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It sounds very unlikely that these miners are alive. If the gases are too dangerous to enter then surely the atmosphere where the miners are trapped isn't either? I think the reporting on this has been weird.

Edited by JoBear
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It sounds very unlikely that these miners are alive. If the gases are too dangerous to enter then surely the atmosphere where the miners are trapped isn't either? I think the reporting on this has been weird.

Yeah, sadly I think you're right. It's weird how both survivors apparently told rescue crews on Friday that three more miners were on their way out. They never came out, and those two survivors have since denied saying that. :erm:


Also if National get this change through of being asked to provide a medical certificate after one day of sick leave I am going to be fucking mad. All they want to do is erode all the labour rights of every New Zealander.

Yup. I guess I have to hand it to John Key - he's somehow been able to keep his reputation in tact. People managed to interpret (often wrongly) everything Helen did as in some way having dire effects on them; whereas John Key has enacted policies that really do infringe on people's rights, and he stays squeaky clean. "Oh, he's such a nice man." :rolleyes:

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It sounds very unlikely that these miners are alive. If the gases are too dangerous to enter then surely the atmosphere where the miners are trapped isn't either? I think the reporting on this has been weird.


Like I said to dad tonight, I really do think that they're putting false hope in a lot of people. Okay, maybe 2 days ago there was still hope, but it's looking a little unlikely now... Sure, they're not going to say on the news that they're goners, but they're still talking as if they're alive and well down there... All I can hope is if they are gone, that they just went to sleep and peacefully passed.


Also if National get this change through of being asked to provide a medical certificate after one day of sick leave I am going to be fucking mad. All they want to do is erode all the labour rights of every New Zealander.


That's just ridiculous! It's all a bloody money thing to him. What's worse is that next year, he'll probably still remain PM, just because people like him. I'm certainly not voting National.

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I think it's terrible and encourages employers to trust their workers as little as possible. It could also be argued that it invades privacy.


And for just one day off - so something as little as a stomach bug. Forcing people to go to the trouble of getting a medical certificate for that is ridiculous, and might encourage people to unwisely struggle through a day at work instead when they are absolutely entitled to a day at home in bed.

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As much as I think JK is a bit of a wanker at times, I honestly don't see anything wrong with that proposed law...:wtf::erm:


These are examples of things that people regularly need time off for, and things you wouldn't normally need to go and spend $30+ to get a medical certificate for:

- Colds/aggressive hayfever/flu

- Ladies on their monthly

- 'Mental health day' (which is a poor excuse really, but I think we all do it...)


It just makes it a bitch to even consider having day off. And Richard makes a fair point here...


I think it's terrible and encourages employers to trust their workers as little as possible. It could also be argued that it invades privacy.


...that privacy would be invaded too. Your boss would basically know everything about you. They're giving far too much power to bosses these days, with the 90-day trial thing, the medical certificate dramas, and whatever else has been proposed (as I don't really follow it)... Silly government.

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It sounds very unlikely that these miners are alive. If the gases are too dangerous to enter then surely the atmosphere where the miners are trapped isn't either? I think the reporting on this has been weird.
It's been totally skewed by the Chile miracle rescue. Everyone thinks that the Greymouth mine is exactly the same, because it's a mine, and we're New Zealand the wonderland. As if what they're actually mining has no significance whatsoever. It's so awful.
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As much as I think JK is a bit of a wanker at times, I honestly don't see anything wrong with that proposed law...:wtf::erm:


Tell me - can you get a doctor's appointment for the same day where you are? It's basically a miracle anywhere. Should parents be punished for having to take a day off to look after their sick child?


It's a waste of everyone's time. If an employer is concerned about the use of sick days, they tell their employee. Not decide to force them get a medical certificate so they can use it against them. It's such backhanded bullshit.


In this country there is no legal entitlement to sick pay. On your fourth day you get statutory sick pay which is from the government and equates to 74 pounds or about $150.


And if you don't think the 90 day trial is bad - case in point as I've mentioned, Burger Fuel got rid of a girl as not being a team player as she complained she wasn't getting her breaks as per law. Yeah nice, even more erosion of labour rights and I know National have legal entitlement to breaks lined up as well.

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Tell me - can you get a doctor's appointment for the same day where you are? It's basically a miracle anywhere.

And it's safe to assume that it would be even worse if there were loads of people trying to get medical certificates every day.

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The price of student fees are a bit irrelevant unless National limits what you can borrow. But I hate the compulsory fees that Victoria put up as a way to get more funds - why should I pay $500 when I don't even live in Wellington and was there for six days of a bloody semester?

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The price of student fees are a bit irrelevant unless National limits what you can borrow. But I hate the compulsory fees that Victoria put up as a way to get more funds - why should I pay $500 when I don't even live in Wellington and was there for six days of a bloody semester?

That's true.


The fact that I had to play two separate $75 Administration Fees, one to the Accommodation Office and one to the Hall of Residence, was pretty annoying. I should probably get my student loan finalised.

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And now apparently a vote for MMP in the referendum means a vote for a review in the MMP system! Particularly the 5% threshold, for some reason. Apparently Bill and/or Ben should be in Parliament.


What if you're happy with MMP as it is?


Sure, MMP needs some improvements - I think candidates should choose between the list and standing for an electorate, which I understand is not something this review will look at - but it's a hell of a lot better than the other systems. It would be nice if we could say so in the referendum.

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Basically don't do anything in your first 90 days or dare to have a sick day at any point. Then your employer may "suggest" you cash in your fourth week to get payrise and make you work Christmas and force you to take an alternative holiday at their discretion if you don't agree. Cool.

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