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Shit, really? That sounds dramatic. Hadn't heard anything about that.


I think it's calmed down now, but Wanganui/Palmerston North area has been hit pretty bad, mainly because it's so hilly here. It's normally a 25 minute drive from here to Wanganui, it was going to take up to 3 hours apparently...


And now I'm annoyed because the cosplay coat I wanted to order is no longer listed on the site I was going to get it from. Even though I've had months in which to buy it, I just never got around to it. :facepalm:


My friends do cosplay! :awesome:

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This hunt for a thesis supervisor is being a bit of an epic struggle.


Of the two the postgraduate adviser suggested, the first said my topic wasn't really compatible with her area of expertise, and the other said "my general rule is to work with students who have previously taken one of my courses, because that indicates some commonality of interests."


I haven't taken any of his papers, so I'm guessing he won't be willing to supervise me.


I think that's a pretty flimsy reason not to supervise someone.


He has the sort of thing my thesis is about listed in his areas of expertise on the Politics website. He didn't offer any courses about that stuff, and his other courses were on very different subject matters (think tanks and lobby groups, if I remember right). I don't see how the fact that I'm not hugely interested in those things magically means we won't be able to work together and makes him unable to offer help as I write a thesis that fits within a field he claims to have expertise in.


And on top of that, you don't always get to choose your papers simply on the basis of what your interests are. It's not a good guide to who has "commonality of interests."



This is the closest I've been to angry since I paid to see the film Cabin Fever.


It's almost as if they don't want people to pay exorbitant amounts to do Masters.

Edited by _Ed_
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On the waterfront, the Muddy Puddle Restaurant and Bar has been torn asunder and half of it is falling into the lagoon.


You can see the lagoon through a 30cm crack between the restaurant and the car park.


"There is a good chance of it falling in the water.


"That gap started at 6mm just after the quake.


"All the cracks in the building and the car park are getting wider every day," said owner Debbie Riley, whose parents Alistair and Pat Jones, of Oamaru, built the bar 25 years ago.


She and husband Kevin have been staying in the city with friends since the quake.


Their house is uninhabitable.


"I'm homeless and jobless. We pretty much lost everything in a couple of minutes of shaking.


"We haven't got a lot of homes down or anything, but we have actually got a lot of really serious problems," Ms Riley said.


"We've had Bob Parker out here today [during his mayoral tour of fire brigades]. They're getting it now I think."


The biggest issue now was what they should do, she said.


Her main concern was rain, which would get in through the cracks and could wash away the clay base on which the entire structure was built.


"And she's [the building's] already on the move."


:supersad: Kevin was one of my bosses at Papanui. We had a christmas party out at his in 2008. He's wanted to sell the restaurant for the last 4 years as it was worth about a million dollars and retire to Australia...

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And now I'm annoyed because the cosplay coat I wanted to order is no longer listed on the site I was going to get it from. Even though I've had months in which to buy it, I just never got around to it. :facepalm:


I've been staring at this topshop dress on their site for the past few days in preparation for this friday, when I get paid, and would have been able to order it ($79, including shipping)


It's sold out as of this morning :'(


:supersad: Kevin was one of my bosses at Papanui. We had a christmas party out at his in 2008. He's wanted to sell the restaurant for the last 4 years as it was worth about a million dollars and retire to Australia...



I've got laryngitis, I think. Don't actually know though, because I'm too poor to go to the doctor. Life fails.

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:supersad: Kevin was one of my bosses at Papanui. We had a christmas party out at his in 2008. He's wanted to sell the restaurant for the last 4 years as it was worth about a million dollars and retire to Australia...

That's awful. :(


I've got laryngitis, I think. Don't actually know though, because I'm too poor to go to the doctor. Life fails.

That's no good! Hope you feel heaps better soon.

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...maybe not. I guess I'll just find someone else. I know there are some that won't have the expertise in the field but are awesome and very easy to get along with. Think I'd rather work with one of those.


That's a shame about him not wanting to take you, but you might end up better off with a supervisor who you get along with and wants to help you rather than someone who isn't willing to help any student even in their subject area!



:LOL: That's cute.


:supersad: Kevin was one of my bosses at Papanui. We had a christmas party out at his in 2008. He's wanted to sell the restaurant for the last 4 years as it was worth about a million dollars and retire to Australia...




I've got laryngitis, I think. Don't actually know though, because I'm too poor to go to the doctor. Life fails.


Hope you feel better soon too!


My asthma hasn't been that great today, think I'll wait another week or two before deciding to go to Dr again about getting a different preventative.


This made me laugh:





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Haha, that is awesome.


How's your day been?


Sorry Rich, I went to bed :chuckle:


:supersad: Kevin was one of my bosses at Papanui. We had a christmas party out at his in 2008. He's wanted to sell the restaurant for the last 4 years as it was worth about a million dollars and retire to Australia...


:supersad: that is so unfortunate.




I've been staring at this topshop dress on their site for the past few days in preparation for this friday, when I get paid, and would have been able to order it ($79, including shipping)


It's sold out as of this morning :'(


Ahh, Murphey's Law! :( There's a topshop in Auckland somewhere- you could ask if they have one. Or maybe it will come back in stock if they're that popular.

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I've spent this evening watching Muse's gig at the Astoria in January 2000. It's been ages since I last watched it. Fucking awesome. Forgot how good it was. Matt's a bit of a dork in it - getting tangled in his guitar cable, inexplicably introducing Muscle Museum in German, saying "thank you" in falsetto, etc. :chuckle:


If you haven't seen it, you can find them all here. Very highly recommended. :yesey:

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The aftershocks must be bloody scary. I've only ever felt one tiny earthquake in my life, so I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I've heard that when aftershocks start you don't have any idea how big they're going to be. That uncertainty must be awful.

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