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Yep I have been having them. They've been alright so far. One more to go :happy:

Nice. Good luck for the last one!


Sorry I missed this! I was good yesterday and I am good today. Just killing a couple of hours before the football.

Not a problem. I am pleased to hear of your goodness. I'm starting to get nervous about the football now.

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I applaud you for that.


I don't think bars should have interesting artwork on the ceiling of the toilets. :noey: When you're standing at a urinal and looking at it, it looks like you're enjoying the experience a bit too much.

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Thanks! How have you been?


I have been fine thanks. Been on Tiri following the birds around to see what their eating, nom nom. Then yesterday sitting at home my thigh muscle and knee gradually got really sore. It's not so bad today, so hopefully all it needs is a bit of rest.


How have you been? Enjoying your break or still winding down from finishing?

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Sounds good, apart from the injury! Hope it gets better soon.


Yeah I've just been relaxing. Whacking golf balls at the driving range is a good way of unwinding after a stressful few months. :happy: I see they're open til midnight, so I might start going there after work some nights too.

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I've watched a couple of songs from it, and it looks like they were in good form.


But I was really disappointed when the "very special surprise" was The Edge. Ugh. Have to admit it was a good performance of the song, though.

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