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I'm looking for ways to ease my stress during my Masters. I've already decided to play a bit of golf and/or have a crack at surfing this summer, but today I decided it might be fun to take a break from thesisage from time to time to work on a preposterous crime novel.


There's a 99% chance I won't finish it.


The working title is Underwater Serial Killer, and the main detective shall be named Humbario Prilslo Bailey (an anagram of 'hilariously improbable').

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Thanks! :) I doubt I'll really get anywhere with it, but I think it'll be fun, and the random, inexplicable surge of inspiration this evening felt good. :happy: I've spent the last few hours coming up with anagram names for other characters - up to six in total now!


How's uni been for you so far this semester?

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I hate how people at uni don't communicate with each other. I went to the Arts Students Centre today to ask why my online application for Masters hasn't been accepted yet. They said I needed to talk to the Postgraduate Adviser first.


I emailed the Postgraduate Adviser. She said I only needed to do an online application. :facepalm:

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They're really not... I mean they... well its... they're certainly very blunt about the subject! :LOL:

That's perfectly put!


he just said to a surgeon: 'does this mean that if enlargements go wrong, you have to fix those cock-ups?'


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It's very appropriate that 'Extreme' is in the title. Nothing less would really have sufficed.


I witnessed an awkward situation on the bus this afternoon. A guy got on, and some other guy who appears to be his friend called out to him. The guy didn't notice. The friend then got out his phone and presumably sent the guy a text. The guy didn't check his phone. You could tell now that he'd realised that too much time had elapsed for him to get out of his seat and go and sit next to the guy. He clearly had no idea what to do in this situation. He didn't end up talking to him until everyone got off the bus in town.

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It's very appropriate that 'Extreme' is in the title. Nothing less would really have sufficed.


I witnessed an awkward situation on the bus this afternoon. A guy got on, and some other guy who appears to be his friend called out to him. The guy didn't notice. The friend then got out his phone and presumably sent the guy a text. The guy didn't check his phone. You could tell now that he'd realised that too much time had elapsed for him to get out of his seat and go and sit next to the guy. He clearly had no idea what to do in this situation. He didn't end up talking to him until everyone got off the bus in town.


Oh that is awkward.


This show is a series!? :stunned:

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Funny John Key said today that NZ won't become a republic while he's prime minister. Recall him saying during the election campaign that NZ becoming a republic was "inevitable" and something he would look at if we voted for him.

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Hey, Moas, could you try to answer something for me? I came across this graph while doing research for uni. It's not essential to my thesis to know the answer, but it's got me flummoxed.


What could 'other' mean? :erm:


The only real possibility I can think of is kayaking, but that's a pretty big chunk for Sydney. Almost as many people as walk/cycle! Surely not that many kayak.

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