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I've used their guitars and basses in the past. No bassist should be without a 400X of some sort. It's a classic sound, unlike any other.


I've always loved the 360-12 too. It's an amazing sounding guitar and playing one makes you feel like a beatle.



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No bassist should be with a low income :( I have been GASing after a Rick for a long time, but I really can't afford it. I'm going to stick with what I have now as I'm bandless.

Focussing on photography as a creative hobby seems to work for now :)

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No bassist should be with a low income :( I have been GASing after a Rick for a long time, but I really can't afford it. I'm going to stick with what I have now as I'm bandless.



Hopefully the lack of band/Rick will be temporary for both of us...

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James, so how goes the Strat? EMG pups?




They actually sound a lot better than I had expected, but there's something that I didn't really like about them. It's hard to say what - maybe it's just psychological, as ridiculous as that sounds.


Maybe it's just not the sound I'm going for with this guitar. I do have plans for them in another project though.

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They actually sound a lot better than I had expected, but there's something that I didn't really like about them. It's hard to say what - maybe it's just psychological, as ridiculous as that sounds.


Maybe it's just not the sound I'm going for with this guitar. I do have plans for them in another project though.


That is one of the most confounding statements ever on the internet. ;)


I'll be interested to see what you do with the strat and what becomes of the pups.



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That is one of the most confounding statements ever on the internet. ;)


I'll be interested to see what you do with the strat and what becomes of the pups.




Really? I guess that's something to be proud of...I think


Well I guess it's not so much that I didn't like the sound, but that I was wanting a different sound from this particular guitar...which is why the EMGs are probably going to go into another guitar (a completely different one though - probably a mahogany tele with a floyd rose...!) It did have a fair few sounds available though.


What I'm planning at the moment is a HSS setup with some wiring 'goodies'...fender texas specials for the neck and middle, motor city 2nd degree black belt in the bridge. The wiring extras will basically be a master tone, and a second master tone which basically rolls off the lows instead of the highs. (probably will be useless in a strat, but we'll see). I also put in those low friction EVH pots just for the hell of it (mainly because most places seemed to be sold out of the CTS I usually prefer)


It's going (relatively) smoothly so far - here's what I've got at the moment.






The guitar itself is great though. Do you know if the gotoh is a drop in replacement for this bridge? I'd only replace it because it's a bit worn down and it's going to be pretty difficult getting everything clean again

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What kind of Psychopath would put a Floyd Rose on a Tele?


Those would sound good in a Mahog. Super Tele. it should have a lot of punch and depth.


I don't know if the Gotoh is a drop it. It might be depending on size, I would find a used or NOS OFR and replace it with that. It should be cheaper and retain the vibe. I have a guy I can ask and he'll know for sure. I'll email him and find out.



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What kind of Psychopath would put a Floyd Rose on a Tele?


Those would sound good in a Mahog. Super Tele. it should have a lot of punch and depth.


I don't know if the Gotoh is a drop it. It might be depending on size, I would find a used or NOS OFR and replace it with that. It should be cheaper and retain the vibe. I have a guy I can ask and he'll know for sure. I'll email him and find out.




The same kind of person who would get a guitar with a red sparkle finish ;)


...which would mean both of us.


Yeah, I would probably go for a HSS setup using the same pickups. I left the wiring harness assembled, but I doubt I can drop them in unless I get one top routed with a pickguard (highly unlikely)


I don't know, it seems fine for now, but I know how floyds can be with string breaking when they get worn down/dirty.


Also, I've had one of the pots go bad...that must be a record! the back basically fell off. It appears the little "legs" on the front weren't bent in properly....so that wouldn't have been damage from the soldering iron.


At least I bought a spare.


How's the Suhr treating you? And how does it compare to the other one?

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The same kind of person who would get a guitar with a red sparkle finish ;)


...which would mean both of us.


Yeah, I would probably go for a HSS setup using the same pickups. I left the wiring harness assembled, but I doubt I can drop them in unless I get one top routed with a pickguard (highly unlikely)


I don't know, it seems fine for now, but I know how floyds can be with string breaking when they get worn down/dirty.


Also, I've had one of the pots go bad...that must be a record! the back basically fell off. It appears the little "legs" on the front weren't bent in properly....so that wouldn't have been damage from the soldering iron.


At least I bought a spare.


How's the Suhr treating you? And how does it compare to the other one?


The new Suhr is really good. I'm going to have the bridge pickup exchanged for a DSH+ not because the Aldrich isn't good, but it's not my choice for an alder guitar. The DSH+has more mids and works better with a series or parallel switch. I love the Landau sig. singles I'm going to adjust the height of the V60lp's if I can't get them close to the Landaus in not, I'm going to replace them with landaus.


I have a gig Saturday, I'm going to give it a full four hour workout and then send it back to Suhr for the pickup swap and some minor changes to the setup.



Edited by Impulse 101
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Here's the rub on the Gotoh as a drop in for the OFR.


The answer is yes "but" if the guitar has a recessed routed trem ( like the HRR strat ) you will need to swap the string lock bolts for OFR ones and keep the original studs.

All the best.


So replace the bolts with a fresh set of OFR bolts and you're golden.



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Here's the rub on the Gotoh as a drop in for the OFR.


The answer is yes "but" if the guitar has a recessed routed trem ( like the HRR strat ) you will need to swap the string lock bolts for OFR ones and keep the original studs.

All the best.


So replace the bolts with a fresh set of OFR bolts and you're golden.




Hmm not sure if it would be worth it, but for now, I've bought a few parts from stewmac to get the current bridge in better shape. Should be good for a while if I can sort it out properly.


My bridge pickup still isn't here (Alex, if you see this, how long did it take to get that pickup we ordered?)... the guitar is just sitting there at the moment unfortunately. Got everything wired up for the most part though.


How was that gig with the new Suhr? (I assume you won't see this until after it's over)

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Hmm not sure if it would be worth it, but for now, I've bought a few parts from stewmac to get the current bridge in better shape. Should be good for a while if I can sort it out properly.


My bridge pickup still isn't here (Alex, if you see this, how long did it take to get that pickup we ordered?)... the guitar is just sitting there at the moment unfortunately. Got everything wired up for the most part though.


How was that gig with the new Suhr? (I assume you won't see this until after it's over)


The gig was great. It was MILF central and none of the husbands wanted to dance, so I watched hot Moms and their hot daughters shake it on the floor all night. There was even the dance squad from our arena football league, skanky but hot. (Not what you wanted to know but certainly noteworthy.)


As far as the gig and gear. The new guitar was awesome. I'm going to need to take it easy on the Floyd stuff, I played it nearly all night long I probably did a dive bomb in every song. I can't fault the Aldrich pup at all, I might even keep it. It doesn't have as much mid range, but it has so much attack and definition. It's very good, a total different flavor than the DSH+.


The neck and overall feel of the guitar is identical to my first Suhr. No adjustment period or anything like that, I could switch back and forth between the two and barely notice a difference.



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The gig was great. It was MILF central and none of the husbands wanted to dance, so I watched hot Moms and their hot daughters shake it on the floor all night. There was even the dance squad from our arena football league, skanky but hot.


and I was starting to get over my lack of gigs :(

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The gig was great. It was MILF central and none of the husbands wanted to dance, so I watched hot Moms and their hot daughters shake it on the floor all night. There was even the dance squad from our arena football league, skanky but hot. (Not what you wanted to know but certainly noteworthy.)


As far as the gig and gear. The new guitar was awesome. I'm going to need to take it easy on the Floyd stuff, I played it nearly all night long I probably did a dive bomb in every song. I can't fault the Aldrich pup at all, I might even keep it. It doesn't have as much mid range, but it has so much attack and definition. It's very good, a total different flavor than the DSH+.


The neck and overall feel of the guitar is identical to my first Suhr. No adjustment period or anything like that, I could switch back and forth between the two and barely notice a difference.




That's cool. Are the necks CNC'd? I know how your spec list had some specific measurements, and I'm guessing you'd be able to get closer if you CNC it... but I don't know


I think the Manson necks vary from guitar to guitar. They're very close, but not identical. I don't think this is a bad thing, as I'm not sure if there's actually a "perfect" neck profile out there, and these are the most comfortable necks I've played anyway.


And I can't say I'm using the floyd more than I should, even though I thought I would. It's been years since I owned a guitar with a floyd. I'm mainly just trying to break the habit of occasionally resting the side of my hand on the bridge.


I really like the design of the ibanez lo pro, especially since I don't have to cut the ends off the strings, meaning I don't need to worry about them popping out of the bridge. They've done that on the strat (twice), but I think the 'blocks' are just worn down. Already ordered some new ones the other day.

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CNC cut and hand finished on jigs. They are identical as far as I can tell. John is all about repeatable results. His goal is to remove the mojo factor and make every guitar the"great one". That the big boys get right one out of one hundred times. He's gone further in that respect, particularly with processing his wood stock, than anyone that I've seen.



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I'm mainly just trying to break the habit of occasionally resting the side of my hand on the bridge.


I never used to do that, but I've found myself starting sometimes since I got the MB-1. I think it's to avoid myself catching the XY screen when I don't mean to use it, but I know I need to get back out of the habit before I get the custom done, as it just won't work on there.

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I never used to do that, but I've found myself starting sometimes since I got the MB-1. I think it's to avoid myself catching the XY screen when I don't mean to use it, but I know I need to get back out of the habit before I get the custom done, as it just won't work on there.


I've pretty much stopped doing it, but it was mainly to anchor my hand when picking. It really doesn't work when you have a floating bridge.


But it's more Matthew :pope:






Hey Impulse, what do you think of the suhr DSH+ pickup? I'm really considering getting that for the hot rod strat.


I've already rebuilt the bridge on it with new saddles (the old ones were pretty dirty and worn down, plus I couldn't even get the little string lock things out) and put some new string clamps on the locking nut. Should be good once I get a bridge pickup for it.

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I've pretty much stopped doing it, but it was mainly to anchor my hand when picking. It really doesn't work when you have a floating bridge.


But it's more Matthew :pope:


To be honest, it's mostly for stuff like the clean picking on Micro Cuts and that kind of thing. It's more convenient then having you're hand running over the rest of the strings to get to them, but obviously, that doesn't work with a floating bridge either. I'll figure something out anyway.

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