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This weather is bloody ridiculous. I hope all you Moas are keeping warm.


I was on Tiri from Sunday til yesterday, so it wasn't ideal having a cold snap when over there but it wasn't too bad. Getting hail in the bush was pretty fun.


I made a legendary mistake at work today. I had copied and pasted the full script for a story from the database on to our file a few minutes before having to caption a live interview.


Somehow, in the course of typing those live captions, I managed to hit both Ctrl and V at the same time - paste. So 70 captions' worth of a completely different story suddenly appeared in the middle of this live discussion about the weather.


What made this truly awesome was the first caption of the story:


"Do you wanna see some rats?!"



I'm still cracking up about it three hours later.


Oh dear :chuckle: That's a good first line though :LOL: What was the story on?


So apparently talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. :unsure:


Well technically your not talking to yourself, just typing ;)

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Getting hail in the bush was pretty fun.

I can imagine! Did you have a good time over there?


That story was about people who rescue abandoned pet rats. :erm: Important job, I guess, but hardly important current events.

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I can imagine! Did you have a good time over there?


Yeah it was good thanks. It was nice to spend some time there since I haven't been there for quite a while.


It was also good to have some time to talk to my supervisor. If she gets the funding she has applied for, she would like to employ me over the summer to monitor bellbird nests on Tiri or perhaps a joint job of monitoring bellbirds and robins at Tawharanui. So fingers crossed!


That story was about people who rescue abandoned pet rats. :erm: Important job, I guess, but hardly important current events.


Oh ok. Yeah, that seems like more of a space filler when there is no other big news. Good story in that it might make people more aware that there are places who will take pets instead of just dumping them into the wild.

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It was also good to have some time to talk to my supervisor. If she gets the funding she has applied for, she would like to employ me over the summer to monitor bellbird nests on Tiri or perhaps a joint job of monitoring bellbirds and robins at Tawharanui. So fingers crossed!

Wow, that would be awesome!

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Funny how each time you hear that dreaded line, "You're a great guy, but...", the harder it gets to believe that you're particularly great.


Aww :( Was that from the work girl?

I know how you feel though, I got "You're a cool person, but..." earlier this year.


Anyway, just popped in to share this:



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I loved all the opening day celebrations. The Viaduct looked amazing as the waka came in, the crowds along there were incredible, and I'll never forget the opening ceremony at Eden Park - I was so lucky to be there and see that. The fireworks over the harbour looked amazing as well, although I didn't see those until later. They didn't show them on the big screens at Eden Park. :indiff:


I felt pretty proud of my city yesterday.

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It was the first game I have ever been to, and I was completely blown away! The opening ceremony was spine chilling, and the whole atmosphere when the game was on was incredible!

The only downside I thought was the disappointing lack of showing the fireworks on the screen, made worse by being able to just see the tips of some of them near the Sky Tower in the distance from our seats.


Other than that I loved it, I was very proud to be a Kiwi.

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Well the US did better today than expected - couldn't believe how well their defence held in the first half. I had a few mates over who were curious about the World Cup and I was trying to explain why things are the way they are in rugby, not necessarily the rules, and the general consensus was "wow, I didn't know rugby was so intense. It just doesn't stop!"


I hate American football. So, so much. :facepalm:

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Yeah, I thought the US played superbly. It was great to see them get a try at the end there.


And I agree about American football. Don't see the appeal of it at all. They play for about 5 seconds then stand around and talk for several minutes.

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Yeah, I thought the US played superbly. It was great to see them get a try at the end there.


And I agree about American football. Don't see the appeal of it at all. They play for about 5 seconds then stand around and talk for several minutes.


It's really ironic how it's such a technical sport where not much actually happens, and yet the thickest of the thick are the ones who play it.


On a different note, a Facebook ad alerted me to the fact that I can enrol for voting since I was back down under for over a month, so now I'm all set for that!

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Excellent! Although I don't have high hopes for this election. When John Key walked out to give his speech at the World Cup opening, I think I was the only one of the 60,000 who booed. :(


Not that Labour are any better at the moment.

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I like how much research you've put into this :chuckle: but I thought you were rather anti-national?


There was a flyer that the National guy sent out and I said to dad that the guy looked kind of dodgy... Dad said he's quite an alright guy so that's why :p the Labour reps here always have sucked. I am anti-National but when it comes to local I vote for the more deserving person :yesey: I'm anti-Labour right now too since I can't stand Phil Goff :(


Never thought I'd say it, but I wish Helen was here :'(

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Still firmly believe Helen's the best Prime Minister we've had - certainly in my lifetime.


I really hate my local MP. He's such a dick. I bet he was the one who was behaving badly at the World Cup game over the weekend - his name was mentioned as one of a possible three. He got punched in the face at a U2 gig a couple of years back. Doing Northcote proud.

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