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I was joking of course but I wouldn't say it's beyond them TBH :LOL:


Would certainly be cool, I can't think of anyone thats done something like that..


I have a feeling that parts of this album were recorded Origin-style: all three playing at once. We've seen pics that suggest this could've happened on some tracks!

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I had a lecture on the Olympics the other day which brought back all the memories of Survival and I remembered how excited I was for that.


I'm not excited at all for this right now, looking forward to it definitely but there is just so little actual news for us to speculate on right now. Hope there is some soon.

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I have a feeling that parts of this album were recorded Origin-style: all three playing at once.


That usually turns out great :happy: I've been listening to a lot of Chariot recently and they used to record their stuff like that, as well. It gives a raw sound.

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