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[17:16] [Gemsy] Would you rather chew and swallow a teacup full of wasps at once, or jump into a pool filled with citric acid with 2000 fresh papercuts and 50 fresh piercings (and swim around for 30 minutes)?


Yoinked from the Would You Rather? game. We should resurrect that.

I remember that one, what did they answer?

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Guest Chizzleface
this is what you want ? try to be banned ? ;)

I think he just wants some questions answered and he'll risk anything to get em answered! :LOL:

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I didn't know if thisa one was posted yet and wasnt bothered to look through the thread. I just thought u tom groupies might like an extra photo.


Gosh! i really dont remeber that Tom was SO hairy....looks like my EX history teacher he has hair down to up his neck... :LOL:


Think to VEET!

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I know you're about Kirky boy.


If you could go down on yourself would you swallow, spit or spray?


Would you rather be raped with a sword or a saw?


Would you bum Gemsy, see as how she won't let me?


I want Matt, Chris and Dom to answer these questions. All you have to do is text them, find out, tell me and I'll leave you in peace.

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What Caff said is right: "

It's really not THAT bad...and it's in your mouth anyway so why bother spitting it out? You'll still have the taste in there!"


It's worse if you let it stew whilst you look for a place to spit.


I really wouldn't know, honey.


I'd swallow anyway coz I'm a dirty fucker like that.

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