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I know! How does this work?


You might need to check into some of that. I am hearing yes on the news i also listen to the news :p. That planes are being cancelled flying to europe and from europe because of the sulphur ash that is coming from the volcano in iceland. And Muse are due to fly back to there i would hope thats not gunna hold things up for them because that means we will be held up with them comming here. Lets hope that metallica can hold things over whose gunna go see them i am going to with mom lol, I hope i can get her the tickets for her 50th


Now i notice this planet is experiencing a lot of earthquake this is gunna sound weird but i am wondering if its not connected with the volcano in iceland as its actively eurupting. Yes its on the other side of the globe but you would have to wonder with the way the plates would all move wether connected or interconnected in some way.

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That Iceland volcano has the most incredible name.




Any idea how it's pronounced? The Wiki pronunciation guide isn't much help - "pronounced [ˈɛɪjaˌfjatlaˌjœkʏtl̥]". :erm:


:wtf: ... I'd love to see matt try to say that since he seems to like trying out new words. I have an idea


we shall call it here UNPRONOUNCABLE VOLCANO of iceland


or else just a lot of booze and try to say the name then

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:LOL: so much help! I can pronounce the first two syllables, 'ay-yah' :awesome:


Ironically enough, Sigur Ros just came up on shuffle. It took me long enough to learn how to say the band name properly :chuckle:


lol well i am gunna stick with my name for it then unpronouncable volcano. Can i say i love the pic on your avatar it looks awesome. Now i am contemplating watching movies... Trying to decide which movie i want to watch.

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There seemed to be some drama unfolding in central Auckland when I walked through on the way to up to uni just now.


Police had sealed off about a block and were directing traffic away from it. And there were thousands of people standing around trying to get a look, which is always a good sign that something awful's happened to someone. We're so considerate. :facepalm:


No mention of anything on any news sites when I checked though, so maybe it's a false alarm? Hope so.

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I'm watching The Moment of Truth. Such an awful show! You see people's relationships fall apart just like that.


I guess it's good for the partners to no longer be with them if they're keeping secrets from them like that, but it's a horrific way for it to happen.

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i remember one and it was like "do you resent your mother for so and so?" and it's like, really? you need to do this on tv?


i'm too tired to try even find the remote. dying of cold. but you know i worked 4 hours today and then drove 7 hours so i'm doing pretty well to even be still alive (especially with the good 10 minutes i thought i would fall asleep at the wheel...)

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Yeah, absolutely. A really impressive effort. I am in awe!


I'm feeling pretty zombie-ish myself. Had a really intense day of actually doing stuff at uni, which is rare! Wrote so much my hand is now a bit swollen.

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you seen that air crash episode when they first discovered it was bad to fly planes into volcanic ash?


the pilot announced the following:

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them under control. I trust you are not in too much distress.



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Heh, listen to the pronunciation clip on there, it really doesn't make it any clearer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Eyjafjallaj%C3%B6kull.ogg


Wat. :stunned:

Youtube says either Eh-yah-fee-yuck-la-yokel or I-ya-fee-ah-ply-yu-ca-dool. I don't think either of those are really correct, but well done on the newscasters for getting it out :LOL:


There seemed to be some drama unfolding in central Auckland when I walked through on the way to up to uni just now.


Police had sealed off about a block and were directing traffic away from it. And there were thousands of people standing around trying to get a look, which is always a good sign that something awful's happened to someone. We're so considerate. :facepalm:


No mention of anything on any news sites when I checked though, so maybe it's a false alarm? Hope so.


That's weird, I saw fire engines and evacuated people in Newmarket the other day :erm:


you seen that air crash episode when they first discovered it was bad to fly planes into volcanic ash?


the pilot announced the following:




What happened to the plane?


I heard that the volcanic ash can also scratch and chip away at the windscreens and stuff because of the rocks and glass it contains.


Found another new use of my new headphones :awesome: If I turn them up really loud, and turn my iPod up really loud, I can wear them around my neck in the car and they act like mini speakers. This is great because I don't have working speakers in my car! :happy:

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That's an excellent solution! Good thinking.


Turns out that thing today was a bomb scare at the Queen/Victoria St ANZ. If it had actually been a bomb, it wouldn't have ended so well for those people eagerly watching outside...

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