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That would be awesome!


Ugh, such a lovely day. Wish I wasn't stuck at work.


How the fuck do you confuse a camper brushing her teeth for an animal? If she happened to be wearing those novelty antlers, maybe you'd have a case.

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it was a lovely day until i had to had for central london to go to dinner. then i found out there was a game at chelsea that finished and i was stuck in traffic and when i did get to central london, it was pissing with rain and i got soaked.


but dinner was awesome.

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That is clever!


Laughed at the thing on the news tonight with Graham Henry, who had taken a sleeping pill for the flight to Hong Kong and it hadn't yet worn off at the time of the interview. Could just be a handy excuse for being very drunk, which is how he sounded.


Also, apparently the sound system cut out during Muse's gig today and they walked off the stage. :chuckle:

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I wonder if all the people who are all "fucking unions!" over the whole Hobbit saga are aware of the history of the lovely public holiday they enjoyed today. Or did they nobly go to work on Labour Day, considering how strongly they don't want to associate themselves with unionism?

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