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Unsustainable live...mimed?


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Or at the stadium gigs next year, when it may not be the opener.


i bet it will either be the opener for all gigs on the 2nd law tour or get dropped forever at some point


Alfie's vid is properly hilarious - has he been told that electric drums produce real sounds if you connect them to your PC (or some kind of an amplifier, dunno how it works exactly)?

this plastic beat begins to get on your nerves halfway through (though he plays ok)


this thread is going off topic at the speed of light :LOL:

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i bet it will either be the opener for all gigs on the 2nd law tour or get dropped forever at some point


It definitely won't get dropped on this tour. Next album, probably, along with Isolated System, Animals and maybe Save Me, Liquid State and Explorers.

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I love animals. Hope it stays!


But about miming: Muse never plays live, they always mime. Matt can't even sing or play the guitar, he is a drummer. The only time they played live was when Quelli Che Il Calcio insisted thy played live. And the olympics. I guess some of that was live too.

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I can see quite a few songs from this album surviving another album cycle. Supremacy, Madness, Panic Station, Follow Me, Animals, Survival, all of them deserve to be staples


The singles will obviously stay, along with Supremacy. They usually only keep about 5 or so songs from each album on the next tour though, and they're usually the best known ones, so I'm not expecting Animals to stay. It could happen, I'm just not expecting it to.

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