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Everyone at school today was saying "How could you not laugh at Dikshit?" and I said "well, noone else on the show was, it's called professionalism and consideration of others".
You win. Your schoolmates I'm not so sure about though.


Vic will suit you, I think. (Vic is where you're going, right?)

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You win. Your schoolmates I'm not so sure about though.


Vic will suit you, I think. (Vic is where you're going, right?)

I am going to Vic. School decided for me by screwing up my Hall application for Otago, but I was 90% sure I was going to Vic at that point anyway.


Can't be bothered going to school for the rest of the year :chuckle: I'm so close to not having even do the exams, although I will of course.

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I am going to Vic. School decided for me by screwing up my Hall application for Otago, but I was 90% sure I was going to Vic at that point anyway.


Can't be bothered going to school for the rest of the year :chuckle: I'm so close to not having even do the exams, although I will of course.

Are you going into a hall at Vic? If so, do you know which yet? *Senile, and can't remember when people get the news*


7th form exams are a bit of a joke :chuckle:



Because I'm like, the most epically responsible person ever, I'm looking after my 11yo cousin for a week from tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it heaps. Also, the end of exams. Not that they've started yet, but y'know.

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The Krispy Kreme cheeseburger is proving popular at the World Food Festival in the United States.


It is just what it sounds like it might be, a meat pattie and cheese served on a Krispy Kreme donut.


The burgers have been described as tasting like a stick of butter.


For $1 extra, burgers came complete with chocolate-covered bacon.


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Definitely. The same could be said for McDonald's burger I just saw an ad for - a Mega Mac, with no fewer than FOUR patties. :noey:


In other news, it's a beautiful day here today for once. :happy: And I'm seeing TNAF tomorrow. All is well with the world. Don't remind me about my thesis, please.

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Definitely. The same could be said for McDonald's burger I just saw an ad for - a Mega Mac, with no fewer than FOUR patties. :noey:


In other news, it's a beautiful day here today for once. :happy: And I'm seeing TNAF tomorrow. All is well with the world. Don't remind me about my thesis, please.


Ooh, do tell us how their show goes! Wish I could have the chance to see them. :(

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Awesome! They put a good show.

Ooh, do tell us how their show goes! Wish I could have the chance to see them. :(

Will do. :) You never know - they're playing a few shows in the UK next month, so they might pop up in the States some time.

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The cricket was good too. Sure we lost, but Kane Williamson was amazing. Maybe the 'next Martin Crowe' hype was justified.


And Bennett was extremely fast when he bowled. Fired in some deadly 145kph yorkers. Love it.

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The Phoenix Foundation are playing in Napier :awesome: And I can go because I'm 18 :awesome:



my first phoenix foundation gig was in early 2005. i was so off my face and the pub where it was was really small that they didn't even have a raised stage. i spent the entire gig trying not to fall over into sam's mike stand.


i remember telling my friends after that i really liked the song about fish and they didn't believe me. i bought their first album and there it was "going fishing".


after i took a poster from the bathroom and after my friend and i seriously considered breaking into subway, making a sandwich and leaving money on the counter. subway was never closed at 2am, we were gutted. my friend was so drunk i had to put her socks on so i found the ugliest pair possible. and later on she kept going on about how she didn't understand why she was wearing pink socks.


should be a good time. i've enjoyed every phoenix foundation gig i've been to and i've been to a few now.

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my first phoenix foundation gig was in early 2005. i was so off my face and the pub where it was was really small that they didn't even have a raised stage. i spent the entire gig trying not to fall over into sam's mike stand.


i remember telling my friends after that i really liked the song about fish and they didn't believe me. i bought their first album and there it was "going fishing".


after i took a poster from the bathroom and after my friend and i seriously considered breaking into subway, making a sandwich and leaving money on the counter. subway was never closed at 2am, we were gutted. my friend was so drunk i had to put her socks on so i found the ugliest pair possible. and later on she kept going on about how she didn't understand why she was wearing pink socks.


should be a good time. i've enjoyed every phoenix foundation gig i've been to and i've been to a few now.

:LOL: I don't think my night will be that exciting, noone wants to go with me. I'll still go by myself though, just have to sort out a way of getting to Napier and back.


Also, the netball was great, so exciting. And what I saw of Kane Williamson was exciting, even if the rest of it was not so much.

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My verdict on The Naked And Famous - holy fuck. :stunned: I'm honestly a bit speechless. I might be able to better describe it at a later date.


They've come so far since I saw them play a short support set on August 1. They were very promising then, but tonight they were incredible. It was a great light show and everything, but the best part was their stage presence and energy.


It was sold out, and they were obviously loving the noise the crowd was making. At one point Alisa said "this is UNBELIEVABLE!" :happy: And when they came back for the encore, Thom pretended to be annoyed and was like "*sigh* OK, OK..."


Setlist (pretty sure I'm remembering it right):


All Of This

Punching In A Dream

A Wolf In Geek's Clothing (extended)


The Source

The Sun + a minute or so of a cover of something, but I haven't figured out what it was



No Way

Jilted Lovers (extended)

Girls Like You

Young Blood



Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No! (very heavy and moody Mint Chicks cover. Have to say I liked it far more than the original)


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