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Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season. I had heaps of food on Saturday (the fridge is still full of some leftovers) and the boxing day sales are awesome.


enen though wasn't really worth me goin to this bdo i'll still be wishin i was there. who are you guys goin for?


Grinderman was the main deciding factor to go but I'm also looking forward to see several kiwi bands and check out a few other internationals. If I go to the main stage it'll probably be only to check out Rammstein's pyro show.


Saw a funny horoscope the other day: "Uranus will shake up your world."





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there's been a wendy's in southcity for years. never tried it, looks more plastic than the two dollar shop

that's the icecream chain, i like their milkshakes. so good. they are in all the malls in chch.


haha watching a show on pandas and all these cubs are climbing all over the presenter. i wanna go.

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What an exhausting day. I wrote 1100 words of my thesis, then went to work and did two movies and 10 TV shows. Had to stay an hour late because of drama with Te Karere.


About to have a first sip of beer. It's going to taste pretty fucking good.

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that's the icecream chain, i like their milkshakes. so good. they are in all the malls in chch.


I agree on the milkshakes. Their super cookies and cream shake is :awesome:


haha watching a show on pandas and all these cubs are climbing all over the presenter. i wanna go.


Aww, so cute. I wanna go too :happy:


What an exhausting day. I wrote 1100 words of my thesis, then went to work and did two movies and 10 TV shows. Had to stay an hour late because of drama with Te Karere.


About to have a first sip of beer. It's going to taste pretty fucking good.


Wow, well done! That would have been one of the most deserving beers.

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rum and cola icecream sounds great.

i love this ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0v5Cy_cQiA


It does sound great, but whether it really is or not... We'd need to try it.


And yeah, that ad is cool :LOL:


Speaking of ice cream, I've got hives because I ate some this xmas.


(It was totally worth it.)


That sucks, but I'm sure it was worth it.


Oh dear...Richard you are the 82nd highest poster on the entire forum, I am the 78th.


But at least we have six years behind us.



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