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We knew that was going to happen as soon as they lost wickets so early, without having runs. As much as I like franklin, his contribution shouldn't have to be the major part of our innings.

Hopefully with nothing to lose (other than more dignity) we can sort that top order out a bit better...

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Living up to my title of 'event organiser' for once, I organised the second work karaoke night this evening. It was awesome. :awesome:


I actually didn't pick any songs myself - since all my workmates were quite excited and everything I let them pick the songs. But I joined in the singing of such songs as Chop Suey, Bad Romance, Never Gonna Give You Up (a fucking Rickroll!) and Livin' On a Prayer.

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The bowling has been the biggest problem in the last two games. 3 wickets for close to 500 runs, one of which was a run out. Nice.
Yep. Our attack is getting too old to do much. Might as well bring in some young blood. They may not do any better, but they'll be getting future experience :erm:

We actually have a pretty decent batting tail ATM, but we don't have enough out and out batsment at the top order to set a good platform...

And Williamson (sp?) should never have been expected to bat 3 so early in his career :noey:

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I think they've only done that because McCullum and Ryder were injured. If they were fit, the top 3 would have been McCullum, Ryder, Guptill, and Williamson would have been at 5 or 6.


Taylor should probably have moved up to 3 instead though.

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I just saw someone taking a photo of Denny's. :wtf: Who the fuck takes a photo of Denny's? If it's one of Auckland's major landmarks, then we're in deeper trouble than I thought.


Now, I'm not pretending I've never been to Denny's. There's a time and a place for the fatty delights they have on offer. But they should really only be a guilty pleasure and/or a drunken destination.


Taking a photo of Denny's? :noey: And I mean the whole building, not the hilarious sexual innuendo on a sign inside Denny's that you quite rightly took a photo of, Jo.

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Speaking of sexual innuendo, two lines from the show I'm working on at the moment at work...


"Can you hold me?"

"I won't hold you. I'll hold the rod."


They're fishing, guys. Get your minds out of the gutter.

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I think they've only done that because McCullum and Ryder were injured. If they were fit, the top 3 would have been McCullum, Ryder, Guptill, and Williamson would have been at 5 or 6.


Taylor should probably have moved up to 3 instead though.

Aye. But we still need more depth, in reality. Ryder seems to injured a lot... Not good at a young age :(


Exactly! Even if he wasn't doing well, he's a senior batsman, and probably our best batsman.

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Living up to my title of 'event organiser' for once, I organised the second work karaoke night this evening. It was awesome. :awesome:


I actually didn't pick any songs myself - since all my workmates were quite excited and everything I let them pick the songs. But I joined in the singing of such songs as Chop Suey, Bad Romance, Never Gonna Give You Up (a fucking Rickroll!) and Livin' On a Prayer.


Nice. I've been to a karaoke place in Newmarket a couple times lately and it's quite a nice place. The song data base isn't that big though (no Muse) so I don't think I'll enjoy it as much if I go again since I'm done with most of the songs I want to sing but my friend loves it.


Speaking of sexual innuendo, two lines from the show I'm working on at the moment at work...


"Can you hold me?"

"I won't hold you. I'll hold the rod."


They're fishing, guys. Get your minds out of the gutter.


That reminds of the series Bottom that I've been watching a lot this year. Just about everything is first interpretted as a sexual innendo, it's funny stuff though.

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Congrats! Are you putting it towards your papers, or accommodation?


Mine went to papers because I was flatting on the Dixon st steps. I'd probably have put it to accommodation if I'd been in a hall, though.


It's probably going towards Accommodation, because if you pay it towards papers it seems they just pay off whatever you have put on your student load, so you don't get the student load as well. Might have to find out in more detail though.

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i was about to buy phoenix foundation tickets a week ago and then got distracted. it's now sold out. :mad:


had a week of gigging, the national x 2, arcade fire and vampire weekend. of course it had to be the coldest week with bloody snow.


Oh no! :(


But sounds like an awesome week of gigs.


One week til The Fall for me :D

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I just saw someone taking a photo of Denny's. :wtf: Who the fuck takes a photo of Denny's? If it's one of Auckland's major landmarks, then we're in deeper trouble than I thought.


Now, I'm not pretending I've never been to Denny's. There's a time and a place for the fatty delights they have on offer. But they should really only be a guilty pleasure and/or a drunken destination.


Taking a photo of Denny's? :noey: And I mean the whole building, not the hilarious sexual innuendo on a sign inside Denny's that you quite rightly took a photo of, Jo.

My cousins live in the same street as a Denny's in Auckland! I enjoy the contrast of their very posh apartment building being like a couple of blocks downhill from Denny's :chuckle:


It's probably going towards Accommodation, because if you pay it towards papers it seems they just pay off whatever you have put on your student load, so you don't get the student load as well. Might have to find out in more detail though.
The way they did mine was write $4,000 off the costs of my papers, and uni-related things (student association, etc) leaving me with a $1200 overhang which I needed a student loan for anyway.


My mum's decided to turn my journey up to Auckland in Feb into a supermassive road trip :awesome:

We're going via Taranaki, which will be intense because Taranaki in February melts to a blaze and everything is kind of beaten into this high-relief light-and-warm-shadowed vibrancy that makes you all squinty-eyed. Especially at sunset - all the roads wheel into the setting sun. It'll be nice to see everyone though. When we're past the residual blots the brightness leaves on your vision, anyway.

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The way they did mine was write $4,000 off the costs of my papers, and uni-related things (student association, etc) leaving me with a $1200 overhang which I needed a student loan for anyway.


Thing is, I've almost planned the whole years finances (without actual numbers, should probably do that). The scholarship + one from school that I was awarded, plus Student Loan almost covers accommodation and course costs for the year, leaving me with a bit to cover, which my parents want to help with, and I have all the money I've saved from work left over until next year, or to pay off the Loan.


Apparently if you repay the whole Loan back straight away, you get 10% back, which is :awesome:

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I just endured a bit of a giggling fit at work. I'm working on a movie that has lots of posh British secret servicey guys, and one of them just called a woman a conniving cunt. :LOL:


I replayed it several times. It's quite glorious.

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Thing is, I've almost planned the whole years finances (without actual numbers, should probably do that). The scholarship + one from school that I was awarded, plus Student Loan almost covers accommodation and course costs for the year, leaving me with a bit to cover, which my parents want to help with, and I have all the money I've saved from work left over until next year, or to pay off the Loan.


Apparently if you repay the whole Loan back straight away, you get 10% back, which is :awesome:

I am suitably impressed by your organisation (seriously. Wow) Still think you should chuck the Vic scholarship at accommodation :yesey:


I just endured a bit of a giggling fit at work. I'm working on a movie that has lots of posh British secret servicey guys, and one of them just called a woman a conniving cunt. :LOL:


I replayed it several times. It's quite glorious.

Oh, win :LOL:


Mum and I had this huge hypothetical if-you-had-a-dinner-party-who-would-you-invite-living-or-dead discussion. Our 10 each turned into this mash up:




Alexander the Great & Hephaistion



Queen Idia


Christine de Pisan

T.S. Eliot

W.H Auden + guest

Josephine Baker

Cate Blanchett

Ian Mckellen

Roy Orbison

Bob Dylan

F. Scott Fitzgerald

My grandma/mum's mum

A family friend


And Bucephalus in the garden.

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Muse are horrible! Apparently the tickets to the first night in Brisbane went on sale first, and they got a pretty shit setlist. The second show has so far featured MK Ultra and Butterflies & Hurricanes. That's so unfair on the fans who rushed to buy first night tickets.


Edit: And now Sunburn, apparently. I don't blame anyone who went on the first night bearing a grudge.

Edited by _Ed_
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Makes sense to put the scholarship on accommodation since you've only got the $155 living costs a week. And if you're in a hall its about $260ish now isn't it? You might as well get the loan even if you have your own money, keep it all in the bank for interest. I know a few people whose parents pay for Uni but they got the loan solely for that reason.

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Alexander the Great & Hephaistion


That you put these two together makes me happy :happy:


Muse are horrible! Apparently the tickets to the first night in Brisbane went on sale first, and they got a pretty shit setlist. The second show has so far featured MK Ultra and Butterflies & Hurricanes. That's so unfair on the fans who rushed to buy first night tickets.


Muse are dicks.

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