Hysteria

2. Supermassive Blackhole

3. Muscle Museum

4. Plug In Baby

5. Hyper Music

6. Map of the Problematique

7. Butterflies and Hurricanes

8. In Your World

9. Time is Running Out

10. The Smallprint

11. Stockholm Syndrome

12. Sunburn

13. Space Dementia

14. Dead Star

15. Fury

16. City of Delusion

17. Showbiz

18. Citizen Erased


19. Knights of Cydonia

20. Uno

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If only I was a billionaire and Muse was for sale......:rolleyes:

I would make them play all of their songs and a few of other bands, not all in one day thou, I wouldn't be such a horrible owner, I would treat them with a lot of TLC.




I often Imagine how dodgy it would feel if Muse played some songs for me.


And when I write my unrealistic setlists, they are meant to be played to fans rather than people who don't know many of their songs, because the crowd would go wilder.


1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 Cave + riff

4 Plug in Baby

5 Showbiz + Ashamed Riff

6 Citizen Erased

7 Hoodoo

8 Ruled By Secrecy

9 Screenager (piano)

10 Space Dementia

11 Hyper Music

12 Dead Star

13 Micro Cuts

14 Nishe

15 Falling Down

16 Knights of Cydonia


17 Blackout

18 Des

19 Bliss (extended w/balloons)


20 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

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1.Invincible (extended with additional whale noises)

2.Butterflies and Hurricanes

3.Supermassive Black Hole

4.Forced In

5.Bliss (short)


7.New Born

8.Apocalypse Please

9.Feeling Good

10.Soldiers Poem (piano)



13.Map of The Problematique

14.Plug In Baby

15.Stockholm Syndrome (no outro riff)


16.Time Is Running Out

17.Knights of Cydonia


fairly realistic apart from Exo I guess.

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1 Take a Bow

2 Starlight

3 Supermassive Black Hole

4 Map of the Problematique

5 Soldiers Poem

6 Invincible

7 Assassin

8 Exo-Politics

9 City of Delusion

10 Hoodoo

11 Knights of Cydonia


12 Sunburn

13 New Born

14 Plug in Baby

15 Hysteria

16 Time is Running Out

17 Stockholm Syndrome

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Although I would love to have seen this:


1 New Born

2 Bliss extended

3 Space Dementia

4 Hyper Music

5 Plug in Baby

6 Citizen Erased

7 Micro Cuts

8 Screenager

9 Darkshines

10 (Feeling Good)

11 Megalomania


12 Uno

13 Cave

14 Showbiz + Ashamed riff

15 Hysteria

16 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


17 Blackout

18 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm

19 Hoodoo

20 Knights of Cydonia

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1 Take a Bow

2 Starlight

3 Supermassive Black Hole

4 Map of the Problematique

5 Soldiers Poem

6 Invincible

7 Assassin

8 Exo-Politics

9 City of Delusion

10 Hoodoo

11 Knights of Cydonia


12 Sunburn

13 New Born

14 Plug in Baby

15 Hysteria

16 Time is Running Out

17 Stockholm Syndrome


Those were the best bits of that gig.


From City of Delusion onwards it wasn't a bad gig, just the start was crap and it was far too short and it set a trend for not having Bliss in the setlist.

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Although I would love to have seen this:


1 New Born

2 Bliss extended

3 Space Dementia

4 Hyper Music

5 Plug in Baby

6 Citizen Erased

7 Micro Cuts

8 Screenager

9 Darkshines

10 (Feeling Good)

11 Megalomania


12 Uno

13 Cave

14 Showbiz + Ashamed riff

15 Hysteria

16 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


17 Blackout

18 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm

19 Hoodoo

20 Knights of Cydonia


That would be amazing. Knowing Muse though they'd do this:


1.New Born

2.Bliss (short)

3.Space Dementia

4.Hyper Music

5.Plug In Baby

6.Citizen Erased

7.Micro Cuts

8.Screenager (guitar)


10.Feeling Good





14.Time Is Running Out

15.Stockholm Syndrome




18.Knights of Cydonia

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That would be amazing. Knowing Muse though they'd do this:


1.New Born

2.Bliss (short)

3.Space Dementia

4.Hyper Music

5.Plug In Baby

6.Citizen Erased

7.Micro Cuts

8.Screenager (guitar)


10.Feeling Good





14.Time Is Running Out

15.Stockholm Syndrome




18.Knights of Cydonia




They wouldnt play Invincible, Map of or Supermassive Blackhole would be more likely

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1.Take A Bow


3.Micro Cuts


5.Map of the Problematique

6.Butterflies and Hurricanes

7.Citizen Erased

8.Space Dementia

9.Ruled By Secrecy



12.Muscle Museum

13.Time Is Running Out

14.Plug In Baby

15.Bliss (extended)


16.New Born

17.Hyper Music + Stockholm Jam

18.Stockholm Syndrome + riff + riff


19.Acoustic interlude + City of Delusion


21.Knights of Cydonia

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If Muse were Radiohead:


1 Ruled By Secrecy

2 Bliss (extended)

3 Hysteria

4 Supermassive Black Hole

5 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm

6 Hoodoo

7 Forced In

8 Dead Star

9 Micro Cuts

10 Screenager

11 Megalomania

12 Hyper Chondriac Music

13 Citizen Erased

14 Con-Science

15 Time Is Running Out

16 Knights of Cydonia


17 Starlight

18 Sunburn

19 Plug in Baby

20 Newborn + Ashamed Riff


21 Blackout

22 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

23 Take a Bow

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Dead Star

In Your World

Supermassive Black Hole

Time Is Running Out


City Of Delusion




Muscle Museum

The Groove

New Born

Micro Cuts

Plug In Baby

Map Of The Problematique

Stockholm Syndrome+Riff

Knights Of Cydonia


Shrinking Universe


Hyper Music

Citizen Erased




Not in order, though :p

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy would you be if it opened?


I don't care where they put it in the set as long as they played it.


I'd go for 8, its not the ideal opener but I reckon it could work. I saw them open with Bliss, piano intro and all..........

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There should be at least one setlist thread in the first page at all times :)


1 Minumum Intro

2 Micro Cuts

3 Knights of Cydonia

4 Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm Riff

5 Citizen Erased

6 Endlessly

7 Megalomania

8 Screenager

9 Space Dementia

10 Ruled By Secrecy

11 New Born

12 Fury

13 Hyper Music

14 Plug in Baby

15 Time Is Running Out

16 Bliss


17 Take a Bow

18 Hysteria

19 Supermassive Black Hole

20 Riff + Cave


21 Blackout

22 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

23 Dead Star

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1.Citizen Erased

2.New Born

3.Stockholm Syndrome

4.Take A Bow


6.Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm Riff

7.Muscle Museum


9.Space Dementia


11.Ruled By Secrecy

12.Piano Intro + Bliss Extended

13.Plug In Baby

14.Micro Cuts

15.Dead Star


16.City of Delusion

17.Butterflies and Hurricanes



19.Knights of Cydonia


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1.Introduction and Apocalypse Please (Earls Court Style)

2.Eternally Missed


4.Supermassive Black Hole

5.Map of the Prolematique + Maggies Farm Riff

6.Butterflies & Hurricanes (CO2)



9.Time is Running Out

10.Citizen Erased

11.Plug in Baby (balloons)

12.New Born


13.Dead Star

14.Bliss (extended, falsetto)

15.Take A Bow (flames)


16. Showbiz

17.Stockholm Syndrome + Execution Commentary Riff

18.Knights of Cydonia + Space Dementia Outro



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1.Take A Bow

2.Map of The Problematique + Maggies Farm Riff


4.Micro Cuts

5.Showbiz + Ashamed Outro

6.City of Delusion

7.Butterflies and Hurricanes

8.Citizen Erased

9.Space Dementia




13.Muscle Museum

14.Time Is Running Out

15.Plug In Baby

16.Bliss (extended)


17.New Born + Microphone Fiend Riff

18.Riff + Hyper Music + Stockholm Jam

19.Stockholm Syndrome + riff + riff


20.Ruled By Secrecy

21.Knights of Cydonia

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