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The 2nd Law videos


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It also seems based on some interviews of Matt, that your idea of entropy as implying hopeless chaos is more what he thinks. I always think with entropy the example of tint in water, which when dropped in, according to the entropy law, inevitably will mix with water until the liquid is uniformly coloured. For me the end result is more harmonic than the starting position :) That's pretty far from your picture.


Don't you think he used all the scientific stuff only because it looked kinda cool? ;)


Anyway probably all our interpretations can be correct, and yes a bit of ambiguousity leaves much more room for thinking.


This sums up the whole thread :fear:

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Don't you think he used all the scientific stuff only because it looked kinda cool? ;)


Hmm, provided that Matt is said to be a lazy bastard, I would say even superficial scrolling through some texts on energy is too much work for just seeming kinda cool :p Especially when most people on the board seem to think there is nothing cool in scientific stuff!


I actually liked Hannah's guess on other thread, that the people are running scared from Matt pedalling the toy car :LOL:

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So, this maybe sounds crazy, but the Unsustainable video contains many of the same elements and imagery as my band's video, Ascension, which we made about a year ago. Some is almost identical. It may be a happy coincidence, but it's a really striking coincidence. I'm not sure what to make of it.....


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