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What's the craic with Belfast show? Is it confirmed? It's up on SSE Arena website but no word on Muse website...


It was also in the MCD press release, but was subsequently edited out from that, the MCD Facebook announcement and the SSE Arena deleted their main tweet about it. Muse also is no longer showing up for me on the SSE website under a search, but the direct link to the page still works.


Seeing as a date and venue were confirmed, I'm guessing that maybe it's due to be announced as part of the next batch of gigs which may include France and Germany? At least I hope so.

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I was speaking to a dude at Ticketmaster earlier who said the gig is going ahead, but he didn't know why it was removed from the site unless it was announced too early? It's been reported on UTV too! I'm down in Belfast tomorrow so I'll ask at the box office when I'm there and let you know the craic.

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I was speaking to a dude at Ticketmaster earlier who said the gig is going ahead, but he didn't know why it was removed from the site unless it was announced too early? It's been reported on UTV too! I'm down in Belfast tomorrow so I'll ask at the box office when I'm there and let you know the craic.


There like a bear.

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Yay! Finally an Irish date, I was just thinking last week that it's been too long since I've seen them. I think I'll be going alone this time as all my willing friends are Muse-d out of it. Can't see myself convincing them to come again. :stunned:



Anyone seen a price for Dublin yet?Some of UK ones seem to be around £70 mark for standing, hope Belfast is cheaper once it's confirmed.


Someone on boards.ie said the tickets are priced from €64.50. I haven't seen a source for that but it's seem too specific to not be true...


Also wtf is with them doing VIP packages... I always thought they'd be above that. :/

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Anyone seen a price for Dublin yet?Some of UK ones seem to be around £70 mark for standing, hope Belfast is cheaper once it's confirmed.


Someone on boards.ie said the tickets are priced from €64.50. I haven't seen a source for that but it's seem too specific to not be true... :/


€64.50 was in the official Irish press release.


I'm beginning to get a bit worried the standing tickets will be near €100 as the UK gigs all start at a similar price range at around £50.

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€64.50 was in the official Irish press release.


I'm beginning to get a bit worried the standing tickets will be near €100 as the UK gigs all start at a similar price range at around £50.


Jaysus, do they think we're made of money?:stunned::stunned::stunned: Hopefully it won't be that bad, last time they played there was only a €10 difference between standing and sitting as far as I remember...

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Prices start from €64.50 (that is before any booking fee's come into it), but does anybody know what the full price range is? The English shows show up a decent price range, and the most expensive ones are, I assume, the better seats. That would most likely be out of my price range, hoping to find out before Wednesday.

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Hi all i had to register a new account as I cannot gain access to the account i used to get my pre sale code for belfast back in march and i was wondering if there was anyone who wasnt using thier code for the 3arena if i could have it please :( I'd be forever greatful to you Thanks in advance

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