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A dlaczego? Przepraszam, ja nie mówię po-polsku. Ja luche po-russki govoryu, mne legche govorit' po-russki, i ja davno uzhe ne govoril po-pol'ski. Nu w Polsce skuchno? :D


I can't speak in russian.. but I understand it when somebody speaks to me in russian though.


I'm not bored anymore hahaha, the weather is lovely.


I wanna learn Swedish!

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And once you master Swedish you can move to Sweden like thousands of other Poles and work as a cleaner! :D


Err, kurds work as cleaners. Polish people work as annoying and incomprehensible Physics teachers.

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And once you master Swedish you can move to Sweden like thousands of other Poles and work as a cleaner! :D


Err, kurds work as cleaners. Polish people work as annoying and incomprehensible Physics teachers.


oh, how nice of you, but thank you.. cleaning is not for me (I only could make a bigger mess), but I could be a psychologist, psycho-therapist or graphic designer.. actually I could be a chemistry, biology or arts teacher, but I don't want people to use "annoying" when they talk about me

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oh, how nice of you, but thank you.. cleaning is not for me (I only could make a bigger mess), but I could be a psychologist, psycho-therapist or graphic designer.. actually I could be a chemistry, biology or arts teacher, but I don't want people to use "annoying" when they talk about me


Haha, we were kidding, and I was referring to my Physics teacher who happens to be polish. Hate the tosser.

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Haha, we were kidding, and I was referring to my Physics teacher who happens to be polish. Hate the tosser.


No worries, I know:LOL:


I always hated my Physics teachers.. even though I quite liked physics.

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Hey guys !

Quite cool with this international thing..

To everyone in Sweden:


Hni, hur det med er?

Det mte finnas NON mer i Sverige som avgudar Muse lika mycket som jag..



(Hey, how are you? There must be SOMEONE in Sweden who worship Muse as much as I do.. :D)


Det ju klart att jag g.. Men undrar n biljetter slptes, Vet du n det hder?

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Undrar om det är någon som vet när dom släpper biljetterna?


De har inte lagt någon spelning i Sverige för att det ens ska släppas några biljetter.


Course not! I'm only one month and ten days away from SYSTEMET! :D :D




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