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More than 1100 people like Pink Batts on Facebook. :erm: Why would you go to the trouble?


Now I've just imagined a group of people flooding a Placemakers to find the Pink Batts and being like 'PINK BATTS FFFFFFFUCK YEEEEEEAH! :awesome:!' and taking pictures with it and high-fiveing each other.


Richard, can you do my essay for me? :supersad:

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Its on Arthurian Literature. Super SUPER boring and I can't be bothered reading the text. Its due Friday.

That sounds ghastly! :(


Maaaaan, all I want is to listen to Fujiya & Miyagi. Is that really so much to ask, interwebz? :'(

No. No it is not.

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^Furealz, that sounds icky kitty.


No. No it is not.
I'm glad someone else thinks so. :indiff: My internet is like, dead now, because I kind of watched an hour-long documentary in parts on youtube today and it's nearly the end of the month so now I can't even load hotmail properly.


But eventually I got ma song. Which is what counts.



My 14yo cousin has been complaining about the fact that if/when her parents move to Brittany when she's 18 they'll never ever give her her own apartment in Paris. It's quite extraordinary to witness how her horrifically elitist private school is rubbing off on her.

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^You're awesome.


I always get the scientology ones (albeit not on facebook, because I'm totally awesome and still don't have a facebook :cool:). They pulse. It's quite irritating.


Day was vile. But I get a 5 day weekend. Although I'm not getting paid for it. Who cares, though. What are you all up to this weekend?

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