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watching unintended and helsinki jam now = phwoar


thanks Pip!






You're welcome!


Brilliant videos Pip! The lasers looked so pretty on the seated people! :happy: My camera didn't really capture it well. And Chris backing singing :eek: <3<3<3 :happy:


It just all looked and sounded fantastic!:)



Pip, i'm on my way.


Door's open! :LOL:

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yeah but it was just the end riff, its just kinda ruining it for me cause it dosent make sence realy


it was on his strings as far as i could see, and watch this video



how did he hit that last note if his hand wasent on the guitar, its realy bothering me


On the Train heading back to Cork there was a lot of discussion and I must say Suspicion about this. We were all wondering if anyone else had noticed. My daughter also thought he was only strumming chords whilst simultaneously the Plug In Baby riff was playing... I'd like a closer look at that.. or perhaps I would rather not know. Several fellow passengers had vague disquiet about the vocals too....

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We sat in the queue and watched truck after truck after truck roll up - presumably straight off the ferry. I think we lost count at around 19.


In the end, we decided that either a) one was the gear for Chris, Matt and Dom and the others held Morgan's huge cabasa collection or b) one was the gear and the others carried Dom's faff bag(gage).

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(actually, I do like that pic, made it my new FB profile)



By the way....who did we meet up with in The Vat House?...I was SO tired over the weekend I didn't catch any names.


Glad you're making use of it! Tis a nice pic ;)


You'd be better asking in the oldies thread in banter coz I won't remember every name either! I've posted the pic I took of them in there so just quote it and ask :)

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