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why dont you squeeze the spot yourself to see what oozes out....


who in here is sick of summer and wants the rain,early nights and warm yummy foods.


and in almost a few weeks i am having a bday some people are asking what i want to do and i have no idea lol.


I have made some slippers and now onto a babies beanie.

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He said the dermatologist will probably be able to get rid of whatever it is, which sounds good. But I might wait until after I next get paid!


True true. I could do with getting this little fluid filled lump on my eye lid cut up a bit or something, as in the past the Dr pops it with a needle, but it just refills :erm:

Edited by Michelle
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who in here is sick of summer and wants the rain,early nights and warm yummy foods.

No! :eek: I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. I wish summer would go forever.


True true. I could do with getting this little fluid filled lump on my eye lid cut up a bit or something, as in the past the Dr just pops it with a needle, but it just refills :erm:


Is it uncomfortable?

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who in here is sick of summer and wants the rain,early nights and warm yummy foods.


and in almost a few weeks i am having a bday some people are asking what i want to do and i have no idea lol.


I have made some slippers and now onto a babies beanie.




I'm not sick of summer yet, only feels like it really started a while ago.



Is it uncomfortable?


Not really. I've had it for years and years, probably resulted from an eyelid infection when I was a kid. When it gets big, it can be a little annoying but that is when it sort of deflates by itself...

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I'm not sick of summer yet, only feels like it really started a while ago.




Not really. I've had it for years and years, probably resulted from an eyelid infection when I was a kid. When it gets big, it can be a little annoying but that is when it sort of deflates by itself...


No! :eek: I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. I wish summer would go forever.




Is it uncomfortable?


ok summer isnt that bad.. I do like the longer days about it but when you are working in a place that by the end of it your clothes are sticking to you because of that much running around and you feel like a camel cause your drinking a gallon of water at work it can get a bit much... Perhaps i should get a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up lol..


it sounds annoying michelle.. I have eczema of the ears that i need to keep on top of with ointments other wise i itch the hell out of it.

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ok summer isnt that bad.. I do like the longer days about it but when you are working in a place that by the end of it your clothes are sticking to you because of that much running around and you feel like a camel cause your drinking a gallon of water at work it can get a bit much... Perhaps i should get a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up lol..


it sounds annoying michelle.. I have eczema of the ears that i need to keep on top of with ointments other wise i itch the hell out of it.


Ah, boo for both. I can imagine working in this heat would be quite awful.

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Ah, boo for both. I can imagine working in this heat would be quite awful.


you aint kidding i would hope it would rain as our tank is getting low but we are needing things done to the tank how we have lived on it is a miracle.


One has rust the other has algae in it we have good immune systems.... and i can tell the other tank is in use as i cant taste the rust when i am drinking it, sounds weird doesnt it.



I had something else to put here but muse has gone and taken it and blown it to the dust.

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I went to my doctor today to check out a random lump I've had on my face for about three months.


I paid $50 to hear him say, "I have no idea what that is."

Are you registered with your doctor and still get charged that much?


I feel your pain, went to the doctor in October about a really sore lump in my neck that had been there for over a month. Paid $34 for her to tell me to come back in 3 months if it was still there and she might then refer me for a needle biopsy. Waste of time and money.

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Are you registered with your doctor and still get charged that much?


I feel your pain, went to the doctor in October about a really sore lump in my neck that had been there for over a month. Paid $34 for her to tell me to come back in 3 months if it was still there and she might then refer me for a needle biopsy. Waste of time and money.


gotta hate it when the doctors do that. I dont often go to the doctor but if this itch on my foot keeps up i will have to and i am dreading what she will say.


Hey can any you can track down a clip for me??? it was on 3news about some olympian with a wardrobe malfunction...

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sounds like with the doctors and so on it might be cheaper to get the drugs and head to the liquor store and keep the medicene cabinet topped up here and there..


is anyone happy with the tax rate going up to 15% i am not argghhh i am trying to save and thats gunna help not.

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anyone on a low income is going to be fucked by it whatever they do as they are the ones using all their money to consume the necessities of life. unless they plan to sort out GST on food because inflation on food as it's going as already made a lot of it unaffordable.

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I'm thinking Brisbane/Gold Coast at the moment, I'm not one to limit my options though, so just see what happens. There are some potential job leads in Bris at the moment so that could work.


As for time not sure, could be a stepping stone before heading over to somewhere like Canada, but that is just a dream at this stage.

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Woah, that is kinda awesome but also really freaky. That people actually died and stuff, that's scary. ""There is no evidence that the dancers wanted to dance", citing recorded evidence that the dancers showed expressions of "fear and desperation"." :stunned:


Just saw Mark Sainsbury waiting to do an ad for Close Up, and he was pretty meticulously straightening and tidying up his mo with his hands. Dedicated.


Well I'd imagine a mo like that can't just be hurried into any old shape. It takes time and careful work to make it so perfect.


+1 The adverts say we will get all the answers and what not in this last season, but how are they going to explain...



...Loch turning into that smoke monster? :LOL:




I know! When those people in the temple were trying to shoot at Locke, and then he disappeared, and they were like 'huh?' 'cos they heard the monster coming, I was like 'ohhhh, no you did not' :LOL: I totally saw that coming. It's shit though. I think what happened is that when Locke left the island to get the other survivors to return, remember how he died and then his coffin was on the plane they took back? The Ajira flight? So I think he died, and then the island used his form as a way of communicating with the people on the island. So really Locke has been dead from whenever he died back in the real world. Its kinda stupid though. Why is the island only choosing now to use a human form?

I don't get what the whole 'this is what would have happened if we didn't crash' thing was about. We know they didn't go back to the very start, so what, have they created a parallel universe now? And why was the island underwater at that part?


According to the Wikipedia episode entry for Episode 16/17 of season 5 (the season finale of the season before this one), "Locke is revealed to be an impostor: an old acquaintance of Jacob who manipulates Ben into killing Jacob. In flashbacks, Jacob visits several of the main characters." Did I miss that entirely? :erm: And if Locke is the island, or at least the monster, why would he want to kill Jacob? And wouldn't Jacob know what he was?



I went to my doctor today to check out a random lump I've had on my face for about three months.


I paid $50 to hear him say, "I have no idea what that is."


This is what happens almost every time I go to the doctor.

Get a pain in my ribs- take some pills that do nothing and they can't do anything more.

Pain in my eyebrow- can't do anything, come back in a few weeks.

It doesn't help that I'm quite a hypochondriac.


Awesome. Best of luck with that. :)


This is pretty cool - http://www.stuff.co.nz/oddstuff/3313790/The-mails-in-the-microwave


"They say that it's really cool but I just say: 'No, its not, it's only a letterbox'."


I think he would say this to you Richard :p


I went to two themed parties today- 'what you wanted to be when you grew up' themed and 'glow in the dark and neon' themed. They were both quite fun. At the second party, my ex-boyfriend was there (it still feels weird to call him that!) and he was quite drunk. I gave him a hug when I left and he held on a bit too long, quite a lot too long, but he was sort of joking about it so I'll let it slide :chuckle:


There was this kind of a know-it-all guy who everyone was sort of rolling their eyes at, but it was okay. Apparently he went to the States a while back and came back thinking he was all that.

Speaking of Americans, you know who I miss? That hot tutor. :LOL:

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