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also listed some more muse singles on trademe if anyone's interested.


Yet another reason for me to get a debit card!


Yeah I forgot about it and don't start til one so can't get a ride in with anyone. GAH.


There are alternative buses running in some areas, check the Maxx website and you might be able to go in with Ritchies or Urban Express.


It's my sis' birthday today :happy: We went to a nice cafe in Mt Eden for late brunch and I got her a gift and made a card from a picture on icanhascheezburger.com :LOL:


Edit: And we made CUPCAKES last night! I did an awesome decorating job with icing and we gave a box of them to her for herself and her flatmates :happy:

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It's my sis' birthday today :happy: We went to a nice cafe in Mt Eden for late brunch and I got her a gift and made a card from a picture on icanhascheezburger.com :LOL:


Edit: And we made CUPCAKES last night! I did an awesome decorating job with icing and we gave a box of them to her for herself and her flatmates :happy:


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i don't even know how to get into my new branch tomorrow :awesome: i've got to time my arrival that i'm not too early that i'm standing out like a retard or that i don't arrive too late as i'll have to get changed into my uniform.

Sorry to take everyone off topic, but I am starting to collect muse singles, so if anyone wants to sell some chuck ‘em on trademe and give me the link! I’ll buy for the right price. I already have Supermassive Black Hole, Sing For Absolution w/DVD, Hysteria DVD only

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Urgh, tomorrow begins intense revision for exams. I could've had any geography teacher, any maths teacher, but no, I get ones that are too intense about their subjects, and pile on tonnes of homework for exams I'll probably screw up anyway :chuckle:


Ohh sucky, good luck with that! When are the exams?


I just watched The Dark Knight, haven't seen it before. Creeeeeeepy.

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Oh good on you starting to prepare at a reasonable time! I tend to start studying far too late.... like a week before hahahah, and then wonder why I don't do as well as I could!


That's the thing - I'll end up doing exactly that :LOL: I'll screw around the next 4 weeks, then realise it's exam time, and I need to start getting my arse into gear :p

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